Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 85 Life-and-death decisions

An hour ago.

In front of the Parrot Bar.

Liu Xu, Jin Ke, Qin Haojie, Xiao Baiqing, Ni Yue and others watched Luo Xiangchun disappear on the corner of the street. When they were about to return to the villa, they were stopped by Yu Gang and Xu Shu.

"It just happened that everyone came out today, and I want to talk to you about something. We asked for a private room upstairs in the Marriott nightclub two streets away. Let's sit up together? It won't delay too much time. By the way, Don't talk to anyone, especially Chen Dao and Xiao Xi, on the phone about our party at the Marriott." Xu Shu said while looking around.

"The game is still on the mobile phone. Before entering the private room later, it is important to put the character in the dormitory to sleep well and temporarily quit the game." Yu Gang added a few words.

"What's the matter? It's so mysterious?" Liu Xu pouted.

"Go to Marriott and you will know." Yu Gang and Xu Shu urged everyone.

Tonight everyone is going to drink with Luo Xiangchun. They have already settled their roles before. At the same time, they also asked the teacher Chen Wei to leave. Jin Ke temporarily gave Xueer the help of Liu Xiaoxi. He can always know the situation of Xueer through the QQ video. , Don't worry too much.

So everyone followed Yu Gang and Xu Shu to the Marriott nightclub two streets away.

The Marriott Night Club is located opposite the Qingtian 2nd Road subway station. It is one of the largest nightclubs in Yellow Crane City. It provides a nightlife for people of all walks of life in Yellow Crane City.

An otaku like Jin Ke had never been to a bar when he was in Yunfeng, let alone a place like a nightclub.In his impression, bars and nightclubs are all places where the public security is chaotic. It is easy to have fights and fights. For your own safety and to avoid causing trouble to the upper body, of course, you must avoid it.

I came to the Marriott nightclub with everyone tonight, and I felt that it was not as chaotic as expected, except for the excitement.

Xu Shu is a wealthy second generation, and he will pay for the drinks tonight and the nightclub private room.But tonight he obviously did not bring everyone to the nightclub to play. After entering the private room booked in advance, Yu Gang drove the waiter out and locked the door of the private room.

"What exactly do you two mysteriously want to do?" Liu Xu asked the two strangely.

"Did the game quit?" Yu Gang confirmed to everyone with a serious expression.


"I have already quit, and when I came out to drink with Luo Xiangchun, I fell asleep and quit the game."

"Something to say! Don't worry about it!"

Everyone answered Yu Gang, and urged him to say a few words.

"Everyone has been in the studio for a while? Did you find this game different from other games?" Yu Gang started the topic tonight.

"The body becomes stronger! Chen Dao's explanation last time was really far-fetched. It was an insult to IQ to say what kind of restaurant's diet and fingers can be exercised by pulling on the screen!" Qin Haojie said.

"Indeed, my experience is the most obvious. I haven't exercised at all, and I eat and drink every day. I also lost more than 30 kilograms. My body started to have muscles." Ni Yue also opened his mouth.

Of course, Jin Ke also found these strange things, but he had more secrets than others, so he didn't want to be too involved in this topic, just listen to them quietly.

"It seems that you have discovered that everything in the game can affect us in the real world. But... this kind of influence is more than that, it is more serious than you think... or more terrible! If I guess Well, there may be something terrible happening tonight!" Yu Gang's expression became more serious.

"Say something soon! What did you find?" Liu Xu urged Yu Gang.

"Who do you remember Luo Jing?" Yu Gang asked everyone.

"That third-rate game anchor who resigned with you?" Liu Xu still had some impressions of Luo Jing, and others nodded.

"After he resigned, the character in the game was turned into an NPC by the mentor Chen Wei, and he went to the vegetable planting area of ​​the ecological garden as a worker. I have a little friendship with him, and I am quite old, so I often go to vegetables The planting area went to see him and told him something annoying. He occasionally returned a few words to me. Although Luo Jing was not operating, it was still Luo Jing's voice." Yu Gang continued.

"Sound ray capture simulation technology? It is not difficult to realize this technology in the game." Qin Haojie speculated.

"If things are as simple as that..." Yu Gang laughed bitterly.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xu's expression was curious.

"I left my mobile phone number with Luo Jing. I called him once, but it was picked up by his family. After asking, I realized that Luo Jing had an accident! He killed someone, and was found to be very serious. Mental illness was detained in a mental hospital."

"I know that although he is lazy, he is not a violent person. He is a bit strange about his experience, so I learned about his whereabouts through acquaintances and visited him once in a mental hospital. But he no longer knew me, Even more terrifying... When I faced him, he was no longer like a normal person. The whole person was extremely indifferent, and his eyes looked very empty. The feeling was to me... His soul is no longer in the body." Yu Gang went on.

"In other words, after he resigned from the studio and the characters in the game were converted into NPCs by the studio, what happened to the people in his real world? Killed people and scared themselves silly?" Qin Haojie inserted a few words .

"Yes, something happened to him. But, things are not as simple as you think."

"What on earth do you want to express?" Everyone urged Yu Gang.

"I said, his soul is no longer in the body. Compared with him in the real world, he is more like the original him in the game world." Yu Gang weighed his words.

"You wouldn't think... His soul has been transferred from the body to the game character? Haha..." Liu Xu prepared to laugh a few times, and saw Yu Gang's extremely serious expression stop again.

"Of course I don't believe such a ridiculous thing! But, a few days ago, when I went to visit NPC Luo Jing in the ecological planting area, I found something. That thing made me unable to keep silent anymore. I have to put that I tell you something, and then all of us come together to make an important decision, a decision that is all about our lives and deaths!" Yu Gang said when he came here, his body shivered a little.

"What did you find out?" Everyone looked at Yu Gang together, and after finding out that his expression did not seem to be a joke, everyone's expression also became serious.