Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 313

"A...friend of the whirlpool clan?"

Vortex Xianglin's eyes looking at Huanye are still full of vigilance. The Vortex clan has long been destroyed. I don't know if there are any other Vortex clan people besides her. Even if they have it, they are not necessarily their relatives, let alone. Huan Ye, who claimed to be a friend of the whirlpool clan, suddenly appeared, and Huan Ye was too young, right?

"Well, believe it or not, it's up to you!"

Huan Ye shrugged indifferently, took out an apple and bit it, but her eyes were staring at Uzumaki Phosphorus, and strange fluctuations flashed from time to time.

This is to give her a psychological hint while Uzumaki Xianglin is not paying attention.

"Are you working for Oshe Maru now? This is not a good thing. O She Maru is not worthy of your allegiance."

It is necessary to imply that Uzumaki Phosphorus is a trustworthy person, and at the same time make her suspicious of her allegiance to Oshemaru, so that she may betray Oshemaru and come here. Although the use of psychological hints is a bit despicable, Fantasy What he cares about is the result, not the process. Of course, what he wants is Uzumaki Phosphorus willingly to be by his side, so that many things are easier to handle. If it is unwilling, maybe it will happen in the future. What's the problem, but for now, it is only necessary to make Uzumaki Phosphorus suspicious of Dashe Wan. The research projects need to be done one by one. It is impossible to study so many at once, so Uzumaki Phosphorus can wait here.

And when the whirlpool fragrant phosphorus heard Huan Ye's words, he was shaken for a moment because of Huan Ye's psychological hints, but soon, he started to stare at Huan Ye again.

"Who are you? What do you want to bring me here?"

"I said, I'm a friend of the whirlpool clan, um, my name is Huanye, I brought you here, just because you may be the last person in the whirlpool clan, I can't bear to watch you being tricked by the big snake pill. No way back."


"Oshe Maru is just using you. Once you are useless, you will be thrown away as abandoned children, just like the three of Yinyin, who are regarded as abandoned children without knowing it."

"I...I don't know any big snake pill..."

"Okay, you can lie to others, but you can't lie to me!"

Huan Ye waved her hand, feeling that her psychological suggestion had been successful, and she didn't plan to stay here any more.

"Think about it for yourself, Dashemaru is definitely not where you stayed for a long time. If you figure it out, you will transport chakras into this jade pendant, and I will pick you up and leave."

Huan Ye said that he put a special jade pendant into the hands of the vortex fragrant phosphorus, and then moved away directly, making the vortex fragrant phosphorus feel very inexplicable. He raised his hand to throw away the jade pendant in his hand, but thought After thinking about it, I finally stayed, and then looked for the direction and ran to meet his companions.


"The seeds have been planted, and it depends on when they can take root and sprout!"

Huan Ye wanders around in the death forest, collecting some herbs and the like, and some poisonous weeds. Sometimes using poison is also very effective. Huan Ye doesn’t care about the method. What he wants is the result. The result is good. Everything is fine.

The same is true for Uzumaki Phosphorus, but what the result will be, I don’t know yet. Everything can only be said to do everything to do what he wants. If everything develops as he envisioned, he will not do anything extra Things, if there is a deviation in the development of things, then he will take action again, let the things develop towards the result he hopes.

Time passed slowly while the magic night was collecting things everywhere, and the time of one night passed quickly. The magic night basically went around in the death forest. In addition to herbs and the like, even animals also I have collected a lot. Of course, some are alive, and some are dead. Most of the alive are bugs and the like. The dead are some large beasts. The beasts in the dead forest and the ordinary beasts outside are slightly It's a little different. Although it's not a psychic beast, you can study it.

Finding that the sky was already bright, Huan Ye washed her face next to the river, and the cold river water also made Huan Ye more energetic.

"OK, everything that should be collected is collected, and it's time to go back!"

With that said, Huan Ye was about to leave here, but her mental power suddenly sensed a few people nearby, and she scanned it carefully. From the front of the guard, she seemed to be from Yinyin Village.

"Oh, it's the three people who were considered abandoned. Well, that little girl is not bad, but it's a pity that there is no research value."

For people who have no research value or use value, Huan Ye does not care too much, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that in the end one of the three people challenged Gaara, but Gaara smashed it with sand. The other two were used as sacrificial offerings for reincarnating from the dirty soil by the big snake pills.

"If that's the case, do you want to do something on their bodies and shame the Dashewan guy?"

Huan Ye thought about it seriously, but finally gave up. This little thing probably doesn't even have the qualifications to make O She Maru depressed, so there is no need to waste that kind of time.

Thinking of this, Huan Ye left directly, and it was time to go back and study it carefully when Konoha Ninjas have not cared about them these days, especially for the strengthening of the body, without using defense skills or energy. In the case of circumstance, at least it must be invulnerable, even if the explosion does not damage the body.


Time soon came to the end of the second exam. In the past few days, Huan Ye and Emerald have been tossing each other's bodies, and the gains are not small, even the relationship has improved a lot, and even washed together. The mandarin duck bath can be performed normally. Of course, it is a medicated bath, using medicine to strengthen the body.

Dai Yukie and others had already arrived at Konoha on the third day. Huanye took them in, and the roots seemed to reappear, but Huanye didn’t bother to pay attention to that kind of flies. They watched it anyway. Nothing.

And in the morning of this day, Huan Ye also normally obtained the consent of the three generations of Hokage, and went directly to the tower in the death forest, and led the girls in in the name of cheering for his disciple Hyuga Hinata. Of course, I just want to observe some secret techniques by the way, such as the shadow imitation technique of the Nara family and the secret technique of the Yamanaka Ino family.

The three generations of Hokage and others were saying something to those who passed the second exam, while Huan Ye brought Amerada Dai Yukie and others on the viewing platform.

"It's just a battle of a few children, do you need to care so much?"

Kazuko Kawashin expressed a bit of incomprehension. Although she is still young, she has been in the Ninja World for a month. She is no longer just a little girl who has killed some zombies. The cruelty allowed them to grow up a lot, and the Naruto and others below were similar to children in her eyes.

Huan Ye didn't answer her question, Song Yongyan on one side spoke directly.

"One, even if it’s just a child, it’s not to be underestimated, and never underestimate anyone, even if the opponent is just an ordinary person, even if it’s just a child, as long as they have the ability to fight, as long as they can afford weapons, even as long as If you have enough strength to kill people, you must face it carefully, otherwise you will only suffer."

"Well, Xiao Yan'er said very well." Huan Ye nodded in agreement, but did not say anything more on this topic, but pointed to Tian Tian and said, "This little girl is the one you will teach next. There is a girl, Xiao Dai Dai, Xiao Yan'er, and one more son. There is no need to hide privately, even if you teach her, you can teach her all of swordsmanship, spearmanship, and martial arts."


The three girls nodded, but Kawashin was still a little confused.

"But, why teach her?"

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"If you want to get it, you have to pay, right?"

Huan Ye asked rhetorically, before Chuan Shen answered, she continued.

"Let you teach her, it's just an investment, and sooner or later there will be gains, and she will become your partner!"

Affection is a good thing, but it is not a good thing. Many people pay a tragic price because of the bondage of feelings. Let Dai Yukie and others cultivate Tiantian and cultivate their feelings. Tiantian is undoubtedly one People who value feelings, as long as they cultivate their feelings, there will be a lot of things that will happen every day.

But on this point, Huanye didn’t tell Dai Yukie and the others, that Dai Yukie and the others are different from Kazuki Suzuno. Kazuki Suzu is a person who lives in the dark, and is very clear about this kind of use of emotions. , But Dai Yukie and the others are different. They also have the same sense of justice as Emilia, so they should not be allowed to know Huan Ye’s plan, otherwise it will inevitably not make their hearts feel a little lumpy for a long time. , It is easy to have problems, and Magic Night is not like seeing that kind of thing.

Dealing with different people requires different means. With Dai Yukie and the others, Huan Ye will try to avoid the bad things she has done to let them know, and try not to do things that disgust them in front of them, so that they can Will always identify with Fantasy Night, and then always follow Fantasy Night. Although Fantasy Night can use some compulsory means to do this, Fantasy Night is not willing to do that. If there are puppets around him, what else is there? meaning?

Although Dai Yukie and the others don’t know what the investment and gains of Huanye are, they still agree with the word partner. They think that Huanye is just a little girl in love with other people. "Hua Xin" expressed helplessness, but didn't say much, and nodded to show that he understood.

The three generations of Hokage and their nonsense quickly finished. Huanye also saw the man named Moonlight Storm, who was considered a master of Konoha Ryuko Swordsmanship. Unfortunately, his body was so bad that he was easily killed. .

Of course, there is Oshemaru, but Huanye just glanced at random at random, so there is no more control, because Huanye has observed everyone a few times, so Oshemaru has no doubts, just a lot. After a fantasy night, a few young girls expressed a little doubt. It seems that after today, the information about the fantasy night will be sent to him.

But it was just that point of meaningless information, and Huan Ye wouldn't care.

The battle was about to begin, and other people also walked to the viewing platform. Hinata Hinata and Yurihong greeted them, and they walked directly to Huanye.

"Master, Miss Emerald, Miss Kamazuki."

Hyuga Hinata greeted her very well, and Hana nodded, then introduced it.

"This is Dai Yukie, Kawanshin Kazuko, and Song Yongyan, all experts in physical skills, you can also ask them more."

"Yes," Hyuga Hinata replied, and then bowed to Dai Yukie and the others. "In the next Hyuga Hinata, please advise."

"Ah, you are welcome, just call me a son!"