"Kukukukuku...... that's fine. Really funny."

A spooky laugh Cecil's voice envelops the frozen spot as if time had stopped. Were you struck by Cecil's unique atmosphere, or were you afraid of me, the people who wrapped their collars around their necks didn't try to move.

"Not to mention funny or not - you're gonna help me, aren't you?

"Absolutely. My will is to the client, no, as the Lord wills."

"Don't be sassy up"

It's incomprehensible what touched Cecil's harp line, but apparently it was elevated from the person who tied his hand to the Lord.

I tried to flush it out too sassy, so I stuck it in unexpectedly, but nothing changed in relation to it, so I didn't particularly think about it. It's a name for each person. There is no such thing as getting used to it.

"So what is the Lord going to do?

"I'll bust the greatest guy in this country"

"Cool, it's a really easy and easy way to understand. Then I will provide the information that the Lord desires."

It seems that the situation now is interesting and helpless for Cecil. He has a more graceful laugh than usual.

"Supposedly the most powerful person in this country is Gardak Alkurdo. Mr. Luxeria's father."

"Luxeria's father...?

I accidentally forgot my anger and shrugged. Cecil laughs exaltedly at me for finally being overwhelmed.

"Would it be causal? Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!

Open your mouth and laugh high, Cecil.

He may be the most annoying person on this scene. What satisfies his own greed seems to be profound in the midst of the collapse of the country.

"Come on, let's get started! The actors are all here! Show me the collapse of your country in these eyes, Lord!

It was then. What made the city rush?

It was as if to match Cecil's height, when the banquet of war raised its voice.

- A few days ago.

Even during Luxeria and "Snake Poison" in the fortress he took away, there was an operational meeting with the bandits he particularly trusted.

"Captain, there's only a few moments left until the king's capital. Let's attack at once and get it over with."

"... not yet. It's still early."

One of them opines to remind Luxeria, but Luxeria puts her arms together and thinks, shaking her head.

The bandits felt bad about Luxeria like that, but trust in him was immense. Those who gathered on the spot were well known for their merits and his thoughts. That's why I didn't say anything. I just waited for the leader's ideas to come together.

What was bothering Luxeria's mind was about Ray.

For him, Ray finally got the trump card against the Gong Kingdom. He struck out by force, wondering if he was going to let Ray go.

Ray's purpose is the kids...... he hears. He took the children and thought that if he began to take over the country, he would have to follow them, and so he drew and came to the south of the continent of Afroto.

The prospect worked. But on the other hand, he wasn't willing to fight. I never even tried to attack him, not to pull out my sword in previous battles.

Luxeria was biting her teeth. Because I really needed Ray's help to take this country.

It took him 10 years to get everything he needed to fight the country.

The number of combatants comparable to one country. Supplies just to wage war. Procedures to take this country.

All of this led to a huge breakthrough in his set standards, and to this point the momentum to get through well, as he had drawn.

But there was only one thing missing.

That's a special note of combat power. Luxeria has been looking for someone to fight alongside him.

Why is that?

He knows. Enemies that must be defeated to take this country. That strength. I know it by staining myself.

There are no days when I lacked my own workout. I also feel that I have become stronger than the day I left this country. Now I'm proud to say that I can defeat a master who didn't make it happen that day when I lost everything.

But it wasn't enough. Because you weren't alone in the enemy that had to be defeated.

I don't think Luxeria can defeat Ray. But I was sure I could stop it.

If you want certainty, I wanted to raise Ray. But I don't know when he's leaving. Then, hoping to buy some time, he hastened to his conclusion.

That's because he had a reason to be in a hurry. I was frightened every day by a situation where I didn't know when it would be too late.

That's why Luxeria was haunting her head. There was no place in Luxeria's ear to think that way, and she heard a voice that seemed to see through her heart.

"Kuku, shall I motivate him?

"Whom is it?"

"Somebody just showed up."

The intruder who suddenly joined the scene was Cecil. The bandits curse and unleash their weapons in dirty words at him, who appeared unchanged and untouched.

Luxeria, on the other hand, slowly opened her eyes and photographed Cecil's figure in those eyes, opening her mouth.

"Stop, you guys. I know him."

"Kukkuk, it's been a long time. Let's call it a boulder to calm down. No, Mr. Luxeria likes me inside."

Cecil glanced at Luxeria to set the rules and muttered about it. Besides, Luxeria maintained her poker face and asked simply by picking her eyebrows.

"Can you motivate my husband?

"I can't say I will."

"I don't mind. I can't help myself."

Luxeria showed no opposite posture, just a good opportunity. I don't know what the math is, but motivating Ray was the top priority for him now.

"Then after I take out my client, I will attack the King's Capital."


"If it's what I think, the client's going in alone. Is that fragrant? As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind either. Mr. Luxeria would be more interesting to join."

Cecil said nothing more and erased the signs. That makes it difficult to capture what he looks like. Even if it was in my sight, I'd miss it.

Luxeria shut her mouth open once to inquire about the means and opened it again.

"It's the last fight. Let's fulfill our 'Snake Poison' grief. The operation did as originally planned. The operation starts as soon as my husband moves out."

- Right now.

Countless bandits were pushing against the King's Capital of the Gong Kingdom. The morale of the bandits had risen until there was no more, and at the earliest possible time in the soldiers of this country, it was not possible to kill momentum.

That's because the soldiers in this country were nothing but a few pairs. They were all very ordinary civilians until a few years before they were forced to be soldiers.

That changed only a few years ago after a law came into force.

[He is not a man except a family of those who hold the title, or those who have given merit in order. is an object]

In other words, it was a law that stipulated that all human beings, except some privileged classes, were slaves.

There was little rebellion at the time to what could only be said to be out of the ordinary track. However, the temper had been shredded when we would only turn our teeth to repeated torture and the enforcement of extreme sentences.

The Gong kingdom was a warm, brutally outrageous nation, such as a dictatorship.

The pride and outrage of the privileged classes will not stop.

Further merciless was done to those who were slaves in the country before the law came into force.

[Slaves are not things. It's a bug]

This is all the law if you put it in a sentence. But it was the last four letters that told the whole story.

The treatment of bugs was not the treatment of the earliest people. They wield violence just by walking, distracted and killed.

And when they saw it, those who were civilians were afraid that they would not want to be, and would not turn away.

At the earliest opportunity, no one stopped this outrage.

Except for a man who was thought dead already.

"Chest shit bad...... made me want to crush it more and more"

The emotion of anger seems to turn around and become terribly calm. Beyond the sentiment of being crazy, wrong, and disliking, I was thinking about how I would calmly crush this country, not the short-circuit sentiment.

"Kukkuk, I thought the Lord would say so. This is everything in this country."

"So? What have you done?

"Sharp on boulders. It's just a little timed."

The timing. You mean it was on your palm so far? To manipulate the Lord is a bastard who cannot even be placed in the wind of a minister.

"So, what are you going to do?

"I'm not going to do anything. That's all I got my hands on. From here on out is the way of the Lord."

I mean, you haven't thought about it. And he said he wasn't even going to think about it.

All later developments are thrown round at me.

I looked around there. People with weak eyes and sudden succession of upset slaves.

"First we miss these people. I won't let you kill soldiers in this country either. These people have no sin."

"Lord, are you not going to fight?

"That's not my role. Wherever I go, I'm a traveler who visited this country. Luxeria should do it."

I don't know what happened in Luxeria's past. I'm not even going to ask. But one thing is for sure, I'm really trying to change this country. Then you should put aside my feeling that you just don't like it and leave it to Luxeria.

Because I am certain that Luxeria has a stronger feeling than I do.

"First of all, the Earl and the others will attack the mansion and take the mansion."

"Admitted. Well, let me show you that far."

The boulder is an informant. It looks like the geography of the city or something before breakfast. Lead the way very naturally and without getting lost again.

"If you want to live, if you want to be free, follow me!

That's what I yelled at the slaves around me before I went after Cecil. There is light in the eyes of the slaves. A light named Hope.

"Lord, this is the place"

Where Cecil stopped, there was a splendid mansion neatly maintained that made me want to say what the ruins were ahead of me.

"What's the power?

"What, no big deal. There are several soldiers of the child. How much later can the owners of this mansion fight?"

The bottom line was perfect. As if he had predicted my behavior, Cecil had the perfect answer.

I kicked through the mansion's iron gate. The noise of the door blowing up and the sound of iron rolling over the land called Galangaran echoed.

"Who is it?"

I've never met a soldier in this country before. The fact that I received a lot of training was immediately apparent from the soldiers who jumped out of the mansion in a sudden punch.

"Hi there, I'm a stubborn adventurer. I'm here to crush this country."

"Kukuku, then me too.... in a good mood, someone who runs a clumsy information store. As soon as we have obeyed the Lord's will and come to destroy this country all the way"

When Niyali and I laughed like provoking their opponents, the soldiers raised their blues and cut them.

"Licked your mouth. Eh! Regret it and die."

A vicious optical muscle in search of blood crossed. But it does not capture the target, nor does it reach its purpose.

A blade shaped by magic cleaved the sword mercilessly. From the side, it's like cutting a sword with your bare hands. The two soldiers, who were about to be slashed, peeled at the situation, but quickly flushed their centre of gravity behind them, unable to retreat.

Boulder is a soldier who has trained. Good judgment. But unfortunately, they were too bad.

The moment the soldiers retracted their center of gravity, I moved forward in reverse. Then, as he rushes through between the two, he approaches a soldier lined up behind him. He crossed his arms as he picked up the sound of soldiers collapsing with blood behind his back with his ears. That trajectory slashes and rips the armor and flesh of soldiers without any difference.

Approximately 2 seconds to go.

In just seconds, four soldiers were defeated, and fright was created among the remaining soldiers. The soldiers, confused by their appearance and licked and hung, were unconsciously retreating in their feet.

But still not trying to escape, to protect this country? I would be prepared to honor it, but the reality of the country I defend will now fall to the ground as will its special aspirations.

The soldiers made contact with their eyes and tried to make a move. But that was too late. Their enemies were no longer even interested in the soldiers.

Because there was a knife growing out of their necks.

Their reapers appeared quietly as though they were different waves. But when I noticed that, after the sickle was already swung down.

There was no one left to capture Cecil, who completely killed the signs.

"Cool, that's sweet"

Cecil pointed out the sweetness of the Lord as he turned the bloody knife in circles with his hands.

Behind it collapses in turn from those who have broken the harp.

"Nothing... I don't need to kill you here. These guys can't even stay in this country."

"Sure. In a way, it might be hell for these people."

Well banished. It's a capital offense after being tortured to the worst. Perhaps the anger of those enslaved is deeper and more intense than I think. I don't think they can easily forgive these guys like that.

Whatever that excuse was, I just repelled the killer. When Charstena was desperate to stop me, she was complaining sadly that she didn't want people killed.

That's just it, but it was too good a reason to avoid killing.

"... don't you have a weapon?"

"Kukuku, I've newly procured something like this."

"Oh really?"

Moving on to the next stage, without hesitation, returning words to Cecil, who makes excuses he doesn't know if he's lying or serious.

"Cecil, direct the citizens here. Tell the Luxerias later. Don't touch the citizens."

"Kukuku, I accepted"

I broke up with Cecil, who dazzled me, and I stepped inside the mansion.

It was a place where the abused mixed with the abused. Not so much outside the city, but there was an unpleasant scent there. The smell of rotten meat and blood.

I'm not hard to imagine. I didn't try to find out who that smell was, I glimpsed a man trying to escape like no other.



A man dressed in luxurious apparel suppressed his throat and raised a groan. The man who was stopped from entering and exiting the air by a fixed space suffocated as he saw it and flew consciousness-a wretched man who didn't last 10 seconds. Are you in a hurry?

Well, but when I put my gaze back in the front from the bubbling man that I felt good, I quietly opened my mouth.

"I got this mansion. Anyone who defies you will suffocate you just like the man there."

The movement of those on the spot stops in my mouth without telling me whether or not I am there. I ran my eyes with Baba, sorting out those to protect and those not.

Then he gathered up the latter and locked it inside the room. It magically covered the exit completely, eliminating the escape and throwing it in.

So when I secured the mansion, I brought the slaves into it and evacuated them.

By the end of it, Luxeria had taken his men and rushed in.


I changed my blood phase and jumped in, Luxeria. I was worried about what was going on, but what Luxeria was doing was worrying about me.

"Are you all right?"

"Oh, oh."

"Right, good. I was worried when I heard you attacked the Count's mansion alone."

Luxeria leaked a sigh, as she was comfortable.

"Sir, don't be too impotent."

"I'm not going to be impotent... so you came all the way out here worried about me?

"There's that, too, but come with me, sir. I need my husband's help."

I could see from Luxeria's eyes, who said so, the readiness to die. The same goes for the bandits sitting around it.

It was a powerful, masculine eye, as if to bear all the whereabouts of this battle.

"I don't like it. Make up your own mind. I give priority to evacuating these people."

But I didn't respond to their offer when I was ready. Because in this case, I thought my existence was nothing but innocence.

It makes no sense if Luxeria herself does not end this fight. So you can tell me that I changed the country to Luxeria's own satisfaction, because I took Luxeria's father instead?

I don't think so.

I don't know what happened in the past, but Luxeria must have risked her life to change this country, to save it. I can't take that last one.

That was the answer I gave.

"You can't win without your husband. Don't talk to me, help me."

"It's not my fault. I thought I should settle for Luxeria myself, so I'm telling you."

"That's right. I'll settle. Decline all culprits. But I need my husband's help to do that. We can't do it alone."

Luxeria's eyes didn't seem to be lying. So I understood that there was someone out of the way.

But I also wondered if that was a wall that Luxeria herself would have to overcome.

"Let me ask you one thing, Luxeria"

So I decided to ask.

"I don't mind that... are we talking about the enemy?

"Yeah, it's about Luxeria. Why would Luxeria fight to take this country?

So far, I went from right to left and asked directly what I didn't know in the end, so I decided.

If Luxeria talks about revenge or duty, I won't help. But if you feel the same way, let me help you. I thought so.

Species dwelling in the burning eyes of Luxeria. Luxeria expressed that in these words.

"Because my heart keeps screaming that this country is crazy"

Powerful and unmistakable answer.

My selfish mood for not liking it and the answer I don't have to wear. There is hatred, sadness, and anger in the thoughts put into it.

I guess there's nothing more I can do about that. I'm sure he has accumulated thoughts.

My heart keeps screaming, Luxeria said. I'm sure that refers to the fact that fuel continues to be added to the starting thoughts and has changed to a fierce fire.

Every one of them I don't know, but when I heard Luxeria say it, the one thing I thought about was that maybe the reason for fighting is something that words can't easily tell you.

Severely intertwined emotions twist, swell, and create their own retention. That must create an individual called a person, a single warrior. Luxeria must have glared into my eyes because she has it.

Because I don't have a solid self right now. But that's the only thing I can do. My journey has just begun. I'm in the process of inflating my emotions.

So, don't rush. From now on, you just have to make it. Or you can look for it. The reason I'm me.

"... ok. But I'll give priority to evacuating the citizens first. I want to minimize the damage."

As a result, I compromised both. I cut the lid of this battle. As a responsibility, it doesn't change that we should do our best not to involve the people involved.

But he said it might also be my responsibility to end this fight.

Maybe that's why I stomped through, because I put away one of the luggage I was holding first.

"Are you coming?

"Go ahead. I'll be right back. Well, I don't mind if you finish by then."

In all seriousness, I want Luxeria to finish it alone. But if that's not possible, let me give you a hand. With minimal, of course.

Let's go somewhere halfway on our own like that. There's no rush. My journey is still going on.

"Then use these guys. I'm going to the royal castle by myself."

"Oh, I'll be there as soon as I can. He's dead when I get there, or what?

"Don't help me if you hurry not to."

Luxeria smiled flamboyantly and ran off to the royal castle alone. After I drop him off like that, I'll start acting too.

My goal was to capture all the special classes and people in this country and make them take responsibility for it. For that reason, all we had to do was lice the big mansion and capture a great guy from one end to the other. Finally, it created a place to evacuate the citizens to avoid being caught in a war situation.

I couldn't go wrong this time.

I was glad to hear that. I followed my heart and fulfilled my responsibilities.

I had no worries.

I left the mansion raid there and then to my trusted men in Luxeria and headed to the royal castle.

I think I can use my powers without hesitation now.

Corridor to the past.

For me, that hallway was the way to call it.

I used to come and go here many times.

Ideally, I scratched my feet unnecessarily.

Then I've built up several sins. I don't deserve to be here. Because I was once a hateful person on that side.

But still, I have to move on.

You can't give in to strength anymore.

I will kill you.

I made up my mind that day. I'm here now.

"Reclaim your ideals"

I made a promise to a young girl.

"Take It All Back"

Everything that was taken from me that day...

Wrapping the causes of the past around my sword, I cut through the door with determination.

A robust door cut open by the cross fell inward. Make a sound that exudes docin and its weight.

The sight that was blocked by the door was copied with hatred.

The figure of a fruitful father sitting in an arrogant stand-up in the chair where the king originally sits. I'm a little older than the last time I saw it, but I can see from that frozen gaze that I'm still active.

The two people who refrain beside them also have the same ruthless eyes they once had.

"Alive or foolish."

"Have it returned. Everything you took from me. Father, kill you."

An air of slaughter flows between the two parents and their children, unlike a reunion of parents and children.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

I will beat you this time!

The sin you bore, the power you built.

Now, to get everything back...