Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 670


At this time, Huan Ye had already walked outside the island.

"It seems to be over!"

I stood there and looked at the villa on the island, then chuckled lightly, and went on to go up again.

The road is a bit muddy because it has rained before.

But Huanye's shoes, clothes, etc. were not soiled.

Of course, such trivial matters do not seem to need to be emphasized.

Soon Magic Night walked to the door of the villa, without calling someone, just opened the door and walked in.

Ordinary door locks can't stop him.

Everyone in the house also noticed the sound of the door being opened, and they ran out one after another, seeing Huan Ye in the hallway.

"It's you?!"

Heiji Hattori was a little surprised to see Hanuya, and Conan also had the same expression.

Baima Tan had never seen Huanye, so looking at Huanye was a little confused.

Of course, Huanye hadn't seen him before, but Huanye didn't even bother to look at him.

The remaining Yueshui Qigui and two middle-aged men also looked at Huanye with a puzzled expression.

Conan was the first to respond and asked directly.

"Huan Ye, are you the only one? You sailed?"

"No, no, no, I have no obligation to save you!"

Huan Ye shook his own finger, and then pointed directly at Yue Shui Qigui, with a bright smile on his face.

"Miss Yueshui Qigui, I came to you to leave, now you don't need to stay here."

"um, I?"

Yue Shui Qigui pointed a finger at her face with doubts, she didn't remember that she knew Huan Ye as a person.

"Do we know each other? Why take me away?"

"I don't know, I just talked for a while."

Huan Ye shook his head.

After hearing this sentence, Yue Shui Qigui couldn't help but think hard, wanting to see when he had an intersection with someone like Huanye.

Conan on one side was a bit entangled. Since the magic night appeared, it means that this time the murderer of the seven rules of the water is likely to be at large again.

Although he also sympathizes with the Seven Rules of the Yueshui, it does not mean that he can allow the murderer of the Seven Rules of the Yueshui to escape the sanctions of the law.

Hattori Heiji and Hakuba Tanke are not so good to talk.

"What do you mean? Take her away? Where do you want to take her?"

"And who are you? Why are you here? What is your purpose?"

Bai Ma was dying to death against Huan Ye, and intuitively told him that this young man was a little dangerous.

But Huanye had no obligation to answer their questions, just shrugged.

"Buddha said: Don't talk, don't talk!"

After speaking, he walked directly in front of Yueshui Qigui.

Hattori Heiji had clenched his fists and seemed to want to do it, but in the end he didn't do much.

Detective Baima was only on one side guarding Huan Ye's behavior. If Huan Ye had any changes, the two of them would have to take action.

But Conan didn't think that the two of them would have any chance of winning. Although Conan knew the strength of Hattori Heiji, he couldn't judge the fantasy with common sense.

No matter what they are, Huan Ye still has a smile on his face.

"Since your hands are stained with blood, don't think about atonement or anything. There is no sin in this world that can be redeemed. So, come with me, go to the deepest part of the darkness, and use that darkness. , How about guarding the light and justice in your heart?"

Just like Kazuki Suzuno, even though everything he did was bloody and killing, but in Kazuki Suzuno's heart, she also had her persistence and her justice, or she would not get Amy. Leah agreed.

It's just that for Huan Ye, darkness is darkness. No matter what kind of concept he has in his heart, there is no doubt that his hands are stained with blood.

But this does not affect Huan Ye’s use of such words to abduct others. Although he still doesn’t know what Yueshui Qigui will do for him, since he is interested, he should take it home for the time being, and he will find it sooner or later. For her purpose.

In fact, there are still some uses, such as asking her to go abroad to help Hoshino Terumi, Kusano and others, but they manage the branch of the exchange abroad.

"How, do you want to be together?"

Huan Ye asked again, as if she wanted Yue Shui Qigui to make a decision quickly.

But Yueshui Qigui still hesitated.

Seeing this, the smile on Huan Ye's face seemed to be a little brighter, and he stretched out his hand towards Yueshui Qigui.

"Actually, there is nothing to consider. Some people and some things always need someone to do. As long as you are willing to abandon yourself, then you can get more, can do more, even in the dark, Uphold justice, right?"

Such words are often just used by those who are in the dark to comfort themselves.

But this seems to be of great use to the Seven Rules of the Yueshui, so after tangling a bit, he stretched out his hand and held it with Huanye's hand, and agreed.

Some people are in the light, some people are in the darkness, and some people are wandering between the light and the darkness. At this time, someone can pull him or push him into the light. Or fall completely into darkness.

And Huan Ye undoubtedly pulled the Seven Rules of Yueshui, thus turning her into a person in darkness.

"Very good, very wise choice!"

The smile on Huan Ye's face became a little brighter, and things seemed to be going smoother than expected.

But Huanye was too lazy to think about it, and walked directly outside while pulling Yueshui Qigui.

But some people don't want them to leave.

"Stop me!"

Hattori Heiji stretched out his hand to hold Hanaya and Koshisui Qigui, and Tanaka Hakuma wanted to act.

But it was only for a moment, Hattori Heiji and Hakuba Detective seemed to be in a trance, and then they found that Huanye and Yueshui Qigui had reached the door.