Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 697

The main work these days is to study the necklace with emeralds from Queen Sacra.

As a queen, Sacra will naturally not be anything ordinary, at least not unnamed.

It's just that what name this necklace has in the world, Huan Ye doesn't know, and doesn't bother to know, Huan Ye is more concerned about whether the necklace is useful for him.

And it turns out that this is indeed useful, and it is not generally useful.

That emerald is actually not a gem at all, but just like a gem, it is a kind of treasure.

If the world contains energy, it is undoubtedly gems and crystals, as well as jade and the like. This is also a relatively common thing. Above that, it is the spiritual crystal that contains spiritual power.

But in addition to these, there are other things that contain energy and spiritual power, such as the rare sun stone, moon stone, star stone, Yin Yang stone, and so on.

These are relatively rare, and these things are basically just for absorbing, or for arranging formation enchantments.

There are also many medicinal materials that contain energy and spiritual power. Of course, in addition to energy and spiritual power, there are also medicinal powers. Medical power can also be regarded as a special kind of energy or spiritual power, and there are many different types. The power of the medicine has different effects.

In addition to the above, the rest are some treasures of heaven and earth.

In fact, if you want to say, Tiancai Dibao is roughly the above things, if you say it accurately, it is the advanced version of the above things.

For example, some fruits that are also plants but not medicinal materials.

The so-called natural treasures are actually relatively rare, but very effective things, and under normal circumstances there will be no side effects.

The emerald on the necklace is actually a kind of heaven, material and earth treasure. It is condensed from the essence of plants and trees. It contains a lot of wood attribute spiritual power. Although it does not have a lot of vitality like the previous blood coral, it is also very Valuable ones exist, especially for those with wood abilities.

Huan Ye is not of the Wood Element, but the Wood Element is also one of the lines he has, so it is also very useful to him.

What's more, Huan Ye has been studying the profound meaning of the wood system recently, and this essence of vegetation might also be of any use.

However, Huan Ye did not intend to absorb it, but kept it for further research, because he found something unusual in the essence of plants and trees.

Of course, the unusual is relatively speaking, in fact it is just a soul fluctuation.

However, humans, monsters and the like have soul fluctuations, it is quite normal, but a plant essence will have soul fluctuations, which is very unusual.

"Although it is still relatively weak, it is indeed the soul fluctuating... Did this essence of vegetation produce a soul?"

This magic night is a bit puzzled, but this is not unacceptable.

In addition to being relatively rare, there is another big difference from ordinary things, that is, it is possible to produce souls, and thus to evolve like monsters.

Just like Nina, from a dead thing to a creature.

Although Nina's body is not a natural treasure, just an ordinary doll, Nina's existence is indeed similar to those spiritual things that evolved from the natural treasure.

Of course, this is not always the case, because the chances of the birth of souls from Tiancai Dibao are too small, and in many cases it can be ignored. Unless it is an extremely rare and extremely advanced existence, the probability of such an existence being born of a soul is relatively A little higher, but the probability is still less than one in ten thousand, which shows the preciousness of spiritual things.

Of course, the main reason why the spiritual things are precious is that the effect of the heavenly materials and earth treasures that have born souls is at least ten times higher than that of the heavenly materials and earth treasures that have not born souls, and they also have a very powerful effect on enhancing soul power.

So once a spiritual thing is found, it will definitely cause a bloody storm among the capable.

The treasures of heaven and earth who can give birth to souls are undoubtedly lucky because they also have unlimited possibilities.

But luck is also unfortunate at the same time, because whether it is humans or monsters, they will want to catch them and eat them, and of course there are other uses.

Once the spiritual creature is caught, the tragic consequences can be foreseen.

However, it is still not certain that the soul of this plant essence has already been born, or whose soul is attached to it, or because of other reasons.

But these are not important. The important thing is that Magic Night does not intend to use this plant essence for the time being, of course it can be used for research.

"Well, that's it for now!"

After saying this, Huan Ye temporarily put away the essence of plants and trees, and went to other things.


When there is something to do, time actually flies quickly.

Of course, in the world of Conan, there is actually no need to care too much about time.

When I was busy, time was like a panting river, and it flowed into the distance in a sudden, making it too late to take a closer look.

So the time soon passed by more than half a month. Recalling the days of more than half a month, it seemed that there was nothing but a state of nothing, which made Huan Ye a little bit depressed.

Fortunately, nothing was done in the end, at least in the study of the profound meaning of the wood system, some progress has been made, but it is still far from being able to comprehend the profound meaning.

It doesn’t mean that you can comprehend it by comprehension. Fortunately, Magic Night already has the profound meaning of the ice element, so it can be regarded as a pass to the white level. For other profound meanings, you don’t need to be too persistent. But if you can comprehend it all, it is naturally excellent.

And in these days, everyone in the detective office next door is still living a fulfilling life. After all, people die wherever they go, and they can't be bored anyway, unless they are tired of these cases.

Of course, if they want to say something, maybe they all hope that there will be no cases.

But it is precisely because there are cases that there are detectives. If there are no cases, the profession of detectives does not need to continue to exist.

But as long as there are people, there will be darkness, where there will be darkness, there will be evil, and the so-called evil, naturally, there is no shortage of things like murder, robbery, and strong X.

Therefore, the profession of detectives is estimated to never disappear, unless the laws of the world clearly stipulate that the existence of detectives is not allowed.

But even so, it is estimated that the profession of detective will still not disappear.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Huan Ye, Huan Ye does not care about the existence of the detective, he only cares about himself and the exchange house.

If everyone in the world can get along with each other friendly, if all people have no desires, then the clearinghouse does not need to continue to exist.

But is that possible?

Huanye never thought that such an era would come, so the exchange will not disappear.

It's just that Huanye has rarely paid attention to the exchange house business now, anyway, someone is helping him.

Of course, if there is any exchange of interest, Huan Ye will still go out in person. In addition to being interested, it can also be regarded as doing other things to relax.

On this day, Huanye unexpectedly received an invitation from a girl named Shih Le Lianxi, the girl she met during the Stradivari violin incident, too She had exchanged with Huan Ye, Huan Ye's seven-tone blood evil piano was obtained from her.

"Invite me to a concert?"

Huan Ye felt a bit inexplicable about Shih Le Lianxi's invitation. Originally, she thought there would never be any contact, but she did not expect that the girl would even send the invitation.

Huan Ye is not prepared to agree to this. After all, Huan Ye is not very interested in the so-called Western classical music, and Eastern classical music is pretty much the same.

But this matter was known to Chelsea somehow, and then Chelsea also offered her opinion.

"I think we should go take a look!"

She is more interested in music, no matter what kind of music it is.