Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 951

Anyway, it's just taking tasks, and it's no big deal. They still had a lot of tasks before.

So things were decided happily.

Mai Ye Shen Li and the others moved away, and even Misaka Chenxi was taken away, and Huan Ye was left alone.

Well, there is also a little girl, Fremea.

Flanda had never thought of taking her away, because Fantasy Night was definitely not allowed.

Of course, Flanda could stay, but she still had concerns. She was afraid that one day she would be interested, or if she drank too much, it would be troublesome to have something with her.

All in all, things are over here.

Daily life continues.


This day, afternoon.

Huanye dragged her tired body out of the institute, and drove towards the house in the car.

It is not the research institute of the Absolutely Absolutely Powered Evolution Project, but the research institute of the Biochemical Intelligence Project.

The first cyborg, Jenny, has been produced and adjusted, so it is no different from an average girl.

Of course, Magic Night is involved in most of this work.

He really overestimated the researcher who participated in this biochemical intelligence project, and in the end he still had to go out to get it done.

But think about it, an organization that wants to subvert the existing system of capable people in the academy city will not be reused by the upper level, and good researchers are naturally too lazy to participate.

If Huan Ye didn't know about this research, he wouldn't participate.

Since we had to participate, we must do our best, so when I received a call from Fu Chunshu, Huan Ye came over overnight.

I have been busy since last night and finally solved all the problems.

And Huan Ye was tired too.

But Huan Ye didn't feel that there was anything, or that he had been in a very exhausted state during the recent period. Except for the necessary rest time, he was either studying or busy with various things.

Maybe he wanted to use this to divert his attention.

It is precisely because of this that I don't even know what the fantasy night is today. I only know that a long time has passed since Misaka Chenxi was handed over to Mai Ye Shenli and the others.


A series of voices suddenly came out.

Huanye couldn't help being stunned when he heard this voice, and then grinned.

"I'm hungry... When was the last time I felt hungry? I thought that someone who became capable would not have a hungry day. I didn't expect it!"

He shook his head, looked around and found that there was a parking lot in front of him, so Huanye drove the car to a stop.

I got out of the car and looked around, and found that there did not seem to be a restaurant here, but in the small square on one side, there was a mobile shop selling food.

I was hungry, and Huan Ye didn't care so much, so he just walked over.

There is no way to use the ability, and the magic night can only line up honestly.

Of course, if you can use your abilities, you won’t feel hungry.

Lined up with a yawn, Huan Ye didn't notice some changes behind her, and even subconsciously ignored the sound she heard, although it sounded a bit familiar.

Item 0060

"This is your crepe, this is a gift, please take it."

The beauty salesperson handed a crepe to Huan Ye with a professional smile, together with a little frog.

Of course, it's not alive, it's just decorations.

But crepes... it sounds familiar.

Huan Ye thought about it for zero and one second, and then she didn't bother to continue struggling.

He yawned and paid, took the crepe and the little frog, looked at it, and then curled his lips again.

"A kid's trick!"

Saying that, he just threw it aside, the little frog drew a graceful arc and smashed it towards a child on the side.

Littering is very bad, so give it to these children.

Huanye thought so, and while leaving the shop, eating crepes and walking towards her car.

This thing can only temporarily fill your stomach, so let's have a big meal later.

However, when it was said that it was too late, a figure suddenly passed in front of the magic night, causing a gust of wind, and almost knocking down the unexpected night.

This made Huanye very annoyed, but the figure accurately caught the flying little frog, and then turned around and ran in front of Huanye.

"I said you, how can you throw quack too much? And throw it at the child, if it hits the child... ah, is it you?!"

Speaking of the last girl, she looked at Huan Ye with a little astonishment.

Huanye took a closer look and found that she was an acquaintance.

"Oh, Mikoto."

He said faintly, and then glanced around.

Sure enough, in addition to Misaka Mikoto, there is also Saten Mikoko, and Shirai Kuroko and Chuharu Shiriko are also farther away.

Zuo Tian Leizi also found Huan Ye, feeling a bit surprised.

"Senior Huanye, why are you here?"

"I'm hungry, buy something to eat."

Huanye said so, and went on to bite the crepe on her hand.

And Misaka Mikoto looked a little surprised at him and Saten Tearko.

"You know?"

She only met Chuchun Shiri under the introduction of Shirai Kuroko today, and then met Zuotian Leizi who came with Chuchun Shiri by the way. She didn't know what Huanye knew about them.