Demoness’s Art of Vengeance

Chapter 252: The Elder Finally Comes

Moon Linglong didn't expect that everything had come to this point, and Jun Xiao stranger could still escape from her whip - the whip just now, she wanted Jun Xiao stranger to destroy her face directly, and as a result, the blue light coming out of nowhere blocked her gaze, distorted her whip, and let alone let Jun Xiao stranger escape the clamping of the guard.

“Why are you still standing there?! Go after him! A bunch of junk, not even a half-dead man can hold it down!” The moon roared furiously and ruthlessly, and the angry fire in her eyes was as real as burning down all the guards.

How can there be a princess in the moonlight of the moment? Instead, it's more like a pissed off mother lion, and she's pissed herself off.

Nor did the guards expect Jun Xiaoyuan to escape under such circumstances. They followed Jun Xiaoyuan and rushed towards her.

Jun Xiaowei ran away and stuffed another wounded Dan medicine into her mouth. Under the effect of three successive wounded Dan pills, she also had a lot of lucidity in her mind due to the pain and blood loss.

Speaking of escape, of all those present, Jun Xiaowei recognized the second, and no one could ever recognize the first. After all, after hundreds of years of flight, Jun Xiao Qiao had long escaped from his heart. Even if there was a slight chance, Jun Xiao Qiao would grasp it firmly and create a way to escape from birth.

So, thinking that Jun Xiaojiao would soon kneel down to beg for forgiveness, he found out that the other party had turned into a slippery catfish, and let her guards pounce around, busy for half a day to catch.

“Piece of shit! Piece of shit!” Princess Linglong jumped on her feet.

Zou Zilong has been watching with his arms beside him, putting on a look of being outside the matter, people who do not know the inside, can not see that he is the “trigger cord” of the whole thing. His gaze fell on the rugged Princess Linglong, his eyes flashed with disgust, and when he cruised on the stranger of Jun Xiao, a little heat appeared hidden, which was soon suppressed.

Although the body of Jun Xiao stranger is now slightly wolfish, the clothes filled with whiplashes were lined with the dark eyes of Jun Xiao stranger, which made Zou Zilong feel an abusive aesthetic. If the current situation were not too special, he might have rushed forward to tear up Jun Xiao stranger's clothes.

Zou Zilong feels that it must be very accomplished to let such eyes stain the love - the taste of lust.

However, Zou Zilong has always known what to do and what not to do. Princess Linglong is now obviously angry. He does not have to sin for a woman who cannot eat her mouth to make the biggest mountain leaning on Shiblade Peak.

She's just a beautiful woman, he hasn't seen it before. It's nothing without a Jun Xiao stranger.

Whatever thoughts are in her mind, Zou Zilong on the surface maintains a cold-eyed appearance, indifferent to the tragic situation of Jun Xiaoyuan, which also makes Princess Linglong's anger greatly relieved by the scene just now - see, Brother Zou has no interest and ambiguity for that woman, surely it is only Jun Xiao's own desire.

If Jun Xiaowei could hear Princess Linglong's voice, he would have to laugh at each other more naively and ignorantly than himself in previous life.

Jun Xiaowei was chased out of the gazebo by Princess Ling's guards, and sent a text message to Chiu Ruizhen while she was in the gap, and she reached the end of the crossbow.

There is no way, the damage caused by the crack whip is really too great. Even if Jun Xiaowei stuffed herself with a lot of healing medicine, for a moment and a half, she still can't recover. Plus, there are hidden signs that she reached Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi can

The attack by one of Princess Linglong's guards fell on Jun Xiao stranger, whose chest was full of blood and blood rushed down his throat. After a bite of blood erupted, she covered her chest and fell to the ground. Princess Linglong's guard quickly surrounded her.

“Enough, stop!” A majestic voice came from not far away, and with a hint of pressure, Princess Linglong's guards stopped their movements without agreement. Jun Xiaowei raised her head vigorously and found several new people along the trail. She didn't know any of them except Zhuang Xiaohua, but from the looks of their clothes, their identities should not be low.

“What exactly happened here?” The audacious voice continued to ask.

The voice was made by a middle-aged man with a few gray hairs, whose sharp eyes swept past Gun Xiaowei, swept past the guards beside Gun Xiaowei, and finally landed in a small pavilion in the distance.

It turns out that with the presence of others, Princess Linglong is not doing too well, even though she really wants to beat Jun Xiao stranger to death with a whip.

I tidied up my clothes and Princess Linglong walked out. When she saw people clearly, Princess Linglong curled her lips, her face remained unchanged, and lifted her chin to Junxiao stranger. She said: "Three elders, the palace feels that this disciple of Qingfeng sect behaved too improperly, so helping Qingfeng religion to train her, shouldn't it be excessive? ”

The Third Elder was slightly stunned, and the sharpness and majesty in his eyes slightly retreated.

Within the Qingfeng Sect, disciples are not allowed to harm the same door. After all, unity is important if a sect is to develop, at least to maintain superficial friendship and harmony.

If it were another disciple, he would have to go to the punishment hall with such harsh tactics against a new colleague openly. But the moon is different, she is the princess first, then the disciple of Qing Feng sect, no one in the presence is qualified and bold to throw her into the chastisement.

Moreover, the Third Elder supported Shiblade Peak Captain Xingping to become the next Qingfeng Sect Master, which required the support of Qingfeng Country. Naturally, the Third Elder would not dismantle his own platform.

Princess Ling is also well aware of this, so when she sees that she is the third elder of the Qingfeng Sect, her temper is even stronger.

As for Zhuang's cold flowers, the moonlight selectively ignored them. After all, among those present, the third elder has the highest status. Naturally, the person in charge is also the third elder of the Qingfeng sect.

“Now that the disciple has offended Her Royal Highness, leave her to Her Royal Highness.” The three elders' voices spoke with seriousness and authority, but the words made Jun Xiao strangely cold, shocked to look at the elder in the past, only a faceless face, one pair of eyes waveless.

Jun Xiaowei finally understood that this group of people were just as moral as the so-called "prestigious sects” she had encountered in her previous life, and could abandon their consciences for the sake of their interests.

She clenched her fist, and at this moment she regretted coming to Qingfeng. Instead of fearing death, she feared that her death would inflict unbridled pain on her loved ones.

Princess Linglong smiled proudly, holding the whip, slowly approached Jun Xiaoyuan step by step.

This time, she had to let Jun Xiaowei destroy his face before slowly torturing the other side to death!

At this point, a disciple next to the Third Elder stuck to his ear and whispered something, causing the Third Elder to twist his eyebrows - "Disciple of the Elder? ”

The disciple next to the third elder nodded, and the third elder said to himself: "Since he is the disciple of the presbytery, it is up to him to make a plan. ”

“Slowly, Your Highness, the disciple cannot move.” The Third Elder raised his hand to stop Princess Linglong's move, and Princess Linglong had lifted her whip by now and was ready to throw it away.

The stopped Princess Linglong was very unhappy, and she asked coldly, “Third Elder, what do you mean, the palace can't even handle a little disciple? ”

“Her Highness, she is a newly recruited disciple of the presbytery, so I am afraid...” The three presbytery observed the divine colour of Princess Linglong while organizing the speech.

At this time, the three elders do not have the same dignity as when they first appeared, but treat and please the Princess with care.

“The palace doesn't care! So what if she is the new apprentice of the presbytery? Can he be bigger than the princess of this country?!” Princess Linglong said angrily that a whip was banged by her and the ground split open with a fine stitch.

It can be imagined how painful this whip will be on people, and many people look at the deep bone marks on the stranger to the king.

Though a little sympathetic to the princess, they chose Myung-chul to protect themselves.

Jun Xiao looked at this hilarious and ridiculous scene coldly. As Moon Linglong continued to walk towards her, she laughed, enduring the pain on her body and laughed wildly: “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha as as as as as

“You shut up! Don't insult our country! Qing Qing Guo Xiao?! The palace can send any dog around to crush you, believe me!” Princess Linglong stared furiously at Jun Xiaowei.

Not far away, the guards almost indescribably held their fists and loosened them again.

Behind Princess Linglong, the maiden named “Xiao 'er" lowered her head and hid a hint of resentment and hatred - didn't she? The princess used to think of them as just a dog.

No, it's worse than a dog. The princess's pet dog, Cher, lives a thousand times better than their slaves. In addition to taking care of the princess's life and living, they have to make the other party's anger sandbags. If they can't move, they are beaten with a whip. Better yet, they can recover a life. Even half of their lives are almost finished.

That's why she chose the rebels. She didn't want to live with any more nerve. If she made enough money, she would leave the palace and stay away from this shithole.

She raised her head secretly and glanced at the people on the other side of the road. In the crowd, she saw the flowers.

Zhuang Xiaohua seemed to have inadvertently swept on her side and then continued to watch the struggle between Junxiao and Moon Linglong. The corners of her lips soared with an almost invisible curve, cold, and emotionless.

Daughter Eun lowered her head again, bit her lower lip, and her eyes flashed.

Princess Linglong, a fool, would not know that there were several people around her who had been bought by Zhuang cold flowers, and she was one of them, Xiao Eun mocked in her heart, full of disdain for Moon Linglong.

As the true master of Xiao 'er, Zhuang's cold flower, watched with great interest the Bureau set up by her own hands, and circled in both the enemies Jun Xiaoyuan and Yue Linglong.

All of this is in her calculations. She has already bought the pages next to Princess Linglong, and she has given her orders to “retaliate.”

She wanted Moon Linglong, Zou Zilong and Junxiao to fight to take advantage of the fishermen.

Most importantly, she has always disobeyed that Jun Xiaoyuan has become a true disciple of Ching Rui, and if she wants Jun Xiaoyuan to “suffer a little”, it is undoubtedly best to borrow a knife to kill someone.

And now it seems to be working very well.

Look, isn't Jun Xiaoyu and Moon Linglong strangled? Zhuang Cold Flowers thought lightly on the corner of his lips and was in a very happy mood.

Just as Zhuang Cold Flowers waited to continue watching the show, the three elders fluttered around, Zou Zilong watched the wall, Princess Linglong intended to suck Junxiao to death with one breath, a middle-sky roar from the sky interrupted the attention of all -

“Stop it! Who dares touch my apprentice?!!! ”

Along with this roar, a giant crane clapped its wings and fell among the crowd, leading to a long, twitching neck.

Jing Rui finally arrived.