"This is the funniest joke I heard today." Wu Chuan added aside.

The other newcomers still said nothing, and everyone looked at Jin Ke with a pity expression.People with poor strength generally can only take advantage of the mouth guns.

Jin Ke didn't take Zhao Bo any more and walked back to the team to stop silently.

"It's enough to kill me? Rely! Dare to let this kind of words come out, there is a kind of PK with me?" Zhao Bo was not willing to let go.A war 5 scum waste dissuaded by the coach, actually said that killing him is enough!How can Zhao Bo, who has just been immersed in the joy of taking the throne of a new student, be tolerated by others?And it was a provocation from a warfare slag waste!

The newcomer students looked at Jin Ke again, and the poor people must have hateful things!It’s not as good as people, why are you still talking rant?Now it's okay, Zhao Bo has proposed a single PK. Jin Ke will definitely lose if he fights. He dare not fight. Didn't the words just hit his face?

I really don't want to continue mixing in the Assassin Training Center!Just like a picture, I am happy.

However, just such a big talk was released in public just now. If I immediately admit it now, wouldn't it become a joke of the entire training base? How can he still be a man in the training base in the future?

"PK? No problem, accompany me at any time." Jin Ke agreed.

"Uh... can't you? Don't be too impulsive..." Xu Shu wanted to dissuade Jin Ke. After all, the two came from the same villa. When Jin Ke had just arrived, Xu Shu offered to express his friendship to Jin Ke.

"The courage to accept PK is commendable, but can I win? The big words are so good, the reality is cruel!" Other newcomers also see the current dilemma of Jin Ke. If they do not accept PK, they will definitely become the laughing stock of the training base. Now He could only stand on the ground with his scalp.

"Okay! Let's play a PK! Jin Ke is so confident that you can beat me, then please sit down! Double the compensation!" Zhao Bo worried about Jin Ke's repentance and immediately made a PK request to Jin Ke and made a gambling game. Shouted loudly.

"I am not interested in gambling." Jin Ke refused Zhao Bo.

"Acknowledge?" Wu Chuan asked aloud beside him.

"Sure enough, I confessed." Other students also whispered in a whisper that there is no punishment for this kind of virtual PK. Players can only be stimulated by adding bets between players with contribution points.In their view, Jin Ke didn't dare to gamble for only one reason, he didn't think he could win.

If you don’t gamble, losing is a face problem; if you gamble, you will be sent to an ecological plantation to pick up manure.Zhao Bo is also ruthless enough!Let Jin Ke sit in the bank and others will bet, and everyone will definitely lose the deposit!It is very easy to bet 2,000 points, one bet two, and 4,000 points is enough for Jin Ke to pick one month's worth of manure in the ecological plantation.

"What does PK without betting mean? Are you not confident enough to beat me? Why don't you dare to gamble? Think you will lose before you fight?" Zhao Bo continued to stimulate Jin Ke, and only Jin Ke should bet Only after he defeated Jin Ke by PK could he send Jin Ke to the ecological plantation to pick manure.If Jin Ke sits in the bank, no matter how many others bet, Zhao Bo will definitely fill up 2,000 points and let Jin Ke pay double 4,000 points.

"Don't like gambling, what's the matter?" Jin Ke said with a natural tone.

"You can admit that you can be so stylish, and this hero, Fan Jin, is so admirable!" Wu Chuan continued to ridicule and sarcastically.

"Some people really don't like gambling, just like some people don't like smoking, don't be too reluctant." Xu Shu couldn't see the words that blocked Zhao Bo and Wu Chuan.

"Okay! Since he refuses to sit down, I will make it difficult for him to sit down again! Like the last game, I will go down! Double the payout! Welcome to bet!" Zhao Bo is a little depressed, but still does not want to let go of this ease. The opportunity to earn contribution points.I just earned 550 points just now, but this time I can earn a few points.

"Who dares to bet in Zhuangzhuang? Isn't this funny?" Wu Chuan said to Zhao Bo.

"That is, who dares to bet with such an obvious victory or defeat?" Other newcomers also shook their heads.This kind of PK banker can cheat if he loses and intentionally loses the PK, so he can only bet on himself to win.Zhao Bo bets on himself to win Jin Ke. Only when Jin Ke defeats Zhao Bo can other bets earn points.

Just now the betting point and Zhao Bo all lost money to the students who gambled, or it was the case that the new student student Fang Ye played.Now in this situation, Jin Ke dare not bet on himself to admit his counsel first. Is anyone else wronged?Did Bai Bai give Zhao Bo a contribution point?

"Isn't anyone betting? Then I bet 2000 points." Jin Ke saw Zhao Bo opened the PK to confirm the settlement, but immediately cast a 2000 point full bet.He was too nervous recently, and responded to Zhao Bo's humiliation and provocation, followed by the opportunity to send a fortune.

"You bet 2000 points? Didn't you just say you didn't like gambling?" Zhao Bo didn't respond and asked Jin Ke in a confused voice.

"Now I like it again suddenly, can you control it?" Jin Ke continued to take for granted.Do you need to ask the truth?Zhao Bo previously let Jin Ke sit down, and Jin Ke won only 2000 points.And now it is Zhao Bo who sits down and Jin Ke bets 2000 points to win 4000 points back.

The same is a win, how to choose 4000 points and 2000 points?

So Jin Ke said in front that he didn't like gambling, and suddenly liked it later.

Personal hobby!Time is changing.

"Of course! Hahahahaha... It looks like someone is indeed damaged! The head is also seriously damaged, and this is making a big profit!" Zhao Bo reacted, and couldn't help but ecstatic.

Jin Ke bets 2000 points, which means that once Jin Ke loses the contest, he will compensate Zhao Bo for 2000 points!Once the compensation is not paid, Jin Ke will be forced to work in the ecological plantation. Working day and night in the ecological plantation will earn about 150 contribution points a day, and 2000 contribution points can almost make Jin Ke ecological. It has been more than ten days in the plantation.

Although it is not as exciting as Jin Ke to personally pay 4,000 points, Zhao Bo can easily earn 2000 points, and Jin Ke is fined to pick up more than ten days of manure. This result has already made Zhao Bo very satisfied.

"Am I right? I bet 2000 points?"

"Crazy! This new student is crazy!"

"It was stimulated by Zhao Bo and Wu Chuan, these two are really ruthless!"

"I blame him for being stupid, not capable, and someone else got hooked after stimulating two sentences, and unfortunately deserved it."

"Yeah! Don't practice it if you're not an assassin! You must force yourself to a dead end."

"I think he abandoned himself and broke the jar."

Newcomers and trainees made various comments.