Demonic Prince’s Wild Consort: The Trash Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 772: Crown Prince 'Dedication' (1)

Ojan looked at him, his eyes turned to Fenglao again, and his eyes were disappointed.

"Since the python has been selected, I will not obstruct it for the Gu people's sake." All his words were shaking.

The dust settled, and Bai Ye finally walked out of the crowd, and she heard Ojan's words when she came forward, and she gave him a few more glances.

The redefinition of the sacrifice is indirectly admitting that the previous selection of Xiaojiu was a mistake. Feng Lao led the Gu people up and down to express their apologies for hiding the facts to Bai Ye mother and son. Friends, since they have a relationship with the Gu people, they are always welcome to be guests at any time in the future.

Feng Lao, who seemed to have actually changed his clientele to send guests away, made Bai Ye resist the urge to roll his eyes and refused to accept the water and soil. After a short rest, he left the Gu family to end the topic.

In order to prevent another change, the two elders brought the gods' sacrifice ceremony to today to be held today. The scene is probably not good-looking.

Although the bloody son of the three elders had more than one death, Bai Ye did not have the interest of watching. Let these pedantic old men toss themselves.

He Feng said hello and they left the square.

Taking advantage of everyone's open space in the square, the four did not go directly back to the room and quietly went to the three unguarded places to check.

Until sunset, the sacrifice ended, but still nothing.

At the gate of the courtyard, they met Feng Lao who came to greet them personally.

The old guy said the words "Welcome back anytime" again with a smile on his face, afraid that a few people would not understand his hint, and asked when they would leave with care, so that they could give each other personally before being white night before The same reason blocked back.

Originally, she wanted to sacrifice her son to heaven. The old guy was embarrassed and drove them away.

"Old man! Do you think we like to live in this broken grass house! If it weren't for investigating the entrance of the patio, who would stay here!"

As soon as Feng Lao left, Baili Hongzhuang broke out, spraying in a direction towards his departure.

It is not a storm to think about where she went before, as long as there is a man, there is a minister under her skirt!

It ’s good now, being hurried by the dead man three times!

Xingchen squeezed her eyebrows, and if things didn't go any further, she would face up with Gu people sooner or later.

Everyone fell silent.

Bai Ye patted the child gently, thinking quietly for a moment, then squinted, using the method of elimination, and finally found the clues.

"Although there are no formations or internal force fluctuations in those three places, I speculate that the entrance of the patio is probably in the cemetery."

After she broke the silence, other people cast their eyes puzzled, waiting for her explanation.

"Although the location of the worm mound is now used for burying insect corpses, haven't we found any traces of people living there? It seems that it has only been migrated in recent years. Poisonous grass gardens need soil nutrients. Poisonous grass grows. "

"Then only the cemetery meets the requirements!" Baili Hongzhuang knocked on the table excitedly, and wanted to quickly find the mother of the patio and Xiao Yeye, so as to leave this ghost place!

"Isn't the old man at the wind saying that he wanted to entertain us, just use this opportunity to kidnap him and force him to tell the secret of the cemetery and it's over." Lan Cang touched his chin and raised a frown.

"Come on, can you do something unharmed? Shoot an old man, you can figure it out!" Xing Chen rolled his eyes in disgust.