Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 416: Inside the World

"Oh, great, master brain, how can I get into the shuttle now?" Jin Ke asked the electronic sound again.After asking, he remembered that he could use the "death rush" to cross in!

"Report the master, there is a porthole damaged, the master can climb in from there." Electronic tone answered Jin Ke.

"Don't be so troublesome." Jin Ke launched the'death rush' skill, and was prompted to say that the shuttle has space-time energy armor and the skill can't pass through.

It seems that he can only climb in from the damaged porthole.

Jin Ke made a large circle around the space-time shuttle, and he couldn't find where the damaged porthole was.

"That... Lord, where is the damaged porthole?" Jin Ke had to ask the electronic tone.

"Report the master, here." The space-time shuttle has rotated most of its circles before stopping again.

Jin Ke still didn't see where the porthole was.

Wouldn’t it be above the round dish?

The outer bulkhead of the disc was very smooth, and there was no way. Jin Ke had to find some suitable footing from the storage space, and after a long day of work, he finally climbed to the top of the disc.

Sure enough, a hole was exploded in the place facing him, a hole enough for him to drill in.

After entering, the inner space of the space-time shuttle is not the same as Jin Ke imagined.

What is not imagined in the cockpit is an empty circular inner space, where a dozen or so vertical hibernation cabins are placed against the bulkhead.

Some were damaged by weapons, but a few seemed to work.

"Mastermind, how should I drive this thing?" Jin Ke asked electronic sound.

"Report master, please enter the control cabin to issue driving instructions." The electronic tone answered Jin Ke.

"Which is it?" Jin Ke pointed to the upright control cabins beside the bulkhead.

"Report owner, yes, please choose one that is not damaged." The electronic tone answered Jin Ke, and at the same time, several control cabins glowed green, indicating that there was no damage.

"Okay." Jin Ke walked to one of the green control cabins and let the electronic sound open the door.

There are some very complicated devices that Jin Ke does not recognize, but there is a humanoid in the middle, which can just let a person stand inside.

Jin Ke was standing there, some buckles automatically locked his body, hands and feet, as well as a helmet cover towards his head, and then closed the door.

"Wait, let me go." Jin Ke felt not quite right, and quickly issued instructions to the electronic tone.

"Report the master, okay." The electronic tone answered Jin Ke, at the same time released the lock device, opened the control cabin door.

Jin Ke was relieved. It seems that this device is like this, not a trap.

After confirming that it was not a trap, Jin Ke re-entered the control cabin.

"Can we leave this labyrinth by jumping in space?" Jin Ke asked electronic sound.

"Reporter, yes." The electronic tone answered Jin Ke.

"Is the space jump engine not damaged?" Jin Ke couldn't help but be surprised.

"Report the owner, the spatiotemporal jump engine is badly damaged, but the last jump is possible."

Jin Ke hesitated for a long while, after all, he still didn't let the electronic sound jump in time and space.

Space jumping is just jumping from one place to another. Isn't space-time jumping going to another space-time?past?future?

Don't try this for now.

"What way did the old man put you in?" Jin Ke asked electronic sound, first found a way to put it in, and later confirmed that it was safe, then it would be better to try other functions.

"Report master, the original master put me in his soul space." The electronic tone answered Jin Ke.

"What should I do to put you in my soul space?" Jin Ke continued to ask the electronic sound.

"Report the master, your energy cultivation level is too low to achieve this." Electronic tone answered Jin Ke.

"Then I can only use the space-time jump engine you said to leave?"

"Report master, yes."

"I don't need time to jump, just a space jump." Jin Ke thought about it and said to the electronic sound.

"Report owner, please set destination coordinates." The electronic tone answered Jin Ke.

"You don't need to add the word "report master" in front of every sentence." Jin Ke hasn't figured out where to make the space-time shuttle jump.

"Report the owner... the program is damaged..."

"Report owner... searched for a set target location..."

"Report owner... The target location has been confirmed..."

"Report owner...plane jump engine turned on..."

"Report the owner... the final destination of the trip... the innermost world..."

"Report the master... the plane jump is about to begin..."

"Hey, hello! Stop! Stop! What world in the world? What plane jump? Don't mess up! Get me out of the control cabin!" Jin Ke shouted, feeling wrong.

"Report to the master... the plane jump procedure cannot be aborted after starting..."

"Report master...plane jump..."


Jin Ke only felt a sense of trance, and then there was a feeling of being torn apart.

After a moment, Jin Ke woke up consciously, and found out that he already had the vision of this space-time shuttle!

It should be that the vision of the space-time shuttle is connected to his vision through some connection of the control cabin.

The world around was dark, but there was a cloud of black mist in front.

How to see a dark mist in the darkness... Jin Ke doesn't understand it, there must be some explanation, that is... not what he saw, but what he sensed.

Won't it be a wormhole?

"Don't jump! Don't jump!"

Jin Ke shouted loudly, but the space-time shuttle didn't listen to the command and suddenly rushed towards the wormhole in front.

The feeling of falling...

Maybe an illusion...

The surrounding world has become fragmented...

Seems to hear the sound of broken glass...

I heard some inexplicable cry...

Seems to hear the roar of metal...

As if feeling the time passing by...

Finally, Jin Ke seemed to be a drowning man who suddenly surfaced and suddenly woke up.

He found that he appeared in a landscape of blue sky and white clouds.

Everything outside the cabin observed by the space-time shuttle was in his field of vision.

Everything on the ground is very familiar.

How does it feel like... the real world?

"Warning! Warning! Space-time energy armor is low..."

"Warning! Warning! Locked by weapons..."

"Warning! Warning! The anti-gravity engine has insufficient energy..."

"The anti-gravity engine is off..."