"Wang Ling, don't be rude, hurry up!"

The other infantrymen dared not speak or move in front of Yuri, but Yuri X was relatively free and had enough right to speak. After the ceremony, he hurriedly reprimanded Wang Ling in a low voice.

However, Wang Ling didn't buy it at all. He just crossed his arms and looked impatient: "Cut, I'm not happy!"


Yuri X really couldn't help him, and the other infantrymen were furious.

"Hahaha..." Yuri was the only one who laughed very casually, even unexpectedly announcing: "Special personnel are treated specially, Wang Ling will not need to salute me in the future. He has this qualification. !"


"Chief, is this...no kidding?"

A group of infantry was surprised, and Yuri X asked in astonishment.

He knew that Chief Yuli valued Wang Ling extraordinarily, but he didn't expect to value it to such an extent that he didn't even need to salute him?

Let alone them, Wang Ling was very surprised: "Isn't it, you old man, you are so enlightened?"

Old man?The infantrymen listened to this name and twitched their lips severely, making Yuri X very ashamed.

But Chief Yuri didn't mind, and said with a smile: "Of course, you have no jokes! It's just that the entire psychic empire can only be treated like you yourself. Others will inevitably be dissatisfied. You still need to use your hard power. Convince others!"

This time, it was Wang Ling's turn to smile: "Haha, it's interesting! Hard power is not easy. How about this group of infantry, kill half to stand up?"

"..." The faces of many infantrymen changed suddenly, staring at Wang Ling fiercely, as if they were facing an enemy.

This time, even Yuri was choked by him: "This won't work! You are not Liwei, you are a nonsense!"

When he said this, there happened to be three Getter tanks and two Tornado tanks patrolling not far away. After Yuri saw this, he immediately had an idea: "Those tanks... "

Da Da Da Da Da...

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

However, before he could finish his words, Wang Ling suddenly turned into an elite combatant. He picked up the king-level enhanced AK rifle and fired it. It was almost just a slip of effort. The five tanks all burst. To many soldiers, even Yuri X and Yuri leader failed to react!


The group of provocative infantry before, all looked dumbfounded.Five tanks, even if they were besieging them, it would take some time for them to explode, but Wang Ling was just one person, almost done in a fleeting effort?

What kind of firepower is this girl?!

Yuri X smiled disapprovingly. He was not surprised at this scene, and the leader of Yuri was too impatient, "I just want you to fight two gale tanks, who will let you fight them all? exploded?!"

Wang Ling carried the gun on his shoulder, and said, "Don't tell me earlier! I'll kill it easily."

"Have you given me the time to finish?" The leader of Yuri was a little bit cried, but Yuri X was so embarrassed that it was finally his turn to taste.

Cross over...


While they were talking, the surrounding infantry and tanks on patrol or on duty were all surrounded. Just five tanks suddenly burst, but they were also shocked.

However, after I approached, I saw the leader of Yuri, but they were all stunned, and then hurriedly saluted the army, even the tank shook its barrel slightly.

Wang Ling shrugged his shoulders, too lazy to answer him, and seeing his cynical appearance, leader Yuri finally realized Yuri X's helplessness, shook his head dumbfounded, and waved his hand to dismiss the encirclement. The troops, instead, said, "Fine, just five tanks. It's not worth mentioning compared to your combat effectiveness. Now, does anyone have any doubts?"

"No more, boss!"

A group of infantry hurriedly answered in unison.

This group of people, this time not only due to Yuri's majesty, but also really surprised by Wang Ling's fighting power that broke out at this moment, knowing what Yuri X said before is not an exaggeration!

"Since there is no, then disband, what should I do. Wang Ling, X, you follow me."

A farce ended here, and the group of infantry was dismissed casually. After Yuri greeted him, he turned and walked towards the palace.

And Wang Ling didn't refuse anything. Together with Yuri X, he naturally followed, unimpeded all the way, and finally entered the palace.

This palace is somewhat like modern Western Gothic architecture, white and yellow, and magnificent.Inside the palace, there are also many rooms. There is a large hall in the center, which is inlaid with lavender smooth floor tiles. The four huge pillars seem to hold the entire hall, and there are various complexities above it. Carving.

In the middle and rear of the hall, there is a huge white bone chair, which is also carved with various complicated patterns.

After arriving in the hall, Yuri naturally sat on the bone chair, seeming to swear the majesty of his king.In the hall, there were six officers-level members of the Psychic Corps waiting. After Yuri was in place, they paid a military salute with Yuri X.

Wang Ling was still there, and there was no response. However, this group of officers’ psychic troops were not as aggressive as the other infantry soldiers. It was just that after a military salute, a general smiled at Wang Ling and said, “Without so much effort, finally You are under control! The Empire of Soul welcomes you to join!"

The general's original intention was indeed to welcome, but this sentence seemed to remind Wang Ling of something. Wang Ling, who was fairly stable at first, suddenly became dissatisfied: "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot to pursue this matter! This group of people are so courageous, even Lao Tzu dare to calculate, do you think I am a bully?"

The six generals glanced at each other, but smiled inexplicably without answering.Instead, Yuri explained: "If you are really bullying as you say, do we still have the meaning of calculating you? Not everyone is qualified, and it is worth our calculation!"

Wang Ling folded his arms, just staring at Yuri, but didn't answer anything.

But Yuri is still explaining: "When I was undercover in the coalition, when I first saw you, I felt that your mental structure was very special. I thought about recruiting you, but I was rejected. At that time, you , It’s not worth my too much attention, so I didn’t force you. But I didn’t expect that you would become stronger and stronger. Not only did you shatter my plan, you even gradually became a powerful nemesis of my spiritual empire. During the operation, the base commander specially sent your video. Be careful of your threat."

For the rest, Yuri didn’t go into details. Instead, one of the generals explained it on his behalf: “For you, we have held a lot of meetings. Many people have proposed to send a death squad to eliminate you in advance. The leader loves eagerly, and did not make this decision. Instead of destroying you, it is better for me to use it. Therefore, we do not hesitate to spend a huge price and effort to find the right time and place to design and control you. To be honest, I follow the leader. For the first time in many years, I have seen him take an outsider so much!"