Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 639

So Night. Raid also has a plan to deal with hunters.

In other words, the all-out battle between Night. Raid and the hunter has come.

The one who took the initiative was Night. Raid, who was in the dark, directly threw out the false information and led out the members of the hunter.

The day that Huanye came back was exactly when the hunter left.

Hill found this point easily.

After all, the current Hill is no longer the former Hill. Although she retains most of her memories, those memories have not had any bad influence on her.

This information was reported to Magic Night by Hill at night.

"I just went out today, so according to this, maybe I'm back at the right time!"

Huan Ye said while biting on the fruits of this world specialty.

Now he still hasn't figured out whether the plot of this world is based on the original manga or an adapted anime plot.

But this is not something that needs to be cared too much. Anyway, for Magic Night, it doesn't matter which plot is followed, and it has no effect on him at all.

"If this is the case, let's go take a look, Alia, take a good look at the house, besides, by the way, set up the shelf of the exchange house first, and the collections of those powerful and powerful in the imperial capital. The cheap revolutionary army, it's better to make us cheaper, go and bring back all their collections."

"Hi! I see!"

Alia, who was reborn, nodded.

She is still the same now, but she is not the same now.

It should be said that the original Alia is indeed dead, and now here is just a Shige who has infinite loyalty to the magic night.

Yes, it is Shiki. The one that Huanye trusts most is undoubtedly Shiki.

But although it is the most trusted, it is not absolute trust.

After all, Huan Ye is an existence that he sometimes does not trust himself!

"Anyway, it's up to you, Hill, let's go."


Item 0022

"Is that religion called An Ning Dao? Or is it An Sheng Dao? Hill, Night. Raid should collect information, tell me."

This time, the duel between Night. Raid and the Hunter was mainly developed around this An What Way.

But I don't really understand this magic night, I don't even remember where it is, and there is nowhere to inquire about it, so I can only ask Hill.

Speaking of Hill, Magic Nightclub feels a bit strange.

Of course, it is not Hill that is strange, but Hill, as the god of Shiji, still retains most of his memories, which is a bit different from what Huan Ye recognizes.

Generally speaking, people after death are made into shikigami, and although there is a little retention of memory or something, it is basically a way of fighting, not regardless of memory.

But first Nina from Conan World, then Xiaonan from Naruto World, and now it's Hill and Alia's turn, both of which retain most of their memories.

Among them, Xiaonan and Alia were made into Shijines by Huanye right after they died, so it is not surprising that they can retain more memories.

Because Nina's words were transformed from dolls, they could be said to be monsters or spirit creatures, so they were a bit special and normal.

But Hill is a bit abnormal.

Hill died a few months ago, and she was not a capable person, nor a monster, nor was she a kind of spirit creature that gave birth to a soul. It was just an ordinary person, although she was an emperor. She is a bit unusual in this world.

Huanye summoned Hill's soul again, and then made it into a shikigami. It stands to reason that her memory will not be retained much, but she still remembers most of it.

If it wasn't for Hill himself as a special person, then it was a problem with the onmyoji practiced by Huanye, and making Shijin was a type of onmyoji.

But it's not easy to say what the problem is. After all, Huan Ye hasn't seen other onmyojis, let alone other onmyojis and shikigami.

But this didn't seem to be a big deal, so after studying for a while and not understanding it, Huanye didn't bother to bother about it.

But Hill, who heard Huanye's inquiry, tapped his chin with his finger, and thought about it in confusion.

"What should I say, I only remember Anning Dao is a religion in the eastern part of the empire, and the others... Although I should know it, I just can't remember..."

"Okay, okay, I get it."

Hearing Hill’s words, Huanye waved his hand helplessly. Although the knowledge is in Hill’s memory, it may be due to the natural stupid attributes. In most cases, Hill is unable to remember. In the state.

There is no way for Magic Night to stand on this type of god. Fortunately, this does not affect Hill's value to Magic Night.

Shiki can also be regarded as a kind of ghost, after all, onmyoji is a skill related to life and death.

And the body of Shiji is similar to ghosts and ghosts. It is made with the soul and the original body, and that is the ghost. If there is only the soul, that is the ghost.

However, compared with the body of a living person, both ghosts and ghosts are classified as dead bodies, and the living beings are naturally living bodies or become living bodies.

Although there are many differences, in general, there is not much difference between the dead body and the living body. What the living body can do, the dead body can do, but there are some things that the dead body can do, but the living body may not be able to do it. Arrived.

But it doesn't matter whether it is a living body or a dead body. The important thing is that as long as there is a body, as long as the soul has not dissipated, as long as the life soul has not entered the cycle, then the person is still alive.

Of course, not every world will have reincarnation.

"Since it is in the east, then let's go directly to the east and look for it!"


Hill had no opinion on Magic Night's decision, nor would he have any opinion.

So the two of them didn't say much, they just flew towards the east, anyway they were not in a hurry.

As for whether Hill will fly...

If not, Huanye wouldn't be guilty of spending time and energy to make her a shikigami, knowing that the biggest role of shikigami is to help her master fight.

And as a black-level ability person, the level of the shikigami produced by Huan Ye is naturally not low. Although it does not reach the level of black level, it is also the existence of purple level. Flying is naturally a trivial matter.

The strength level of the produced Shijin is actually not necessarily, sometimes it will be very high, even higher than the producer, but sometimes it will be very low, even just a red level.

This mainly depends on the level of the producer, as well as the quality of the materials produced. If you want to say, it is talent, potential and so on.

A shikigami made by a person with good talent and great potential will naturally have a higher level of strength, while a shikigami made by a person with poor talent and little potential will naturally have a lower level.

Hill naturally has talent and potential, so she will become a purple rank existence. Of course, on this basis, she can also improve her strength through her own practice.

Like Arya, her talent is much lower and her potential is not that big. So although the level of Magic Night is good, after the production is successful, it will only be of a young level.