Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 653: Master (1st)

In fact, Chen Rui's process of breaking the magic array was not easy, but the harvest was absolutely superior. Together, practice and theory are very important, and if it is just a corner of bias, it will always be a broom that needs constant absorption, learning and improvement in order to progress.

Feroa is a true Associate Master of the Magic Array. In peace of mind, his standards are much higher than those of Chen Rui, but Chen Rui possesses knowledge of dragon inscriptions and ancient phrases, and his combined strength is about between Feroa and Bochung. Faced with such an adversary at the same level, with the help of in-depth analysis, Chen Rui gained a number of valuable insights, including details and techniques of some magic arrays.

However, starting with the seventh magic array, Chen Rui did not decipher it, but passed it directly. First, he did not want to prolong the time, second, he had become familiar with the style of Fenoah's Bu Array, there was no need to use the decipherment to gain insight, and third, he left some face for the upcoming master.

Finally, after passing the last illusion formation, Chen Rui saw this destination, the Purple Heart Tree House.

Rather than a tree house, it's a giant tree, on a purple trunk, but a small house.

This style is very different from Chen Rui's imaginary master's house, such a small house... probably just enough to lay down a person, the only maker of the Elves, living in such a place?

At this time, the door of the tree house opened and a halo projected onto the ground in front of Chen Rui, showing two people. One is a skinny elf man, very young in appearance, more or less distinct from the general elf's arrogance and self-superiority, giving a sense of natural affection, with a sobering look of maturity and wisdom. He was surrounded by a very old whitebearded dwarf, but when it comes to his real age, he may not be as good as the “young” elf.

The elf man said, "I'm Finnoah, and this is Bernd, the manipulator of the Dwarves of the Forest, and welcome to the Purple Heart Tree House, my young human friend. ”

“Richard, I've met Master Fenoa, I've met Master Bernd.” I can't believe there are two teachers. Chen Rui dared not to be lazy and bow down to salute him.

Fenoah and Bernd returned a gift with caution, and Master Pokémon said, "Don't be overly polite, Lord Richard, just the magic you have shown here, you are well qualified to communicate with us in equal positions, please enter the tree house with me. ”

Chen Ruiyi thought slightly, no longer polite, walked into the hall, that halo has positioning effect, Chen Ruiyi felt bright in front of him, has reached a large and bright place, this is a lobby, atmospheric style, beautiful facilities and many more rooms.

“This is… a space built independently! Perfect six-print backbone, it turns out His Excellency Finnoah is also a top space magician, admire it!” It turns out that there are holes in this tiny tree house, similar to Laura's Rainbow Valley, which is very solid, but much smaller.

“Monsignor Richard, good eye! Do you know anything about space magic?” Feroa's gaze, with a few surprises, shows that independent spaces are not surprising, and rarely a type of breaking space architecture.

Chen Rui shook his head: “I am ashamed that my magic talent is less than that of an ordinary magic apprentice. I just understand some theories and let His Excellency Fenoa laugh. ”

The old dwarf interjected: “Not everyone is as relaxed as a guy who can live for thousands of years, and there is time to study anything messy. ”

Fenoah smiled slightly: "Bernd, you don't have to be jealous. The Moonlight Goddess is fair. Although the elves have a long life, fertility is not high and population growth has been slow. ”

“Well, why don't you say that if fertility were high, the Elves would have ruled the world long ago? ”

Fenoa smiled and waved, “Have a seat, Excellency Richard. ”

Chen Rui sat down: "My Lord Fenoah, please forgive the rudeness of the way I came to visit you this time. ”

“Perhaps today is the experiment of Starlight Academy," Fenoa laughed. “You left me a little face, didn't break the magic array and let the students come straight here. ”

One of Chen Ruizhou's laughs, without much explanation, no matter which area, powerful people have the right to speak, excessive humility can sometimes be counterproductive.

“Open the door to the mountains and say, the reason I came to Silver Moon Sendo was entrusted by Ovger, King of the Dwarves of Thick Earth Castle Hill, to hand over a relic of Master Rick's life to His Excellency Finnoah.” Chen Rui took out that old drawing and handed it over.

Seeing the drawing, Fenoa shocked, her hands picked it up, her pale face revealed a rare excitement, looked carefully for a moment, nodded her head: “That's it, good, good. ”

“This is the magic weapon you and old Rick were working on together?” Bernd glanced over at the drawings and frowned: “This drawings should have a fairly clever technique of hidden imprinting and be incomplete and must be complete in order to see the original. ”

“That's right, I have half of it here.” Fenoa took out a drawing of the same texture, and when the two pieces were put together, the golden glow turned into a whole new drawing.

This drawing shows a special device with all kinds of profiles and data analysis. Chen Rui glanced at it and couldn't help but shock his mind. This is the kind of thing! It seems that even in two perfectly parallel contexts, inventions and ideas are still strikingly similar.

“If I'm right, this magic weapon gives ordinary people the ability to fight the strong, as if it were a miniature magic cannon," Chen Rui said, "If the tactics are right, even the middle- and high-ranking strong should be constrained, perhaps its advent will change the form of war in the future. At present, however, the design of this weapon is only prototypical and has various flaws, such as aiming…”

The more surprising Feroa and Bernd hear, the more this review has transcended the realm of knowledge of the Magic Array, and only a true alchemist or even a master can possess such excellent insights, and in some ways even let Feroa Masseton open, as if to see a new heaven and earth.

The shape or structure of this magic weapon is very similar to that of a thermal weapon in another world. In fact, Chen Rui retained a lot of it, only to creatively state the "three point first line” sight.

After Chen Rui finished his speech, Master Jin carefully digested what he had just heard. It took a long time to take a deep breath and look at the eyes of humans filled with enthusiasm.

“I have not left the Emerald Forest Sea for many years and it seems to be lonely to hear when such a talented human alchemist will appear in the world. ”

“I can only persuade you of this insight. No wonder Ovgren commissioned a human being. You're not thirty years old, are you?” The old dwarf scratched his head so hard, "it looks like Feroa and I have lived a long way to the dog. ”

“The two teachers misunderstood, in fact, I am still far from the teacher. This time I came to the Emerald Forest Sea in order to ask the two teachers for the true meaning of instructional and instrumental techniques...” Chen Ruixin read the move and counted Bernd among them.

Bernd grinned: “This fully demonstrates the cunning of mankind. I've been a mentor for less than a year. Except for Feroa, only the upper level of the forest dwarf knows, how did you hear about the two mentors in the Forest Sea? ”

“Don't mind me, Monsignor Richard, you are a friend of the hill dwarves, and you should know that this is how the dwarves come and go. But the dwarf has a proverb that says well, 'The hammer speaks the truth best’. Would Your Excellency be willing to show us the means of making the instrument in front of the two old men?” Fenoa glanced at the room next to it, and the door was open, and it was a separate space, just like a maker's room.

“Of course, it's my pleasure.” Chen Rui was delighted to hear Fenoah's obvious point.

Light Holy Mountain, the glorious forest of the Holy Family Peak.

The book in the hands of the statue of the Four-wing Angel suddenly burst into red flames, winking all over his body, the nearby woods burning, and the whole glorious forest filled with heat. If Chen Rui is here, he can feel it. The flow of the power of faith around him has doubled.

The fiery smell gradually dissipated, and strangely, the white trees that had just flamed did not show signs of burning, but the leaves turned to the color of fire red.

The figure of a man appeared outside the Forest of Glory, where the Holy Mountain Troika, headed by Pope Vandis, was waiting respectfully.

When Isyorul appeared, the troika said, “Congratulations, Lord Isyorul! ”

Isyorul's eyes are somewhat delighted: "At last, great success has been achieved by fully integrating the power of the shackles of true flame into the Book of Judgment, to which Eudora has contributed a great deal of precious fire treasures. ”

“It is Eudora's honor to help adults.” Eudora bowed, but her heart was not flavored. In fact, the fire treasures were all prepared for the phoenix eggs. Because the abominable Richard stole the phoenix eggs, she had to give them to Isyorul.

“I, as a man, will praise you in the future in the presence of Lord Raphael," said Eudora. Isyorul took a look at Vadis, "As for Vadis, as the supreme leader of the Church, this disappearance of the Holy Tree bears the greatest responsibility, and punishment is inevitable. Until then, however, I will personally capture the bloody heathen and see if there is any hope of retrieving the Holy Tree. ”

As long as the Shedalay tree can be recovered, the consequences of this can be greatly diminished, and Vandis hastily prayed: “All thanks to you, the east has now been completely sealed off, especially a few transmitting countries. Adults can arrive in the east first, then practise the art of divination, believing that the heathen must have no form. ”

Isyorul turned his head slightly, his hands flipped, that bleeding bead had appeared in his hands, his eyes shooting a fiery and fiery smell: “Whoever you are, this time, you will not escape my palms! ”