Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 920

However, no one in the research institute thinks that it has anything to do with it. For these researchers, the Misaka sisters are just a bunch of clones, each cost 180,000 yen, and there are currently more than 2,000 in stock. , And it is still increasing.

After all, it is estimated that 20,000 will be needed, regardless of whether it will increase or decrease in the future, it will be produced first anyway.

There won't be too many people anyway.

However, it is estimated that one party is already very bored, killing people there every day, and it can be said that the killing is the same person.

But this has nothing to do with Huan Ye, Huan Ye is here, just a researcher.

"Oh, is this the most recent data for one party?"

Huan Ye took a few A4 papers full of information from the assistants of Kihara and turned them over.

Naturally, this experiment is to observe the changes in one party's traffic at all times, which is also convenient for subsequent adjustments of the experimental plan.

"Well, from the data point of view, there is indeed an increase!"

Huan Ye nodded, compared with the initial data, it has indeed increased a bit.

But it's just a little bit.

"According to this growth rate, let alone 20,000, even 200,000, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to become a Level 6."

"Are you serious?"

Sumitomo Kihara asked more, if it is really like what Hanya said, then the test plan does need to be adjusted drastically.

However, he also had some doubts, after all, the 20,000 trees were deduced by the tree diagram designer.

That is the strongest supercomputer in the world. Is it possible that Magic Night is better than a supercomputer?

Huanye naturally knew that Kihara had many doubts, but he didn't intend to say anything more.

Originally, this was just a lie, and it was impossible for the guy who passed through by killing 20,000 Misaka sisters to upgrade.

The so-called Absolute Ability Person Evolution Plan is just one link in the plan of that guy Aleister.

It is part of a plan to send Misaka sisters to medical institutions around the world to expand the area of ​​imaginary mathematics to the world.

So this experiment will be stopped sooner or later. All the people here are just Aleister's pawns.

Item 0045

Although I know the truth of the experiment of the Absolutely Powered Evolution Project, I also know that even without the truth, it is impossible for a party to become Level 6 by killing 20,000 Misaka sisters.

After all, if it could be upgraded by such means, Huan Ye wouldn't mind killing people or something, not to mention that Huan Ye didn't kill people without killing people. In other worlds, he would use his ability to kill far more than a million people.

After all, even those with special bloodline abilities cannot raise their level by killing people.

Because the level of promotion is not that simple.

Therefore, Huanye didn't give Kihara Shudo any specific suggestions for improvement. He just smiled and changed the topic directly.

"Speaking of which, what about that old bastard Kihara?"


Hearing what Huan Ye said, Kihara was stunned for a while, and then he realized that Huan Ye was talking about Kihara Huansheng.

So he replied.

"He has been working on another experiment recently, so I and Akai Ayo are responsible for this."

"Another experiment?"

Huan Ye was slightly curious about this, but didn't ask too much.

Anyway, the more worthy of the experiment, there are only the absolute ability evolution plan, and the biochemical intelligence plan, other magic nights are not much interested.

So in the end, Magic Night still didn't say much.

I watched the experiment a few more times, and threw out some suggestions for improvement under the constant questioning of Kihara Shuduo, and then left.


Research Institute of Anbu Organization.

Huanye also came here. It was notified that there was something wrong with the artificial human being cultivated, and the researchers couldn't solve it. Huanye's help was needed.

It is very difficult to control the cultured tissues to form the human body. After all, the human body is not just a piece of meat, bones, muscles, skin, internal organs, blood vessels, brain, nerve tissue and so on.

Even if things like artificial humans don't require perfection, they can't be too far behind, and they also need special abilities. This is not so easy to make.

Huan Ye is not very good at it either, this is different from clones after all.

I have been busy for most of the day, until after three o'clock in the afternoon, the problem was solved.

At this time, the cyborg has probably taken shape, if something goes wrong, it will have to be started again, and Huanye's help has saved a lot of trouble.

"That's it. You have to pay more attention to it. Now it is a critical moment. If something goes wrong, all your previous efforts will be ruined."

"Yes, we understand, we will be careful."

Several responsible researchers immediately stated that they would fulfill their responsibilities.

Huanye was too lazy to say something about this, and went directly to the study leader, Fu Chunshu.

"You still have sufficient funds?"

"There is no problem in this regard, do you need it?"

Fuchunshu looked at Huan Ye, and if Huan Ye wanted money, there was no problem.

But Huan Ye, who had the support of the marriage consortium behind him, didn’t need his money. The sum of money spent by the marriage consortium on the floating battleship project was much more than the total assets of his study.

However, with the existence of Magic Night, the investment of the consortium after marriage was much smaller than expected.

Originally, when Huan Ye proposed to cooperate with the floating warship and the marriage consortium, the father of the married photon believed that even if Huan Ye had relatively complete information, it would take at least a few years to develop the floating warship.

As a result, it is only a few months. The airborne battleship is about to fly. If there are no problems afterwards, a production workshop can be established for mass production.

Of course, it must be a small part of the production in the early stage, and then sell back the funds, and then continue to produce. After all, the cost of the floating warship is very high. The most important thing is the material problem. Some materials are relatively scarce and the annual output is not high. The post-consortium can't buy much.

Researchers have already begun to consider alternative materials, anyway, for a long time, floating warships can't replace current fighters, warships and the like.

At this point, Huanye was too lazy to participate, after all, if the floating battleship were to be mass-produced, the world would become chaotic.

"If you have sufficient funds, it is better to prepare to make a spare."