Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 797

Emilia couldn't help but grabbed Emerald's hand directly, and flew directly over there as soon as she moved.


On the other side, Sasuke Uchiha successfully awakened the fellow Oshemaru.

Then, along with several members of his eagle team, he hurried directly towards Konoha.

Da She Maru naturally wanted to return his hands, and then reincarnated in the Naruto of the past generations by the way.

Each of them is not considered weak, and the speed of the journey is relatively fast, plus the location is not very far from the country of fire, so it is estimated that it will not be long before they can reach Konoha.

However, what they didn't know was that on Konoha's side, someone had spotted them in advance.


In the Ninja War, it seems that all people have exploded with mediocre potential, breaking many previous cognitions of ninjas.

For example, in the case of hurrying, it seems that everyone's hurrying speed has become much faster.

The Ninja World War in the original book also lasted for two days, or another day and a half.

But in such a small amount of time, the ninjas were running around the world, especially Uchiha Sasuke, who seemed to meet Uchiha Itachi in the afternoon of the next day.

Then followed Uchiha Itachi to find the pharmacist's pocket, a big battle, and a lot of nonsense.

Then he resurrected the Osha Maru, and then rushed to Konoha, pulling a lot of nonsense.

Then he rushed to the battlefield from Konoha.

It seems that it only took a little more than half a day to go back and forth like this, and the speed is not unpleasant.

Of course, these are not unreasonable settings for the purpose of complaining, but purely just to make up the number of words...

Ahem, let's get back to business.

Kakashi and Kay first rushed to the battlefield on their side of Naruto and fought with Uchiha and Uchiha Madara.

Here, the remaining units of the Ninja United Army selected ninjas above the upper ninja and quickly supported them on the battlefield over there.

The previous battles clearly told everyone that except for Shinobu, it’s best for others not to get involved in the battle with Uchiha Madara, because Shinobu and Nakanin are in the eyes of Uchiha Madara’s level. , Not much different from ordinary people.

And even if it is Shinobu, facing Uchiha Madara is also very dangerous, and if one is bad, he will be killed.

The remaining ninja troops are still healing the wounded ninjas. The previous meteorite fell and buried too many ninjas. Some of them were dead, but maybe there are still alive. Naturally, they must be saved. .

Emilia took Emerald and flew to Wuying.

Although there was an order before the magic night, since they all came, Emerald wouldn't really do nothing. He took out a lot of potions and began to treat the Five Shadows.

Among them, Tsunade was the worst. Even the body was cut in half. If it weren't for the slug, it was a painful thing, and it was too bad that Tsunade could bear.

But if it weren't for the slug, maybe she would be killed too.

Item 0043

The Ninja World War is still going on.

At night, a little more than nine o'clock.

Outside the Konoha Ninja Village, the country of fire, about 20 kilometers away, several figures quickly approached Konoha Village.

And at this moment, they all stopped suddenly, taking out Kuwu to take out their weapons to guard.

"who is it?"

One of them yelled, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

It was dark, as if there was nothing.

But these few people don't think so. There must be some people in front, and they are not ordinary people.

It's just that the masters of Konoha Village are all on the battlefield?Even if there are those left behind, it is estimated that they will not be much better.

So who is this powerful person in perception?

Several people are thinking.

In the darkness, the outline of a figure suddenly appeared, and then slowly became clear.

Someone walked out in the darkness.

Slowly, this person clearly appeared in front of everyone.

It was a girl in a kimono with short hair, who looked like she was only eleven or twelve years old.

But the little girl's eyes were white. If she suddenly appeared this night, she would definitely be shocked if she was someone she didn't know.

But everyone present knew what was going on and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Grow your eyes! It's from the Hyuga family!"

"At such a young age..."

"It is said that Hyuga Hinata has two daughters, one Hinata Hinata, and the other Hyuga Kahuo, who are also the heirs of the future Patriarch of the Hyuga clan... If I am not mistaken, you are Hyuga Kahuo, right?"

A hoarse-sounding voice sounded.

The girl on the opposite side also spoke.

"During the Second Ninja World War, Konoha Sannin rose. After the third Ninja World War, Sannin either left Konoha or defected to Konoha. Among them, Tsunade-sama returned to Konoha and became Naruto. Lai Ye-sama died not long ago, and Oshemaru was said to have been killed... But now it seems that the legend outside is wrong. Oshemaru-sama is still alive and well."

The visitor was Oshemaru, Sasuke Uchiha and his party.

And the one who stopped them was naturally Hyuga Kahuo.

Practicing divine refining techniques, awakened the reincarnated eyes, although the mountains and dews are usually not visible, the strength of Hyuga Huahuo is not low, and I am afraid it is much stronger than the five shadows.

Konoha's ninjas have basically gone to fight in the ninja world. Now there are not many ninjas left behind. They can be regarded as masters, and they are just some elite-level middle ninjas.

At this time, people like Uchiha Sasuke and Oshamaru suddenly ran here, and Hyuga Huahuo had to come out and stop them, otherwise if they wanted to do something bad, the consequences would be unthinkable.

"I don't know, as the rebellious Oshemaru-sama, why are you here at Konoha at this time?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Sasuke-kun wanted to see a few people, so he brought him over."

"Uchiha Sasuke?"

Hyuga Huahuo looked at the person with the writing wheel. She didn't know much about Uchiha Sasuke, but she had seen it once or twice, and then no more.