Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 133 Worldly Sinister (Part 1)

"You can't do this! It's all my idea! My apprentice doesn't even know about me! One person does one thing and one should do it! Penalize me if you want to punish me, it's my apprenticeship?" Zeng Shidao stood up and said loudly to Luo Protested in a flash.

"You told yourself in the security department! Now you want to repent? Really take the decision of the base's top management as a play? Captain Li, take him down!" Luo Chatian ordered to the security captain Li Liang.

"When did I confess? Is there evidence? You are so funny! The deputy director of the base shouted fair and fair every day, but what he did was inexplicable! I was punished by death! I was killed. Ah! Why should I push my apprentice as a scapegoat? And rumor that I framed my apprentice?" Zeng Shidao cursed at Luo Chatian's nose.

"Seal his mouth! Push me to jail and shut it up!" Luo Chatian yelled, originally thinking of Zeng Shidao's fear of death, and found a scapegoat for Zeng Shidao, a young rookie with no feet. To bear all the guilt, Zeng Shidao said that he had defaulted all this, but he didn't expect this stinky old man to be ignorant.

Li Liang and several other security guards who seemed stronger than Zeng Shidao forcibly lifted Zeng Shidao out of the meeting room.

"Xiao Ke, Master is sorry for you! Ah... Um..." Zeng released a cry, and then his mouth was covered.

None of the people present in the meeting room were fools. I almost understood this scene. The senior officials of the base disagreed on the execution of Zeng Shidao. The result of the compromise between the two parties was to dismiss Zeng Shidao’s apprentice, a trivial new student. It was launched to be executed as a scapegoat, used to preserve the life that was released, and to give everyone a statement.

Naturally, no one will raise any objection to the matters decided by the senior leaders of the base.

"Zeng Shidao asked us to provide evidence, then give you the evidence." Luo Chatian asked someone to project a video onto the conference room screen. In the first video, Jin Ke's character dragged a car and Zeng Shidao They left the base together. In the second video, Jin Ke returned to the base with a large package dragged by Zeng Shidao.

These videos were obviously deliberately edited, highlighting Jin Ke's actions in the whole thing.

"It really is him!"

"To kill more than one hundred people, it is time to kill!"

"No wonder the invasion happened in the newcomer's dormitory area, and it was a newcomer who operated all this behind the scenes for half a day!"

"This kind of person is really a scourge!"

"The rookie students' minds were so vicious during this period. They injured more than 100 classmates. Do they still have to graduate?"

The middle-level managers at the base watched the video and discussed various things.

Jin Ke wanted to explain a few words, but after speaking, the system reminded him that the character in his mobile phone was blocked and could not speak at the meeting.

The paralyzed DEBUFF agent injected into Jin Ke's body is much more effective than other colleagues in the villa, which not only makes him unable to release any skills, but also seals his voice.In order to make the Zerg invasion have a statement to the public at the base, the senior officials of the base forced him to be used as a scapegoat, and privately used his hands and feet to prevent him from making any defense.

Jin Ke didn't speak, as in the eyes of others, it was like guilty conscience.

"I think this matter should be followed by more specific investigations. Don't decide a person's life or death so easily." Xu Shu raised his hand and said.

"Yes! In this Zerg invasion, it was because Jin Ke saved us. Until now, we don't know what is going on, so let's investigate it again." Liu Xu, Yu Gang and others also echoed. A few words.

"Shut up! How can you speak here?" Luo Chatian turned his head and shouted at Xu Shu and others.

The two security guards next to Xu Shu gave a few old punches at the throat of Xu Shu's character. Xu Xu's character suddenly lost his voice and couldn't say a word.

The others in the azure homestead villa community were a little ignorant, and no one dared to speak again.

What's more, Jin Ke, the event's own, has never opened an argument. It seems that they have defaulted all this. What else do they have to say?

But at this time, they felt the same feeling of humiliation deep in their hearts... As a new student, their status in the base is too low, especially in the eyes of the high-level people in these bases, even the grass is not as good, Can be humiliated and trampled at will.

I did not feel that I had contacted these middle and high-level executives before, but now I had the luck of contacting them once to understand the sinister world.Compared to the base, the real world is really a paradise.Unfortunately, since entering the studio, their fate will have to be tied to this base.

Now everyone is scattered in their dormitory and operating their mobile phones. Later, they can ask Jin Ke to ask what is going on and why he doesn’t make any excuses for it.

"If the prisoner is alive tomorrow morning, he will be exempted from all punishment; if he died, it means that he deserved his sins and his sins are unforgivable!" Luo Chatian continued to announce the sentence of Jin Ke. These sentences are also the usual rules when executing all prisoners. , Does not have any practical significance...because, no one can live the darkness of the wild night.

Jin Ke tried hard to control his character. He was not willing to kill him like this. Unfortunately, the paralysis of DEBUFF in his whole body made him unable to activate his skills. The character’s body also had no strength. He lost all his resistance and could only let it go. These security guards tied him tightly with alloy chains.

Jin Ke opened the plug-ins in the phone and passed them one by one, but these plug-ins did not respond, and seemed to be powerless to the current situation.

It is now 4:30 in the afternoon, and there is still an hour, at 5:30, Jin Ke will be forcibly sent by the security of the base to the outside of the base to enforce the "dark baptism".

Jin Ke almost deduced the process of the incident.The first was Zeng Shidao's serious violation of the rules. Without telling Jin Ke the truth, he was allowed to pull back the source of the worm from the broken temple outside.Then it should be Zhao Bo who was resentful of Zeng Shidao and ran to the equipment department to take advantage of the power outage at night. As a result, he was parasitized by the source of the helminth, causing the death of more than 100 new students.

The personnel in the base's equipment department was so scarce that he could not execute Zeng Jiedao. He could only be sentenced to imprisonment. In order to quell public anger and warn Zeng Shidao at the same time, he made a decision to execute the apprentice Jin Ke.

Jin Ke became a victim of this power struggle in the base.

What should I do now?

There is only one answer.

Can't do anything.

Looking at his cell phone, Jin Ke felt a deep sense of powerlessness and inexplicable anger.