Desperate Mobile Game

499 Safety Point

Once he became a zombie, the first thing he did was bite her.

If you quit the game...

There is also a very fatal problem.

Be aware that there is an iron rule in the game of "Horror City".

That is death in the game, players in the real world will die.

Now he is clearly in the game.

And he always has the words "quit game" in his field of vision. Even if he hears Luo Ye say he is dead in the real world, that real world is not the real real world.

But now, if he died here, it means he died in the game.

Death in the game, he will die in the real world.

And such death is the real death.

Also, after quitting the game, he entered the game again, and it should still be this place.

His situation will not change much.

If he wants to live, he must find a way to solve the current difficulties and get rid of the current desperation.

How to deal with it?

Jin Kesi didn't think of a good solution before and after.

But there is one thing, now he must do it and make arrangements before exiting the game.

That is... he has to find a suitable crib.

His bed was not suitable for this baby. She might fall or suffocate because of the bedding.

It would be more convenient to let her sleep in a crib.

During the time he exited the game, she would be relatively safe in the crib.

Fortunately, with the experience of raising Xue'er, now Jin Ke is not helpless when facing the baby.

After teasing the baby for a while, Jin Ke remembered her name.

In his original world, the family name opposite Li, Jin Ke listened to the couple calling this little girl'Yin Yin' and so on, then her name should be Li Yin.

"Yin Yin, uncle went to find you a crib, you have to be good!" Jin Ke touched Li Yin's little face, and turned to leave the room.

Li Yin burst into tears suddenly, wondering if she discovered that Jin Ke had left, or if she felt something else uncomfortable.

While Li Yin was crying, there was also a knock on the door.


Jin Ke walked to the door and looked out from the cat's eyes. It turned out that two zombies came from somewhere. After hearing Li Yin's cry, he hammered the door outside and tried to rush in to bite Li Yin. Pieces of fresh tender meat.

Jin Ke suddenly thought of something, he walked back to the bedroom, came to the window and looked down.

As expected, there were some zombies downstairs who heard Li Yin's cry also gather, wailing and trying to climb up.

When Li Yin was born, perhaps because her mother had become a zombies and was malnourished, she cried very little, and only Jin Ke heard it.

But after Jin Ke fed her, she had strength and her crying became louder, which attracted nearby zombies to gather here.

In this case, Jin Ke could not leave her outside to find the crib.

And he can't just quit the game casually. Once a zombie crawls into the room, Li Yin will definitely die.

Unless... let go of her heart and leave her alone.

This... is hard...

Speaking of which, there is a way to ensure her safety when he leaves.

The anti-theft awareness of the Chinese people is very strong, and some people have installed a very comprehensive and strong anti-theft network in their homes, and their doors and windows are protected.

If you can find a relatively high floor that is not easy to climb, and all the doors and windows have been built with anti-theft facilities, he will be more relieved to put Li Yin there for a while.

But he had to wait until she fell asleep before going out, lest her cry attract the attention of the zombies.

Although from the current situation, these zombies are not good at climbing, but what if they climb up?

Holding Li Yin in her arms, Jin Ke's mouth made a "learning" sound, and slowly calmed her down, then Jin Ke shook her back while shaking, and finally made Li Yin quiet.

After another ten minutes, Li Yin's eyes became confused, and then he slept deeply.

While she was asleep, Jin Ke hurried out, looking for a crib and a suitable hiding place.

Jin Ke was so dizzy now that he staggered while walking, just like he was drunk.

If it was not for Li Yin's safety, Jin Ke wouldn't want to move now, he just wanted to sleep.

Even after sleeping, I never wake up again.

He is too tired.

For Li Yin, he had to insist.

Worried that Li Yin had an accident during his time away, Jin Ke would go back every half an hour to confirm that Li Yin did not wake up and was safe to continue to go out to find a suitable target location.

In addition, there is also feeding her.

After seven or eight hours of tossing and searching, Jin Ke finally found a suitable place.

It is a few hundred meters away from his house. The family lives on the seventh floor, the duplex building, the door is a thick security door, and the windows are all equipped with a thick anti-theft fence, probably to prevent the children from falling down at high altitude. The interval between the anti-theft guardrails installed at his house is very narrow, and I don't worry about the zombies crowding in.

When Jin Ke entered this family, there were seven or eight adult zombies, as well as two zombies of children and one baby.

It seemed that they had been hiding at home for some time when the end came, but they still couldn't keep it down, and their illness became zombies.

The infectivity of the zombie viruses encountered in this world is much higher than that of the zombie viruses that Jin Ke has seen in television, movies, novels, and games.

Even, even abilities like Jin Ke were not spared.

Compared with ordinary people, Jin Ke's only thing is that Jin Ke feels that he may become a zombie a little longer.

This may be related to his physical fitness over ordinary people.

But it won't grow too much, and I don't know if I can persevere until the moment Luoye initiates a teleport to him.

Jin Ke killed all the zombies in the household and carried out some clean-up work before starting to go back to his home to prepare for Li Yin.

After finding a suitable base, the next thing is more troublesome.

Jin Ke needs to take Li Yin to the family's house.

However, she is a living creature, and he cannot put her in the storage space.

He could only hold her there.

Now, he has no way to walk fast from all roofs as he did when he returned to Yunfeng City. He can only come over from the ground.

On the ground, zombies are everywhere.

The only way is to clean up the nearby zombies on the way back, then put on the exoskeleton, and walk through the road as soon as possible with the help of the exoskeleton.

After making a good plan, Jin Ke began to act.