Devil Teacher

# 38_Abyss


Length difference is at least 20 cm and weight difference will be more than twice as large.

Besides, I'm a slutty girl, he's a workout hobby.

It would be impossible to turn him into an impotent man and run away.

But a man has an urgency that no woman has.

If you kick your heart out and get away with it!

I stepped out with all my might toward the large walking dairy table.

“There are women who react like this. ”

The leg he thought he was kicking with all his might was held in his hands and restrained.

He only caught his ankle in the middle of the kick with one hand.

It was a blow to the power of your own marriage.

If I knew this would happen, I would have brought my own credit card.

Late regrets overwhelm my mind.

“Don't jump too hard. I don't want to hurt you as much as I can. If you promise not to resist, I'll let you go. ”


At that moment, his tears pinged with the pain of crushing his ankle.

The eunuch did not do anything special. It only tightened the power of the hand.

Don't look weak.

As soon as he reveals his weakness to him, he will recognize me as a prey and bite me in the face.

“We negotiate. ”


He said he was still holding his foot, so I had to try not to lose the center of the wobbling torso.

He said if you inherit a tiger's den, you'll live in your mind.

He gently lowers his ankle as if he saw a funny mockery.

Look, I can do it.

Convince him calmly or persuade him.

If not, it was obvious to me that I would be the second victim in this basement.

“I already know what you did. But I can swear. Hand over all the materials to the teacher.

I'm not going to tell anyone this. ”

“Why would I risk such a nuisance? ”

“If you keep me here, my parents will report it. So the police are gonna go into the investigation, and I'm gonna get my east line.

It's also a matter of time before this place is spotted. ”

I felt it before, but I couldn't read his face at all.

He just held his hand and looked at me, Zigsy.

“You don't have parents. I don't even have a friend to call. Because Miss Maria was always alone.

Hey, I know a little about you. ”

“Some of my relatives are in constant contact with me. ”

“You're lying again. ”

I had some understanding that I didn't have any friends with my parents.

But the story of the relatives who made it up so quickly is also denied to me.

It was as if my mind was reading.

“Actually, I'm in a bit of trouble, as you said. I've never tamed so many women. Plus, one.

This item is scheduled to be added further to the agenda. Too many people get tired. There's too much to care about. Three at a time

A lot of people, maybe four. ”

He scratched his head and said,

One stalk of hope was seen. It was my hope that if I was good enough, I might get out of here.

“So before we start a full-scale negotiation, I'd like to ask you something. How much do you know about me? Tell me in advance.

I will, but don't lie to me. That would be the worst choice for both you and me. ”

His tone was very sweet and thoughtful.

A space like this, so unfit for a situation like this.

The dissonance was so frightening.

“I thought you might have killed Choi Nayee's ex-boyfriend. Now I'm sure you killed him.

Yeah, and I know that I often end up with other women, and I've locked her up in this basement.

Yo. ”

“That's amazing. I never imagined that my tail was being stepped on. ”

“It's me, not you. ”

He raised his head as stiff as possible.

"I'm not your prey, I'm your equal negotiator."

With his eyes twitching, Eugene Chan smiled.

“Phew... uhh...! ”

His fierce hands held my neck in a single breath. It was strong enough to whiten his head.

I didn't know it would come out like this all of a sudden.

I thought there would be some room for conversation.

The consciousness gradually shifts away.

I blackened my eyes.


It was the first time I was born to pass out.

I can't help but think of myself as being so tough on a talented person as I am... as being a brother-in-law.

I didn't feel better.

Upon raising his body, he noticed that he was wearing a fluffy mattress.

In anticipation, it's where the woman was trapped inside the iron gate in the basement.

You've been dragged all the way in here. It's a little dark.

The delivery and sexual supplies that were originally placed outside the basement were all brought in here.

In front of me, I was sitting in a chair, and the eunuch was biting a cigarette and looking down at me.

“Marie, are you awake? ”

“Don't call me that. ”

“Don't pretend to be strong. I don't know what I'm gonna do to you, what I'm gonna do to you.

I don't know. I will understand it in large quantities, even if I beg you to save me while I shed tears. ”

His words were very good at intimidating others.

Intentionally stimulates imagination and is unacknowledged.

Even I almost broke my heart.

“What happened to the woman who was originally trapped here? ”

Ignore and ask questions.

All that was needed to reverse the situation was information.

In particular, this was a question that was also directly related to my life.

“I did what I promised. ”

“Will you let me go, too? if you follow your demands, if you open your crotch gently. ”

There was no time to regret the last choice.

Even though he was somewhat defiled, it was his desk that responded to his demands.

This will remain a painful lesson and be the basis for living the rest of my life wiser.

I decided to believe that once.

“Marie is a really smart kid. Honestly, I haven't seen a kid as hairy as you in my entire life. ”


“I'll give you 30 seconds. Just leave your underwear and take it all off. ”


The ocean I expected about what I would be asked for because I had heard the recordings.

But all of a sudden, during the conversation, I didn't know I was going to order class B porn, so I blew five seconds.

C. Environment

“25 seconds left. ”

I quickly unbuttoned the blouse and threw it out of the top.

Seeing a man bare is the first thing I've seen since I was old, but I didn't hesitate.

However, the moment I tried to take off the buckle of my trousers, my rejection and shame preceded me.

As he muttered, he threw a word.

“If we don't survive this much, we won't be able to live. ”

I felt like I was flipping cold water over my head.

I took off my tight-fitting jeans and left my adult black underwear naked.

It was unpleasant to see the cold air through the skin that appeared in the basement.

“You left one second and took it all off. Well done.”

His gaze openly began to sweep through my body.

From a small chest to a sleek abdomen, beyond thin lace panties, you'll find artwork that glides quietly.

I stare at Zigsy like I admire him.

Naturally, my sexy underwear was purely self-satisfying, not for reason.

His face was filled with shame and contempt.

If he's so hot, he'll probably see it all too.

“What kind of child do you think you are? Tell me everything honestly. ”

“A much more competent, much better, adult child than anyone else. ”

If he looks ashamed of a laid-back Sadist, he only encourages his sadness.

Therefore, he answered with the most audacious voice, pretending to be at peace.

“An adult child...”

The eunuch stared at me with a pierced heart.

Honestly, it's an A cup, but it's a full A cup!

I felt unconscious.

“This is the average Korean and mature enough? ”

“No, it's not like that. If you're angry, I apologize. Maria wants to grow up quickly. ”

“I'm already an adult. Legally and mentally.”


The eunuchs bounced off the cigarettes and woke up. I waited for his next move in a distinct posture.

Probably stabbing or something.

Close your eyes and hold on.

“All right, I'll take your offer. You can think of it as a rebenzy match. Every time you do my job, I give you a complimentary stamp.

I will. I'll get you out of here if you collect 10 of them. ”

“You promised? What are the criteria for stamping? ”

“As I please. Hmm, let me give you an example. ”

The eucalyptus suddenly spit on the cement floor.

Stand tall and tell me what you see.

“Lick it.”

I swear, I've never felt such great contempt in my life.

Is this what you want to force a lady to eat by licking a spit on the floor?

This was an absurdly distorted fetish in my database.

“... okay. ”

But there is no way to refuse.

I came down from the bed and approached the spit he spit on.

Bend your body and reach your tongue carefully.


I couldn't help but be alarmed again.

On my proud head, on the back of my head, a shoe came up.

Immediately, I felt a reddening of my neck.

How dare you do this...

This hairdresser will pay back a hundred times, a thousand times, a billion times.

I barely licked his saliva with a stiff tongue in anger.

The smell of saliva and the smell of tobacco are mixed to produce nausea.

I was dizzy when I even smelled the big concris in the moisture.

When I barely cleaned the floor, he put his foot on top of my head.

“So, what's up? Please tell me what that complimentary stamp is. ”

I put out my hand to him, calming down the slouchy insides. However, the eunuch crossed his head.

“You don't give a shit. That's a good example, isn't it? The criterion for a compliment stamp is when I give it to you. ”

I almost ran to him knowing I didn't have a chance. I wanted to shake my neck with a horsepower.

He's just playing with me like a toy.

At the same time, my heart, realizing that ambiguous criterion, was watering down with despair.

If you give me nine in non-verbal words, I'll be here forever unless you give me one last one.

With this in mind, my head was lifted up.

He grabs one side of the twin-tail like he grabs a rope and raises my head.

“How do you feel? ”

“... I hate you. ”

Though I thought I should have been a little more patient, my mouth was making a voice that Han didn't know.

While receiving contemptuous gazes and voices, Yuchan died.

“I assure you, you will hate me more. ”

Since he let go of his head, he pushes his hand as if he were slashing his cheek and arranges his head.

“I'll let you know the rules to survive here. ”

“I already know. I've heard all the footage. ”

He tilts his head.


The sound of a dry blow echoes in the basement, and the head is bent to the left without any discernment.

It was the first time that a man of reason was born and dressed in his underwear and was slapped on the cheek.

I thought I was lightly scolded and my head rang.

He thought it would be possible to slap me on the cheek and kill me, so I was hardened without a bird.

“Listen to the rest of the people. Don't try to play nice while rolling your head. ”

“..... ”

I did not answer to the hot energy coming from the choking.

Because if you open your mouth now, you don't know what it will sound like to provoke this beast.

“What's the answer?”


The hateful voice leaked without filtering.

Knowing it was dangerous, my high Pride did not tolerate unconditional surrender.

“That's good at first. Rebellion, rejection, resistance. They all have their own flavor. ”

Stretching my cheeks, he recited the rules.

One, call yourself a teacher and always write respectfully.

Two, act like a child.

There were only two.

Compared to the recordings that were recited in lines over 15 minutes, it was a rule that was not easy to publish.

Nevertheless, there were areas that were not easily understood.

You're going to behave like a child... what is this?

Whatever it takes to survive, and to stab his vote and get out of here,


“Well, for the time being, it's going to be hard to spend time with Miss Maria. Stay here. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

I looked straight at him and replied.

He opened the thick iron door and said, "I took the naked branch of clothing and confiscated it to my phone.

“When you leave, say hello. ”

“What can I say? ”

“Say hello to your navel politely. ”

I can see the basement in the crack of the open door.

But it would be impossible to get out of here without ignoring his tackles like a rugby player.

For the time being, it was first to look at the situation.

I greeted my navel politely like a child who bites his father with a tight bite.


You beast.

“You have a nice head. ”

The cellar door closes with a laugh.

I can hear the rotary opening and closing device outside the iron gate.


And all the lights in the room disappeared.


Thank you very much for your order, Kim Maler.