Demon Lord, Retry!
- - The Imperial Capital of Light -
The royal capital in the heart of the Empire of Light was now gushing.
The children run around the city, and the magnificent ones drink, gorgeous even to the old men with crooked hips.
The other day, for the first time in hundreds of years, a real (...) holy brave man was born, so there's no need to talk about it.
To be precise, it should be said that the Sacred Clothes Box moved more than a thousand years ago.
I don't even know if it really worked so far. A slight reaction, or even a slight light. "There was a reaction! 'Cause it's been a big hustle and bustle at home and abroad.
I don't know if that's true or not. It's not something that people would listen to over and over again. Among nations, it is a reality that the empire has been totaled through as it is a joke that is mouthing with its face bright red.
But not this time.
It is true that the Sacred Clothes Box recognized one young man and certified him to be the Sacred Brave. However, only the man appearing in this story ignored it and appeared not to have even put it on his teeth.
(what is holy valor...... stupid......)
A man wears a hood deep and runs down a dim alley.
In the blessing mood that cited one country, the air the man was entangled in was unusual.
I don't know how much money I have in my nostalgia, I run my gaze all over the place, and I see it without alarm.
(The Goddess of Destiny... Dear Moira, bless me...!
The man progressed smoothly through seminary with elementary, secondary, and higher levels, successfully breaking through the subsequent tenure exams and gaining the status of "cleric" that everyone living in the Empire would envy.
A person who is not from a famous family can be described as a feat, such as obtaining that status at the age of slightly 28.
I'm too young to say anymore, but the path to becoming a cleric is very steep, and even at 35 or 40, the person titled "High School Seminary Student" is Zara.
The status of clerics in the Reich of Light is unusually high, and martial officers tend to be taken lightly from the upper echelons. Because it is thought that the path that stands at the entrance called the clergy and climbs from it is the one that approaches the "great light” and takes it even after death.
(I am the one who approaches the light and climbs the path of prosperity... ugh!
awe from people, generous benefits, tangible intangible protection, gratuity after retirement... be a cleric and be cheap for life, you can say.
Therefore, in the Empire, those who aspire to the priesthood are constantly followed. Most of them were torn in the middle of their dreams, never known to anyone, and it was customary to return to their homeland secretly.
(There was nothing more appropriate to me than that implication......)
Those who aspire to the priesthood are asked for strong propriety in the magic of "light" and "holiness".
Other than that, the identity and character of the family are solid and, of course, the absence of criminals within themselves is one of the conditions.
The man had a strong propriety for "light" and "holiness," but it was a reality that the essence was being paid for in advance, no matter how poor the house was and how many times he took the tenure exam.
No matter how much you encourage your studies, no matter how much you pray to the light, one barren day will not bear fruit.
A routine of repeating the same time as broken.
The "unsuccessful" character to be stuck out.
Was it routine or was it the man who broke first - eventually a group of strong faces appeared at the end of the alley where the man ran.
The man in the center wears small glasses and has a terrible look reminiscent of a snake.
It seems that this skinny man is the head of the group.
"This is it, Cleric. I've been waiting for you."
"... a little more, wasn't there a better day"
"Apparently, the whole country is floating. I didn't think I had a hand in not using this."
"This country believes in light, we believe in gold. That's just the difference. And in your nostalgia comes my great - my favorite God."
Even though the clergyman distorted his face, the skinny man kept his mouth open. To be precise, since the day I met this man, the broken routine has collapsed even further.
Now, I'll never go back to normal again.
"... I've got the money. What about the bumps?"
"Of course, we have all the superiors this time. Merciful clergy never thought there was enough medicine (...)."
"This is all the money I've got... I can't buy any more"
Seeing the massive amount of narcotics offered (trans), the cleric accidentally swallows the cockroach and spit.
However, only a small amount can be purchased with the gold I brought. The skinny man shook his head unfortunately, but suddenly he had a full grin about what he thought.
"No other clergyman deals. I'll give you a cheap one this time."
"What? Junkie... what are you up to?"
Are you naming me for a joke, or what it is?
A skinny man called Junkie snaps his neck and tells him like he's in trouble.
"I don't know what to plan. After a couple of deals here, I decided you were trustworthy. Service is essential for valued customers."
The clergyman wanted to scream, "I'm twinkling," as he snorted abominably.
Whether you are expecting this position or status.
In fact, the junkies take a heavy look at the presence of clerics. It is not possible that a person who is respected and in a clean position in this country will become a trafficker in trans.
It's like an incumbent police bureaucrat selling drugs while poking behind an investigation network. Out of hand, that would be.
"Are you going to rot up through me and be a guest"
"The more rotten the top, the better your position will be. Let us offer you not only trans, but also a variety of gifts if needed."
"... a gift, you say?
"Yep. Whether it's a thing, liquor, woman, or want, that's another country's secret. The higher you are, the more you have scratches on your tibia."
It's like a devil's whisper, the cleric thought.
If you grab the hand your opponent has stretched out, you will be dragged into further mud. Even if you are already soaked in mud to your neck, you have to tremble.
"I guess that's how you“ Daedalus Chamber of Commerce "have driven many people to ruin. You continent-eating pests."
Even as the men with strong faces colored by the clergy's voice, they grew as soon as the junkies raised their hands.
Well, they're well trained.
"From one side, pests are also useful. Sometimes exterminating results in unexpected tragedies… as sparrows and others are beneficial birds and pests. Inevitably, darkness accompanies light."
"You mouthless bastards... there will be a divine punishment for you Daedalus Chamber of Commerce and no, Icarus."
"Ha ha, that's... that's horrible and you're not going to sleep tonight"
The cleric threw a leather bag of nostalgia at him as he punched his tongue and got a ton of trans in exchange.
He will use this and move for further prosperity. Strong groups also disappear trying to blend into the floating streets.
Junkies out on the boulevard look back only once and turn to the heart of the Imperial Capital. There stood a magnificent temple that would blind the beholder and flatten him.
If you are a believer, it will be to see its beauty, to lay down and to weep.
"Divine Punishment, or... Makes Me Laugh"
From its mouth, there is zero that can neither be taken as a mockery nor a curse.
The junkie put her hand around her neck and squeezed the necklace hard mimicking the reverse cross that was there.
"This country, Daedalus, Icarus, you know... it's all for the great leader and utopian who guides us"
Small squealed. It also seems to imply something that happens in the distant future, including ominous.
One cleric was also giggling at the unexpected shelf (...).
"What, holy brave... no effort, no grid, just a kid lucky enough to get a ticket? Whatever sludge I paint, it climbs me down with its own strength, genius, everywhere!
- - This year marked a major milestone in the ritual of selection - -
A new Holy Brave was born in the Empire, and there were clerics running to their ambitions.
They will encounter a certain demon king later in life, but their fate will be divided.
One side marks a great footprint in history.
For the other, every being is obliterated from history.