Descent of Demon god

52nd Kraken (1)

What are you up to? ’

She was convinced that there was a hidden plan from the Chamberlain.

However, the ship's appearance became stronger a little while ago.

Built by bundling several ships, it was a strength that was less shaky than a normal ship, but it became stronger to roam.

‘Something is coming up from under the water. ’

Her judgment was swift.

If you want something to happen under the sea, you can defend it in the first place.

Blah, blah!

The breeze that can handle the spiritual energy can emit extreme heat.

With a lot more ginger than the monsters, the millennium was only a few seconds away, making the sleeping area of the nearby sea completely frozen.

‘You got it.'

I even tried it for the first time, but it worked.

The ice, which was about two meters thick, stopped moving.

As the sleep froze, the quietly running speed line of the gate table was also caught.

“You said you couldn't run away, right? ”

He stared at the avatar of the podium with a thousand joys.

The avatar has no movement.

It was just then.

Bang, bang! Bang!

The ship that thought it had calmed down was shaken as if it were in shock.

It felt like something was jamming underneath.


At that time, Baekgi ran to the place where there was a thousand luck.

He thought it was unusual for the whole ship to shake so severely.

I was surprised to see the sea frozen.

“Is this... Did the lord freeze them all? ”

I nodded without a word.

Then Baekgi put out his tongue.

He wondered how far I would have gotten if I were myself now.

‘....... still looks like a monster. ’

The prophecy said that Seongcheon went into the future with unexpected accidents.

Then I wouldn't have been trained and experienced for as long as I did, but it was a phenomenal rate of growth.

‘Is that Heaven's work? ’

He too had a great fortune, but it was unmatched.


At that time, I grabbed something and held out my head.

The golden fur gumiho, like a baby fox, glittered in gold as if it were interesting.


I looked at her curiously.

Ignoring him, the golden hair gumiho told Lady Chun.

There's some pretty interesting stuff down there. You're welcome.

“..... talking fox? ”

His eyes widened.

I have experienced a lot along the millennium, but I have never seen a fox speak.

I'm telling you, what, complaints?

The golden hair gumiho looked at me as if it was uncomfortable to plant.

Then a big noise erupted in the car.

Boom, boom! Boom!

They look at the source at the same time.

“What the hell is that? ”

South side of the Auction House.

In other words, where there was a speedboat for VIP customers, three large, long things protruded through the ice and the bottom of the ship.

It was like a round mouthful of breath, like an octopus or a squid.


“Hey, what's this? ”

From those on the speedboat, those on board were startled, screaming.

At first glance, this gigantic, thick leg, 15 to 20 meters long, was enough to give a sense of pressure.

If you had just seen this, you would have seen a really big octopus or squid.


Bloop! Bloop!


It looks like an eyeball between the breaths of a giant leg.

The eyes shifted horribly.

“Above, at risk? ”

“How can this happen if the gate is not open? ”

People sensed that this strange thing was related to the gate.

By the way, a dangerous individual rolling his eyes at the ship.


The three giant legs stagger, striking the speedline with a whip.


“Mo, everyone's evacuated! ”

It was then.

The first bridge to strike the ship stops with a bang in the air.

Papa Papa Papa Pa Pa!

On top of the ship, someone is slamming towards the giant bridge at an incredible speed that can't see both hands.

“You're tough on the big octopus. ”

I was thinking about robbing the Auction House, but it was a fast Kohaku who was about to board the ship.

I started to think that if I didn't get rid of that weird bridge, everyone on the ship would be dead.


Of course, there were a lot of people who went after it.

Distinguished unaccounted for in each country.

The same was true of the swordsman Jack Oren.

“I came to participate in the auction, but nothing but annoying things. Yes.”


The UAVs jumped in unison and struck the rocks, flying a new sentence towards the legs of the dangerous individuals threatening the ship.

It was a moment when the ship turned into a battlefield that sparked the battlefield against the gate.

Meanwhile, about 300 meters away on a rocky ship.

The ship's spotlight unilaterally reveals the surface of the front of the ship.

Papa Papa Pa Pa!

Numerous people were trying to break the frozen surface with all kinds of water, including shooting and throwing bombs at the front.

The officers and crew in the wheelhouse were also rolling their feet.

“What happened to the motor? ”

“I'm about to melt the frozen side, but it should take me about ten minutes. ”

“It's not a fucking icebreaker. ”

It takes up to ten minutes to break through the ice and escape.

Everyone in the wheelhouse saw the notice of the Chamber of Shadows.

He was looking out at the auction house that was becoming a mess in the distance through the wheelhouse window.

Breaking the ice and ships, more bridges protrude.

Papa Papa Pa Pa!

“Bigger. ”

It was bigger than it was seven years ago.

The legs of that alpha dangerous individual named Kraken are not limited to eight or ten, such as octopus or squid.

That's why he was such a difficult monster to deal with.

Without him in the group, we wouldn't have been able to capture him alive.


Then someone enters the door of the wheelhouse.

He was a middle-aged, fourty-year-old with a grey mask on.


He was Excellent, the right arm of the Chamberlain.

Thanks to the frozen surface, he opened the airstrip and boarded the ship.

“How's it going? Can you move the ship? ”

One of the crew in the wheelhouse answered an urgent question.

“As soon as the motor side is resolved, I think I can operate. ”

“You think? You think there's a chance of that now? ”

Cheol yells at the crew in a very anxious voice.

It was worth it, seeing such a wide sea frozen over like this, it was worth the rush.

“I don't know when that monster's coming after me...”

“Calm down. Excellent. ”

“Senior researcher?”

“There's plenty of time. Look at that."

It was a boathouse where large, suctioned bridges were constantly protruding through the floor.

Twelve have already passed by just what I could see.

Boom! Curr!

Despite the desperate defense of speedboats by foreigners from all over the country, several vessels connected to the auction house were almost destroyed.

Those who were powerless cried out in agony.

“It's getting... bigger. ”

Cheol said as if he was surprised.

When I first saw that, it was no exaggeration, even if it was twice or three times.

Originally a Grade A alpha subject, if it had grown like that while trapped in the deep sea, it might have gotten stronger by now.

“You think you can handle a monster like that in ten minutes? ”


“And he can never come straight to us. ”


“In Segan, they call him a hero. ”

Thousands of women who solved the TRA crisis were called heroes by many.

Thanks to this, the reviews of the group Yongcheon or the Catholicism gradually changed positively.

It was a brother-in-law who tried to join him to take advantage of this reputation.

“Ah! He can't turn his back on them. ”

“The unmanned are obsessed with fame, both now and then. Especially when you're leading a group as big as me. ”

He laughed.

The damage would be substantial, but even customers could abandon it at any time if they were intimidated by the group.

“Almost there. ”

It's already five minutes in between.

We're almost out of here.


At that moment, the entire ship trembles and you hear the motor of the engine spinning.

One of the crew shouts.

“The defrost on the motor is complete! ”

In the report, the desk smiled and said to Cheol.

“See? There's no rush. Now that we're out of here...”

“Hey, Senior Researcher! ”

However, Zhang Yang pointed back to his white face.

I turned my head to look for something.

‘!? ’

Someone stands outside the window of the wheelhouse.

It was a thousand women who stood with shaded faces outside the darkness.

‘Ey, what's he doing here? ’

There was no time to be surprised.

As soon as she put her finger against the window,


The glass shatters and debris hits the inside of the wheelhouse.

Papa Papa Pa Pa!



The crew members of the wheelhouse were in a state of panic, and fragments of glass pierced through them like sharp memorization.


Cheol tried to protect the citadel while hurrying to stop the debris.

“Step aside.”

As she swung and shook her hand,


Boom, boom!

I flew out through the wall of the wheelhouse.

It was surprising how many layers of plywood crumbled like pieces of paper.


Nam was the master of the superpowers that played bodyguard, but she was like a child who did not wean milk.

“Worry about you. ”

A thousand years later, I tried to pull it with my hands.

Then, the body of the Moon Table, which was about to flee by the heavy season, was forcibly dragged to Thousand Wolves.


“Vee, damn it! ”

At this rate, Chapman exercised his ability to think that he would be caught.

His right hand is red.

And the white frost shook in his left hand.

His ability is Heat conduction and Cold conduction.

By raising the body temperature of the creature in contact with the right hand, it could be burned, or by rapidly lowering the body temperature of the creature in contact with the left hand, it could be frozen.


It was a strategy that might work even in a surprise.

When the millennium moves the checkpoint a little,

(# 52517;)


His arms are cut off simultaneously by an intangible sword.

Even a Muslim can't endure the pain if his arms are cut off, but can he endure it?


A scream erupts.

His blood drenches the floor of the wheelhouse.

Leave him alone and he'll bleed to death.

Papa Papa Pa Pa!

As the thousand foxes blow, Jingi seeps into the blood on both shoulders and stops bleeding.

Of course, this was only a temporary measure.

If you let it continue, you will die of shock caused by bleeding.

As she sits slightly on the wheelchair in the wheelchair and raises her hands, her body flutters and approaches him.

"Yi, is this guy really a god? ’

Only the most incredible things were happening.

“I think we're ready to talk now. I thought you said it was a book of books?”

In her words, the ruby table bites my lips.

Hey, Jo Hogi! ’

Other than that, no one could reveal their real name.

I feel uneasy about how far I've blown it.

Meanwhile, the two eyes of the desk show a view outside the broken window.

The Auction House is still being held up by the wriggling legs of the Kraken.

He couldn't understand.

“Shhh... Why... why aren't you helping them? ”

In response to the question, she laughed and asked.

“Why would I? ”


I was dumbstruck for a moment because of an unexpected answer.

“Well, if you don't save them, your reputation...”


I grabbed the hair of the table like that.


“You seem to be mistaken. What faction do I look like to you? ”

‘!? ’

“You don't want to miss your castle to save people you don't even know. ”

He felt like he was being hit on the head with a hammer.

I just thought of him as just a bunch of Muslim pedestrians, just thinking of his paths.

But it was a foolish mistake.

"Yi, this guy…"

It is only moved by its own Celia.

< 52nd Kraken (1) > End