Desperate Mobile Game

559 Memory Puzzle

This style forced him to enter the city of terror again?

Speaking of which, the first trip to the City of Terror was very smooth!The other players cooperated so much, Jin Ke used his brain to design a few horror scenes and reached the clearance conditions.

After getting the armor of the armor warrior and the battery, he is basically invincible in the game.

Wearing this suit of armor, you can enter various labyrinths to explore treasures, improve basic attributes, and play qualifying. You should be able to get SSS level soon.

After arriving at SSS, there is no need to look for tickets to Terror City and you can enter at any time.

Jin Ke estimated that after touching the SSS level, they should all have some treasures that can be resurrected. Otherwise, these SSS level strongmen entered the city of terror and lost after losing one. Who will go again?

Jin Ke used the bug of the flying saucer last time and successfully restarted the server back to the moment he logged into the game.

It is equivalent to a resurrection, and it is resurrected with the upgraded basic attributes.

In order to make the adventure in Horror City more smooth in the future, Jin Ke decided to use this Horror City ticket to fight for the armor battery and allow him to turn on the invincible upgrade mode in the game.

Before turning on the armor warrior invincible mode, Jin Ke did not want to wander in the ordinary game world.

So, simply go into the City of Terror and talk about it.

The horror and excitement in the horror city are far from comparable in normal game modes.

After the decision was made, Jin Ke quickly used the tickets of the City of Terror to avoid hesitating and making up his mind.

"This horror scene is a definition scene, and the name is'Memory Blur'."

"Your identity is a ghost."

"You need to find all kinds of clues from the memory puzzle to make a complete memory."

"When the memory is complete, you can use the memory to slowly compose clues about your life and successfully pass through the horror scene."

"Bless you, kid, this is a scene with a probability of one billionth of a billion, and I was drawn by you unexpectedly."

"You are a super lucky lucky guy."

A few lines of prompts popped out in Jin Ke's field of vision, and then his mind was in a trance.

Various messy memories appeared before Jin Ke's eyes, and then shredded one by one.

The shredded memory became crystals of various sizes, disappearing from sight.

Then Jin Ke woke up suddenly.


"Who am I? Where am I?" Jin Ke was very confused.

He has no memory.

But he retains various common sense of life.

For example, he knows what humans are and what ghosts are.

So, he knew very well that he had become a ghost.

But he did not know how he died and how he became a ghost.

All he knows now is that he died and became a ghost.

He also knew that he seemed to have seen many ghost films before, and knew that the ghosts in those ghost films were omnipotent, and that he was immortal, scaring the protagonists in the film to death.

But after he became a ghost now, he discovered that the stories in those horror films were deceptive.

The ghost is not so powerful at all!

For example, ghosts in ghost films have no feet and can float in the air.

But he actually had to walk on his own!

And he will be hungry.

Jin Ke wanted to go to the bakery across the street to'buy' a few pieces of bread to eat. He had to watch the red light and walk across the sidewalk.

After watching the red light turn green, Jin Ke quickly walked across the street.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the middle of the road, a car drove swiftly, and when I reached the crosswalk line, I didn't brake, and rushed past.

The result happened to hit Jin Ke and flew Jin Ke out.

After Jin Ke was knocked off, the car stopped.

A man and a woman came out of the car, and they were surprised when they saw the front of the car being knocked into the sun and being splashed with blood.

"What happened? Why did you bump the front of the car without seeing anyone?" the woman asked the man.

"I don't know, I hit a ghost!" The man touched the depressed face of the bumped car.

"You did hit the ghost, okay?" Jin Ke got up from the ground, rubbed the ghost body of extremely pain, and leaned in front of men and women to protest loudly to them.

"In this case, does the insurance company pay?" The woman asked the man again.

"Loose a ghost?" The man continued to look depressed.

"Loose a ghost? You despise yourself too! We all have dignity! We can't pay anyone casually!" Jin Ke continued to protest loudly to the man.

"The next time you see the sidewalk, you still have to slow down, or this kind of ghost thing will happen again." The woman persuaded the man a few words.

"Well, I quickly passed because the intersection was not monitored. Who knows I hit a ghost." The man couldn't tear his sister's expression, and returned to the car with the woman.

"Ding Dong" sounded, and a voice appeared in Jin Ke's mind.

"Using his ghost body, a driver who did not slow down before the pedestrian crossing was educated and rewarded 5 yuan."

At the same time, a panel appeared in Jin Ke's field of vision, which showed that he had deposited 5 yuan of penny in his account.

"Come again!" Jin Ke felt familiar and strange to this property panel in his field of vision.

His name is Jin Ke, which is known from the name displayed on this panel.

Jin Ke didn't want to control so much, the sidewalk was about to turn red, and he quickly limped across the street and stood there gasping for breath.

"The ghost I turned into seems to be no different from ordinary people except that others can't see me?" Jin Ke summarized his current situation based on the experience just now.

The place where the body was hurt was very painful. Based on the common sense of life in memory, Jin Ke felt that he should go to the hospital.

Is it useful to go to the hospital?The doctor couldn't see him either.

Before going to the hospital, Jin Ke decided to go to the bakery first. He was so hungry.

He didn't want to be a starving ghost.

When Jin Ke entered the bakery, there were no other customers in the bakery. Two female staff members, one big and one small, stood next to the cash register and chatted.

The two young ladies standing in the cash register are so beautiful!

Jin Ke glanced at the name on her work card, the older one was named Li Yin, and the younger one was named Luo Xue.

Luo Xue looked so beautiful, and Jin Ke felt that of the little girls he had seen in his life, no one looked more beautiful than her.

Li Yin and Luo Xue, these two names... feel a bit familiar, but he can't remember where he has seen them.

Although they knew they couldn't see him, Jin Ke was still nervous at this time.

After all, it is to steal bread to eat.

It’s not that he wants to steal, he’s a ghost now, he can’t pay for bread!