Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 596 Collapse

"I chose to commit suicide by jumping the car. Well, this question ends here! Don't be bored anymore!" Jin Ke stopped Luo Ye.

"What do you mean, I'm in your heart, is it as important as Cher?" Luo Ye continued to ask.

"If you ask this boring question again, I will choose to kill you." Jin Ke was not happy.

"Okay, don't ask." Luo Ye hurriedly stopped.

Jin Ke continued to move forward, but was stopped by Luo Ye.

"Let's take a photo together, who knows if there is a chance to take a photo after tomorrow?" Luoye pulled Jin Ke to the future locomotive with a full sense of technology.

Jin Ke picked up his cell phone, gestured for a while, and took a photo of the two.

"Why am I so beautiful, but you are so ugly?" Luo Ye looked at the picture very dissatisfied.

"Hold your hand far away and lean forward to take a picture. Do you think it's easy? Or would you take a picture."

"Forget it, I'm taller than you, and my hands are not as long as you."

"Then let's hurry to the presidential suite."

"Did you start thinking with your lower body too?"

"I really want to think with my fists now."

After the two left the hall, they passed a partition door and entered a dark area. They had to take out their phones and illuminate them in order to move on.

"This area seems to have no electricity, no heating, so cold." Luo Ye leaned close to Jin Ke.

"We can do some exercise to warm up our body and then move on."

"Isn't this place suitable? What if someone sees it afterwards? Or maybe there is an infrared camera or something that was ugly when it was photographed by the wretched host." Luo Ye hesitated.

"I mean running, jumping in place, etc. Where do you want to go?" Jin Ke looked at Luoye strangely.

"I...I just said something like running." Luo Ye blushed.

"Run afraid that others will see it?"

"Just afraid, what's wrong?"

"It's fine."

The two of them touched the black and continued to move forward. After the heater was gone, the body temperature of the two people quickly dropped. The light of the flashlights can see that there is a thin layer of ice on the ground and the walls of these cabins. It seems that it has not passed through for a long time. Electricity and heating.

"Why do you live so far? If we live without electricity, wouldn't we freeze to death?" Luo Ye complained.

"Do you have any idea?"

"I think we should go back and don't go any further, maybe this key card is a trap, it was the host who wanted to get rid of us and set the trap." Luo Ye thought and answered Jin Ke.

"This host's identity is indeed very suspicious." Jin Ke nodded.

"He may just be an ordinary player who came over to participate in the ultimate battle like us, deliberately giving himself the status of a host, let us blindly follow his command." Luo Ye continued to analyze.

"Well, you will think more and more."

"So what should we do now? Go back?"

"No, this is the power control room next to it." Jin Ke said and opened the door of the next room.

After entering the room, Jin Ke saw an electric switch that was pulled open. After pushing the electric switch up, the room lit up, and at the same time, the heater slowly poured into the room.

"You are amazing! I admire you so much."

"Is it worship?"

"Okay, worship."

At this moment, there was a scream outside, like the scream of a woman.

"Did you hear that?" Luo Ye leaned on Jin Ke's side in horror.

"Hearing, screaming." Jin Ke nodded.

"What would it be?" Luo Ye pulled Jin Ke out of the room door, and looked in the direction of the screaming just now.

"So it's just mysterious, just like we have encountered before." Jin Ke shook his head.

"Would you like to check it out?"

"No, curiosity kills the cat. Let's continue to the presidential suite." Jin Ke continued to shake his head.

"I'm not very interested in the presidential suite anymore. I think there must be something very bloody waiting for us in the presidential suite." Luo Ye became a little uneasy.

"Do you want to look back? The screaming just seemed to be the direction we came from." Jin Ke looked in the direction of coming.

"Go back, there are more people over there, it should be safer." Luo Ye hesitated.

"Not necessarily, they all assigned rooms, and they should all have gone to their respective rooms now. There is no one in the place where they came in." Jin Ke shook his head.

"What you said makes sense, we shouldn't be separated from them at the beginning." Luo Ye regretted again.

"Go on, you can't hide from it. The ultimate battle won't make us spend so easily." Jin Ke's expression calmed.

"I really admire you, I won't be afraid at any time." Luoye clenched Jin Ke's hand.

Jin Ke stepped forward and walked over. At this moment, the passage under his foot suddenly collapsed with a clatter, and Jin Ke couldn't react as he fell into the darkness below.

Luoye didn't hold Jin Ke's hand, she knelt over the collapsed hole and screamed while looking down.

"I'm fine, don't stop calling." Jin Ke took out his phone and took photos around.

The place where it fell is not deep, and it looks like three or four meters from the ground.

"What now?" Luo Ye asked Jin Ke.

"You're looking for..." Jin Ke shook the phone towards Luo Ye, only to find two figures above the hole!

"Jump down!" Jin Ke shouted to Luo Ye.


"Jump down!" Jin Ke roared.

Luo Ye jumped down quickly, Jin Ke caught her underneath, but the inertia of the undershoot was too great, the two rolled over the ground a few times to stabilize the body.

"What happened?" Luo Ye also felt abnormal.

"Someone by your side just now." Jin Ke took a picture of it with his mobile phone, but now there is no figure on it.

"Really? It's terrifying!" Luo Ye looked up with fear.

"Let's leave here as soon as possible." Jin Ke took a picture in front of him, and the place where he fell was no different. It was similar to the layout above, and it was also like aisles and cabins.

In this case, it is definitely not appropriate to go back. Let's go to the presidential suite to see it first.

Maybe it will be a safe spot there.

"It must not be too calm tonight, there will be a lot of terrible things happening, and it is just beginning now." Luo Ye said while walking.

"It's good if you are mentally prepared."

"When I was alone, I was not so timid and fragile. I don't know why. After I was with you, I suddenly became timid and fragile." Luo Ye continued.