Love's anger continued, and Baiya turned into a few rays of light, spinning in the air and enveloping Eujan who was about to escape.

It seems to have been the most tragic torture in the world. Ozhan's roar is like hell, his voice trembles, and the words for mercy are intermittent, showing how painful the suffering is.

Bai Ling Huo Ran contracted, Ou Zhan issued the last long scream and was thrown out, fell to the ground softly, and there was no more movement.

There was a young girl who was crying and crying, and at this time, he blinked and killed Ozhan and two huge worms without blinking.

Bai Ye and Lan Cang were the first time she saw her killing, she couldn't help dumbfounding and secretly marveling.

"I want to hurt my daughter and apprentice, and it will be cheaper for him to die!"

Luo Fu looked at Ojan on the ground, his voice was cold, and his bones were cold.

The reason why the fairy in the cloud has such a high status cannot be simply harmless.Is this really her?

The dragon's inverse scale touches death!

Putting up Bai Ling, the sorrow in Love's eyes faded away, and then he looked at his daughter and appeased: "Don't be afraid, Ye'er, it's all right."

Seeing Bai Ye still stared at her in a daze, she smiled a little embarrassedly and explained: "I haven't dealt with people much since I advanced in more than a month. I tried to confiscate. Are you ... scared? "

Bai Ye shook his head, and suddenly rushed over to hold Love's hands: "Mother, you are so spicy, it was so powerful just now!"

Love saw her daughter staring at herself with a smile on her face. It didn't look scared at all.

This made her a little relieved, and immediately became proud: "This is of course! Your mother has not been idle all these years, and her strength cannot be underestimated!"

Bai Ye nodded again and again, and she thought it was so cute that she made herself proud of what she was doing.

"Mother, let's go with us!" She said in earnest, tightening the warm hands in her palm again.

"Okay. We are facing difficulties together."

Bai Ye broke into the forbidden land, and the main hall couldn't easily stop. She thought about it, she had to go together this time, and she couldn't let her daughter cope alone.

Listening to her say, Bai Ye finally showed a heartfelt smile on her face.

"Mother is waiting for me for a while, Lancang, you come with me!"

After she finished speaking, she took the lead and ran away, followed by Lancang lazily, followed her to the four trails she had just entered when she entered the island, and began to gather up the herbs frantically.

Wutingdong's medicinal materials have been defeated. With such a large price, it is not greedy. The cliff is not her style.

The spring, summer, autumn and winter medicinal herbs grown here, but the kung fu has been almost picked by the two in the quarter of an hour, and finally they were all taken away by the white night.

When Love arrived, she only looked around dumbfounded, but did not ask out loudly, when they wanted to use these herbs to sell money.

The three rode out of the island intimately with the flying birds.

At this time, the second elder of the temple was pacing anxiously beside Tianyanchi.

Why haven't they been back for so long?

Suddenly, a bird hissing in the distance pulled them back into sight.

The huge firebird appeared again, and only after seeing the people above did they finally let the heart hanging from them fall.

As for the dead old man in Lancang's hands, they didn't care.

Bai Ye and his mother carried together, Lancang held Luo Fu's other hand with no face or skin on the side, and the three were in a good mood.