Different Dimensional Red Alert World

Chapter 804 Building a Mind Beacon

If the person who fired the gun was replaced by someone else, these annoyed Yuri troops might have gone up to do it, but they really didn't dare to shoot Wang Ling here.

After all, Wang Ling's horror combat effectiveness is real. If he protests against this god of murder, isn't that seeking death?

"Wang Ling! What are you doing! That is our own army, how did you kill them?!"

However, one of the commanders of the three bases was a little bit uncomfortable, and questioned Wang Ling.

But Wang Ling's expression was very cold and indifferent. He picked up his rifle and said with a mouthful, "It's nothing, it's just that they are upset!"

"You are so presumptuous! No matter how uncomfortable, it is our own army! You can't point your gun at them!" Another commander also agreed, yelling at Wang Ling.

But Wang Ling didn't care about the majesty of their commander at all, and even glared back, instead cursing: "Shit! Who are you yelling at? If you dare to babble at me, believe it or not, I will kill you immediately!"


The two commanders suddenly went silent.

They had never been in contact with Wang Ling before, and they didn't know Wang Ling at all, and they didn't know Wang Ling's barbarism and domineering.However, when Wang Ling annihilated the Allied forces and attacked the Allied base, they were shocked by the powerful combat effectiveness. In the face of Wang Ling’s threat, the commander of the dignified Yuli base actually dared I can't speak anger.

The other commander, who had known Wang Ling a little bit before, didn’t make it to the top, but he was a little dissatisfied with Wang Ling’s actions, so he whispered to Yuri X, "Wang Ling is like this. Is it too much to do?"

But Yuri X just laughed and didn’t say anything. Wang Ling’s dominance has long been used to him. He is not surprised to be able to do this kind of thing today. As long as you don’t point the finger at him, Yuri X is completely I don't want to cause this trouble for myself.

As for Wang Ling, he stopped the two complaining commanders, then clapped his hands, and announced to the whole army: "Everyone should listen to me. Don't show up in front of me again for similar things. If not, kill !"


Under such coercion, all the infantry soldiers have some weird faces on their faces. Some are frightened, but some are upset, and some are even confused.However, in any case, even the two commanders can't help Wang Ling, so how old are they?No matter how hot in my heart, facing Wang Ling, that can only be held back.

After the episode, the march continued.After Wang Ling's iron-blooded deterrence and threats, these Yuri troops were able to settle down a lot during the next march. Not only did they no longer think about venting their animal desires, they even did not beat and scold ordinary civilians. Many, looting operations have also converged a lot, and the effect is almost immediate.

Seeing the changes in the army, Yuri X couldn't help but smile and said: "Wang Ling is better at deterring the army than me. As for the army, it is a good thing to have these disciplines."

He was happy, but the Yuri infantry around him felt uncomfortable.I am used to indulgence on weekdays, and this suddenly converges, and of course it is uncomfortable in every way.

However, due to Wang Ling's coercion, no one dared to commit crimes against the wind.

The area of ​​Pingxi’s main city is too large, and the large forces will naturally not go to every corner of the city collectively. As a result, the three Yuri bases chose three empty squares or streets, re-established the base, and quickly restored the electronics. map.

Later, the laser UFO and Getter tanks were dispatched to quickly explore around the map, gradually showing the appearance of the entire city on the electronic map.

After broadening the horizons, the next plan was implemented.The center of the city is a medium-sized residential area, but in the previous retreat, they have been moved out of here and become empty buildings.

As a result, Yuri’s troops dispatched more than a dozen tanks to flatten the entire community, and then dispatched a large number of engineers to repair the foundations and start building psychic beacons.

As the ultimate device of the psychic empire, this psychic beacon can control everyone in an entire large city, which is powerful enough to make people tremble.With such a powerful function, it is naturally more time-consuming and laborious when it is built.

Looking at the busy engineers and checking the remaining civilians in the entire city through electronic video, Wang Ling couldn't help but wonder: "X, there are relatively few remaining civilians in the main city of Pingxi. Build a psychic beacon to control it on a large scale, right?"

To this question, Yuri X’s answer was a secret feeling: "You don’t understand, no matter whether there are many or few people in the main city of Pingxi, this spiritual beacon must be built. This is our spiritual empire. One link of the plan cannot be missed."


Seeing Yuri X didn't want to say more, Wang Ling didn't bother to bother.

Here in the main city of Pingxi, there are only some unarmed civilians left. On weekdays, Yuri's troops will burn up if they don't bully them. Naturally, it is impossible to harass Yuri's troops.Although the construction of the Mind Beacon was slow, there was no harassment. The entire project was proceeding in an orderly manner. Finally, the construction was completed smoothly two days later.

When the psychic beacon began to operate, Wang Ling obviously felt a strange wave spreading, as if covering the entire main city in the blink of an eye.

Under this peculiar fluctuation, the remaining ordinary people in the city, about one-fifth of them, slowly lost themselves, showing unclear eyes, and the whole person moved like a walking corpse.

However, the others were not controlled, they just looked around with a horrified look, wondering what happened.

Although the control range of the psychic beacon is large enough, it is not an instantaneous control without distinction. It still needs a process of adjusting the frequency and power to gradually control the people in the city.

Here in the main city of Pingxi, the remaining personnel are already relatively small. This process did not last long. It only took less than a day. All the civilians entered that kind of muddled state and lost themselves.

Wang Ling witnessed this scene with his own eyes. He is now leaning against a mind-controlled car, frowning, feeling quite uncomfortable.

When Yuri X saw him in this state, he smiled and approached him: "What are you thinking about, so absorbed?"

Wang Ling did not conceal: "I was thinking, they are controlled by the collective, do they have their own consciousness?"

"What problem should I be? It turned out to be this kind of basic problem." Yuri X smiled: "Of course they have their own consciousness, otherwise how to move? It's just that their personality and individuality are suppressed, so look. There is no thought or soul on it, and it seems muddled."