Desperate Mobile Game

343 Explanation of words

After betting a gold coin as the principal, Jin Ke started the'Nightmare Classroom' game.

A prompt pops up on the virtual screen, allowing him to enter the game after lying on the bed next to his eyes and closing his eyes. If he does not follow the prompt within one minute, the principal will not be refunded.

Jin Ke quickly left the terminal and lay down on the bed next to it.

"Don't you want to participate in the nightmare reincarnation to earn gold coins? Hahahahaha... The newcomers are trapped in this way, they get deeper and deeper, and they will understand at the end that everything you do is all made of bamboo baskets. Empty!" The man next door shouted to Jin Ke again.

Jin Ke ignored him and went to the bed to lie down.

"As long as there is a gold coin, I will tell you how pitted "Nightmare Reincarnation" is! You will regret it immediately when you go in! Various tortures keep you refreshed! Many rules are not clearly stated outside!" The man continued to shout call.

Jin Ke closed his eyes after lying on the bed.

After a moment of trance, Jin Ke discovered that everything around him had changed.

He found that he appeared in a classroom.

He was sitting behind a desk.

On the podium stood a female teacher in a white dress, with long straight black hair and a very hot figure, writing something on the blackboard.

Looking around, in addition to Jin Ke, there were seven other students in the classroom, four men and three women.

Because of the nightmare mask, the sex here is unreliable, maybe all of them are old men.

Eight people sat in a row, unable to move on the seat, and was forcibly locked in the seat by some force.

Now the time in the game is clearly in the dark.

At the top of the classroom, some manipulators holding scalpels, small chainsaws, etc. spread their teeth and dance claws, ready to be put on the rack.

No way?Is the man next door telling the truth?All kinds of torture?

But it's too late to regret now, there is no option to quit the game in the field of vision.

No wonder the Nightmare Castle is only accessible to players in the game cabin. Now, if it is operated with a mobile phone, it doesn’t matter how much torture is. The problem is... in the game cabin mode, all the feelings are reflected in 100%!

And in the nightmare castle, the plug-in has not responded, and it is impossible to win by cheating.

There were no lights in the classroom, a candle was placed on the podium, and a candle was also placed on Jin Ke's desk.

Of course, there are also candles on the desks of the other seven students.

Dark classrooms, swaying candlelight, and the wind blowing from the windows that are opened from time to time, all of which are striving to create a terrifying atmosphere.

In addition to the candles, Jin Ke's desk was marked with a big number '4'.

The desks of the seven other students were also marked with a number from 1 to 8.

It seems that no one has a name, only a code name.

Jin Ke noticed that the clothes they wore had the same numbers on the chest and back as they were on the desk.

Jin Ke looked down, and there was a number '4' on the clothes on his chest.

Unlucky to be a teacher!It was actually number 4.

When Jin Ke struggled to see what the female teacher was writing on the blackboard, she turned back.

Long black hair, dark cyan face, bleeding eyes and mouth rotten to the root of the tooth.

The whole ghost.

Fortunately, after the eight classmates put on nightmare masks, they all looked more terrible than ghosts, so the female ghost teacher turned around and didn’t scare a few students present, just didn’t know what she saw when they saw the eight students. After that, will you have nightmares at night.

"Everyone is the first student to participate in a nightmare classroom." The female ghost teacher said, her voice reminiscent of a grooved wooden door in disrepair.

"Let me introduce myself to you first. I am your language substitute teacher and also the prisoner of your class."

"Execution, torture, don't get it wrong." The female ghost teacher added another sentence.

The eight students looked at me and I looked at you, all with regrets on their faces.

It was ugly, and the expression of regret was even uglier, and the students next to me felt more regretful after seeing it.

Don’t hurt each other, see the teacher together.

Some students wanted to say something, but it turned out that they were banned and could not make a sound with their mouth open.

"Now talk about classroom discipline."

"Under normal circumstances, only I can speak, and you can only speak with my consent. It is useless to open your mouth when it is your turn to speak. Of course, you can scream when you are sentenced, But there is still no way to speak normally."

"I emphasize again, you can speak only when I let you speak! Do you understand?" The female ghost teacher walked to the students' desks, staring at everyone's face with a big mouth of blood basin rotten to his ears Shouted at everyone.

All students can only express their understanding by nodding.

If you don't nod your head, it's miserable to worry about her rotten mouth coming directly.

"It's ugly! One ugly one!" The female ghost teacher walked back to the podium while vomiting.

"Today's class, let's talk about word explanation."

"Do you understand what a word means? For example, what does the word'stupid' mean?" The female ghost teacher toured everyone.

"No. 5! You come to answer!" The pointer in the paw of the female ghost teacher pointed to student No. 5, looking at the appearance is a very ugly female student.

"Just... stupid?" Student No. 5 looked dazed.She was suddenly able to speak, of course, only when the female ghost teacher asked her questions.

"It's're drunk with this explanation! Stupid, you mean someone like you!" The female ghost teacher pounded student No. 5 with her pointer.

Student No. 5 had a depressed look on his face and wanted to explain a few words, but he was banned.

"No. 7! Use one sentence to describe the word'stupid', but you are not allowed to mention the words'stupid' and'forced', but when people hear you, you know that you are saying'stupid' '.' The female ghost teacher ordered student number 7.

"One sentence? Then... No. 5." Student No. 7 answered the female ghost teacher after thinking for a while.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha... It's a cold joke! You are smart on the 7th! But this is not the answer I want!" The female ghost teacher tapped hard on the student's head with the pointer.

No. 5 glared at No. 7 with an unhappy face.

"No. 6! You answered my question!" The female ghost teacher ordered student No. 6 again.

"Just... a very vulgar curse." No. 6 answered the female ghost teacher very carefully.

"Well, it's probably this model. Use one sentence to describe the characteristics of this word. You are doing right on the 6th, you can sit down." The female ghost teacher didn't beat the 6th student with the pointer this time.