Although Gusrin tame the beasts, she also cherishes the beasts, otherwise the beasts here will not be obedient and still retain their original fierce beast blood, also because she can't bear to domesticate them in a cruel way.

"This god beast, I gave it to you little brother, don't charge money!" Gu Silin gathered her amazed expression and smiled at Qiao Yu with a charming smile.

"Ah?" He didn't expect Guslyn to be so generous, and the abdomen drafts he finally made were useless for a while.

Gusrin twitched her sexy lips and glanced at the people with different looks: "Why is this expression? It is also fate to find the right host, not to mention the dangers in the sky everywhere, you can take it with you, don't Look at its small size, but its ability is very tough! "

At this moment, the strong voice sounded again from consciousness.

"Women, do you know why this little butterfly is so stupid?"

Bai Ye asked curiously: "Why?"

The appearance of Yin Feng Da La La, taking away the words of Lie, explained: "Because this stupid big heart is simple, even if he looks at Mei Mei's eyes, he will not be confused. Now there are not many humans like this. Simply say, Just because he has no brains! "

white night:"……"

"Do you want to talk more? Find death?" Threatened with discontent.

"Laozi is happy! I think you are itchy. How do you want to fight?"

Immediately afterwards, the voices of the two beasts disappeared, and Bai Ye didn't need to know that Wuting Cave would become messy again.

It turned out that Meidie did not value Qiao Yu's appearance, but his heart. Humans are a race full of desire. Evil and justice often coexist, even for herself. People who live so purely like Qiao Yu are almost rare. Too.

After obtaining the consent of Gu Silin, Qiao Yu and Meidi successfully contracted, and Meidie was also released from the golden cage, turning around Qiao Yu, so happy.

Behind a burly handsome man, followed by a cheerful little butterfly, this picture is too beautiful, funny dead?

Several people laughed in unison at the same time, Qiao Yu flushed blushingly, and could only follow silly music.

Gu Silin took advantage of others' attention and dragged Fu Sheng's sleeve, pointing out the door.

Fu Sheng bent his lips, moved his eyebrows, and followed out when everyone didn't notice.

Bai Ye hardly settled the money for costume jewelry to Battle, and the name was just the happy money he gave to him.He couldn't refuse the goodwill of the guest, so he accepted it.

At night, the sound of gongs and drums resounded all over the world, and under the blaze of campfires, the wedding ceremony of Battle and Una began.

The residents of the village stood in two rows from left to right, each holding a bowl of brewed rice rice wine in their hands, leaving a wide passage in the middle for a couple to accept the blessing and baptism of all villagers.

Li Xunle, holding this bowl, squeezed it to the front. He wondered whether the bride's eyes were swollen or not, and would suddenly fall asleep halfway.

It's time for auspicious time. A loving young couple appeared in the middle of the crowd from the front. Every time, the villager's Mi Tuo wine was poured on them, indicating that the bad luck of the past will disappear from now on. With the blessing of the people and the blessing of the gods, a brand new happy life will be launched.

They had been stricken with embarrassment, drunk, but still smiling sweetly.

Una looks sweet and is a very eye-catching girl. Although her eyes are red and swollen, she still can't hide her beauty. This is destined to be the most beautiful day of her life.

Bai Ye laughed heartily, splashed the wine in the bowl with everyone, and sincerely wished them!


At the end, the team of tomorrow will continue on the road!Tickets, comments, all shocked xi.a

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