Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 760

In any case, time just passed in their respective busy schedules.

What happened during this time need not be elaborated.

In the afternoon of the day, Huan Ye and Hyuga Huahuo finally appeared again in the Da Ming Mansion in the Snow Country.

Regarding the ability of the reincarnated eye, it has been confirmed so far, and it is basically the same as what Huan Ye knows. As for whether there are more, it needs to be developed slowly by Hyuga Huahuo.

And after these days of familiarity, Hyuga Kahuo can also master the reincarnation eye more proficiently.

It can converge all the brilliance, and it looks no different from ordinary white eyes.

After all, this is Hyuga Huahuo's own eyes, not transplanted, but transformed by instilling Chakra. Naturally, there will be no rejection reaction, and it can be controlled skillfully.

And Huanye also got enough information, so this matter will stop here for the time being.

"Counting the time, it's almost time!"

Huan Ye thought about it a bit, but in the end he didn't say much.

Let Hyuga Huahuo go to rest, and Huanye went to find Fenghua Xiaoxue herself.

Fenghua Xiaoxue is still working, and Ye Ying's mother, Sara, the former Loulan queen, is with her.

In addition, Ye Ying is on the side.

"My Father."

Seeing Huanye's Ye Ying hurriedly saluted.

People from big families, royal families, etc., are unavoidable to salute when they meet.

As a princess, Ye Ying, although there is no Loulan anymore, she has been strictly required since she was a child. Even if she has followed Huanye for so long, these habits have not been changed.

Of course, Huan Ye didn't let her change it.

However, Sarah who saw Huan Ye just snorted with dissatisfaction. With regard to Ye Ying, she naturally had one thousand and ten thousand opinions on Huan Ye.

Fenghua Xiaoxue didn't say much about Huanye's housework, but just said hello to Huanye.

Speaking of it, she didn't know whether she should be grateful or hate Huanye. After all, Huanye avenged her and regained the country, and made it better and better. There were no restrictions on her.

So in theory, it should be thankful.

But although Huanye didn’t mention any restrictions, she couldn’t fall in love freely, and couldn’t do what she likes to do. Basically, she was like a puppet. The things are all specified by Huanye or Yuzaoqian and others.

This country does not seem to be her country anymore.

In this regard, she seems to hate Huanye again.

However, she still struggled.

But entangled with these, it is of little use.

"What happened to the war on the bird country?"

"It is still in the stage of full defense and partial counterattack."

Fenghua Xiaoxue replied, no matter what Huanye was, she didn't dare to neglect Huanye in the slightest, even if she knew that she didn't care about these things, it was the same.

On the bird country side, after all, it is only for training soldiers, so defense is enough, and the partial counterattack is also for training the soldiers' offensive ability. After all, soldiers who can only defend are not good.

But Sarah has a different view of this war.

"How long do you want this war to last?"

Sarah didn't want to see the war, although Loulan said it was destroyed because of being involved in the war.

But in fact, it should be said that it was "being" involved in war.

In fact, before the war began, Sara had already transferred Loulan's citizens, and no Loulan soldiers had participated in the war.

In response to Sara's question, Huanye first looked at her and blinked, then smiled.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon."

He looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue again.

"Xiaoxue, how many troops have both sides invested now?"

"Together, the soldiers from the country of birds and the soldiers we supported in the country of snow in the past put about 50,000 people in the war, while the other countries have joined forces and have nearly 500,000 troops."

Fenghua Xiaoxue replied.

The battle of hundreds of thousands of people seems to be a lot of people, compared to the number of ninja coalition forces in the five major ninja villages.

However, the members of the Ninja Alliance are all ninjas, and the soldiers of the Snow Country and the Bird Country, as well as the soldiers of the enemy nations, are just ordinary people. The ninjas are only a small number, so this number is not too exaggerated.

However, I have to say that there are still a lot of people in the Ninja World. Konoha alone has a population of more than 100,000, and there are 10,000 to 20,000 ninjas.

Item 0021

"How about the Space Teleportation Magic Array? Is it set up?"

"It was just set up yesterday, and it is still under further debugging. If necessary, it can be put into use at any time."

Fenghua Xiaoxue replied.

At this moment, she didn't look like a queen, but like an intelligence agent, who specially sent information to Huan Ye.

But this is not important at all.

Huanye, who had received the exact news, also nodded directly.

"Then, in Birdland, has the airport been refurbished? Has the maintenance plant and the maintenance station been put into use?"



Huanye nodded in satisfaction.

"Then quickly start preparing enough strategic materials and send them to the Bird Nation, notify the Bird Nation, immediately begin to gather experienced troops, change into new weapons, and start a full-line counterattack after five days."


Fenghua Xiaoxue responded, and then she sent someone to convey the order.

Sarah didn't react to Huanye's sudden order.