Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 502

Faintly, Jin Ke seemed to hear the breaking sound of the meridian inside the body.

However, Jin Ke still could not stop the zombie virus from manipulating his body.

Jin Ke got up from the ground with a gruesome howl in his mouth. He climbed onto the bed and reached out to Li Yin who was crying loudly on the bed.

"I can't let you succeed!"

Jin Ke shouted, and he used his mind to remove a black crystal cyst from the storage space.

Black spiny cysts burst from Zerg Boss.

The whole cyst is very heavy to the touch. It seems to contain some crystals and the like, which is completely different from the black liquor cyst of the little insect BOSS. The energy inside is very violent and violent.

After the black crystal cyst was taken out, it fell into the hands of Jin Ke automatically.

Black spiny cysts seem to have a fatal attraction to the zombie virus. Jin Ke’s claws gave up the attempt to tear Li Yin, instead he held the black bladder tightly and began to absorb the violent energy.

"Warning! Warning! The purity of energy in the body is extremely low! It will burst into death at any time!"

"Warning! Warning! Unable to make corrections..."

"Warning! Warning! The zombie virus absorbs energy and produces a mutation..."

"Warning! Warning!..."

Several tips popped up.

"Even if I die, don't let the zombies succeed!" Jin Keqiang struck his spirits and let go of several energy gates, allowing the raging Zerg energy to flood into his body and fill his body.

A large group of seven small eight light groups in Jin Ke Shen Nian simultaneously emitted extremely dazzling light, and then began to burn.

The burning flame of the light mass is like the candlestick in the wind among the turbulent energy of the black crystal cyst.

"Warning! Warning! Allogeneic energy invades! The soul resists with a deflagration!"

"Warning! Warning! The Soul Burst process is irreversible..."

"Warning! Warning!..."

The plug-in continues various red warnings.

Jin Ke felt nothing, and his body seemed to be no longer his.

He has only one thought now, even if the body is completely destroyed, the zombie virus will not succeed.

The energy in the gonorrhea sac was extremely violent and turbulent. After entering the body of Jin Ke, it was violently bumped around. One after another the energy gate that was previously closed was forcibly opened. The original energy channel of the body could not carry these turbulent energy at all. One by one, it was broken and burst into pieces.

The turbulent Zerg energy no longer runs along the energy channel, but penetrates into every cell of Jin Ke's body, burning his body frantically, mixed with zombies virus, so that each of his body cells has started a variety of strange Weird variation.

Some hard shells appeared on Jin Ke's body skin.

Some bones grew out of bone and protruded out of Jin Ke's body.

Some hard tumors appeared on Jin Ke's face, body, and arms.

"Warning! Warning! The purity of body energy is zero!"

"Warning! Warning! The body has been alienated!"

"Amending it..."

"Unable to fix..."


Plug-ins keep popping up various warnings.

All warnings are reminding Jin Ke that he is about to collapse and explode.

I don't know why, Jin Ke's mood has always been calm.

All this was originally his choice.

Rather Stick to your guns!

Finally, after only one layer of bladder was left in the black cyst, the violent energy in Jin Ke's body gradually stopped.

One large group of seven small groups of light in Jin Ke Shennian gradually dimmed.

Jin Ke's sanity also became blurred.

"Warning! Warning! The soul failed to resist the alien energy."

"Warning! Warning! The soul energy is about to burn out."

"Warning! Warning!..."


"Luo Ye sent you an invitation to send, do you accept the send?"

Jin Ke, who was in a state of persistence, popped a line of information in the field of vision.


Jin Ke confirms Luo Ye's invitation to send with the last hint of soul.


"what's this?"

Luo Ye looked at the strange-shaped thing in the teleporter with horror.

It seems to be personal.

But it curled up into a ball, with various tumors and insect shells?Bug limb?Various spikes?

Some unknown mucus dripped into the ugly mouthparts.

"The scan showed that it was the deputy captain." Mint replied expressionlessly.

"Yes... him? How did he become like this?" Luo Ye was very surprised.

"I don't know what happened to him, but it's obviously not a good thing." Mint continued to look expressionless.

"He must be suffering now? What should we do to save him?" Luo Ye asked Mint.

"He is in a state of shock and there should be no pain. If the captain can remember the relevant key, we can open the advanced medical cabin to treat him." Mint answered Luo Ye.

"Key! Key! I don't remember any ghost key at all!" Luo Ye was a little crazy.

"Captain Luo, the spacecraft has jumped out of the superluminal channel and has reached the supply point. We have twelve hours to supply. If the supply is not made in time, all the systems of the spacecraft will stop running, including the life support system. Low-level carbon-based organisms in the living system will die." Mint reminded Luo Ye.

"In this case, please go to the supply." Luo Ye was so confused that she walked into the teleporter and looked at the strange and ugly thing.

Sure enough, that extremely ugly face could identify some of Jin Ke's features.

Only those who know Jin Ke very well can recognize the characteristics of Jin Ke in this situation.

"Supply task is arduous, I need a supply team." Mint said to Luo Ye.

"There is no squad, only you, you can figure it out for yourself." Luo Ye gently stroked Jin Ke's alien head, his expression blank.

"Okay." Mint said nothing. After sorting out his luggage, he sent himself to the supply point.


"Call Mint! Please respond!"

"Call Mint! Please respond!"

Luo Ye watched the countdown of twelve hours.

But Mint did not return from the supply point.

The main brain of the spaceship tried to jump into the superluminal speed channel according to the set procedure, but the prompt of insufficient energy popped up.

The main brain stopped the operation of most of the systems, and then operated the life support system at the lowest energy level.


A sigh was found in the worm ball around Luoye.

"Are you awake?" Luo Ye stroked the Zerg ball.

"Am I dreaming?" Zerg Ball murmured.

"No, you are on the spaceship now, it's safe." Luoye replied Jin Ke.

"No, I have to go back, it's time to breastfeed her." Jin Ke struggled.

"Cher is fine now, don't worry."

"Not Cher, but Yinyin."