In the dim shade, the weather is more and more irritating, and it rains as if to hide people's tears. Those who were struck by the rain, and who were slaves to the joy of liberation and all that, at once, were irritated by anxiety and regret. Everyone took their friends, their families from the irrational of the country, and they wept.

But the hour is already late. The only person left to be liberated was himself, who survived miserably under oppression.

The rain falls like a picture of their hearts.

Today, a nation that lasted hundreds of years disappeared into history. The country, he said, was the beginning of a small town built by those who fled from oppression, hand in hand. I wonder if it was sad, the last time in centuries of history that the founding fathers forced the repression they shunned.

It was a taste of banditry that destroyed that country, which in recent years bore the scorn of a slave nation. Most of them did not share resentment, even though they felt anger towards the country. Still, they fought to get their place.

"Slaves are things"

Luxeria opened her mouth in heavy and painful air. And what he looks down upon is his fellow bandits, who admire him, and the people who divide him. Everywhere I looked, there was no one with a bright face.

"For a long time we've been trapped in this hateful habit"

Freed from oppression. But the country is doomed. Everyone had anxiety in their hearts and was gathered here.

To them like that, he keeps scratching more than anyone else in this room, turning his will into words and telling them.

"It's ridiculous. We all have the same life and heart. That's all there is to it. Despite this, this country was full of those who had lost their hearts"

No one tried to help the slaves. To the point where one young girl forgot to smile, the treatment was terrible. There was no salvation.

"But we can finally be people. We finally had enough hearts. Then let's make a country as people. a country where everyone is equal and free."

And he continued, smiling at such a country.

- Promise of a distant day.

Was I able to respond to her smile when she died?

Luxeria wet her eyes in the rain, which she never stopped.

If it's over, it's all good. But if the end of it is such a vain thing, maybe I can't say enough that it was all good.

The path followed by Luxeria was one path. But there must have been several branches there.

Connecting the branch so far, he came on foot. If you're going to tell everything from the results, it may have come the wrong way.

But one thing is for sure, there must have been a smile back in this country.

If that's the result, it means he took the right path.

Interpretation is word play. Well, I've learned a lot about this. Perhaps the most valuable of these is this.

People are the wrong creatures. But the fact that some of the mistakes are worth it.

I can't go about everything right. It must be important to know if you can find value in your mistakes.

But I'm sure there's no more mistakes.

For example, all the funds needed for the founding of the country have been turned into rubble piles…

I don't know what to find value in. Everything is a pile of worthless rubble.

No, it was what it took to defeat the Demon King, wasn't it?

But unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the people trying to create a new country...

That's why...

I work desperately.

"Come on, next time, come on."

Right now, here in the middle of a construction rush. The Imperial Castle... is just putting it away for the first time and rebuilding a building that has been in ruins since before the battle.

However, there were only a limited number of people in this country, where the so-called carpenter category was overwhelmingly lacking, who could make buildings, albeit impossible. So Luxeria asked me if I could make it magically, and I realized that I had actually made a total replacement for the building in the village of Ciel, and I decided to undertake it entirely.

Anyway, this country is underfunded because someone collapsed every treasure trove castle. Well, in this country, exhausted before that, there is an overwhelming shortage of something called gold.

How dare you say that the country was made up? Half frightened, half impressed.

Now we will try to rebuild the country, so that Luxeria's hardship will be heeded.

We don't have the money to build a country, or to ask a carpenter from another country to rebuild the city from which it originated. If you have that money, now it's better to turn it to the hungry.

I mean, as things stand, we had to rebuild this exhausted divided people and the bandits alone.

Well, so cheap, or almost volunteering, being like me would be a good workforce in a way. I'm not very tired because I just use high magic, and most importantly, I don't feel comfortable leaving it alone.

At least I feel something more than others in Luxeria. I don't mind working for free for that matter.

Use your magic, and after a day's work, I'll take you to Luxeria. That's because of the work report and a little concern.

"Sir, I'm sorry about today."

"Don't worry about it. It's time for you to get some rest, isn't it?


When I rang worried, Luxeria clouded her face a little. It's something I'm used to seeing, and when I care, Luxeria always looks like this. That was a little worrying.

Because I felt like I was cornering myself somewhere.

"... Sir, I'm going to take the form of exile for hundreds of people below the title. It will no longer be possible for them to live in this country"

"Yeah, well, I think it's reasonable...... that's a pity story for someone like your wife in Luxeria"

This country was rotten. But few, like the wife of Luxeria, have made every effort to evacuate people without separation.

To call it all, I found it a somewhat harsh story. But it is also true that the people of this country have a grudge against them. It's not hard to imagine what they would do if 'Snake Poison' hadn't been hidden.


Then I just talked a little bit about Luxeria and this country's policies. Although it may not be about consulting me as an adventurer, I received that I was trusted, and I worked my head in unfamiliar directions and made various opinions.

But on the other hand, I was a little scared of the credibility. With that credibility, it seems like something terrible is going on in Luxeria's head...

- Then came the month of about half a month.

The city has changed dramatically since a month ago. Western-style buildings stand side by side, so much so that they don't look any worse than the King's Capital in Lykeberg.

I can't call it a vibrant city yet, but a little bit of brightness is coming back to people. Soon this city will be a vibrant city. I honestly hope so.

But this country is still unstable. We haven't decided on a firm law yet.

Currently, 'Snake Poison' is turning this country around. Give the people jobs and, as a reward, food and the supplies they need to live.

That's all the country is turning.

But sooner or later, it is visible that it will go bankrupt. We have to reassemble the framework of a society that broke once early. But this is hard.

Normally, it can be done naturally. Making it from scratch in a person's hands is extremely difficult.

I did everything I could to get in Luxeria's consultations and come up with ideas, too, but I finally got the foundation of the country. To that extent.

I went to Luxeria when I heard rumors of suspicion in my ears.

"... at tide time"

I heard such a voice through the door. I open the door, asking.

"What tide?

"My husband... no, what... I thought it was time to finish."


My heart went out of my way. The stories I hear about rumors get me out of my mind.

"Yes, the finish. This country has gotten better. The identity difference disappeared and a smile returned to the people. No longer, I don't need it. After that, the people of this country can go on their own feet."

"Are you serious about that rumor?

".................. responsibility. Bandits are bandits no matter how far they go. It's ridiculous to make a country or something. But they want a normal life. If...... all their sins were chief I bear"

Luxeria looked tired and looked up at the ceiling. The fire that was lit in his eyes - was already out.

"Tomorrow, you will execute me. I beg your pardon for being harsh, but just for a while after my death. Keep an eye on the end of this country."

That said Luxeria's face was full of satisfaction. I did it, he had that look on his face.

I got a satisfied look, and I learned a twisted rage at Luxeria for letting go of the unsolicited.

"I'm not kidding! Luxeria!"

Fly exasperated. But still, Luxeria doesn't change her expression. He just stared at me with a tender look somewhere.

You're kidding me......!

"Die and bear all your sins? Though it would just be selfish! Who told you to die for your sins?

I grabbed Luxeria's chest up and dragged her out of her chair. The look on Luxeria's face when she said she knew I was going to get angry. I didn't like that look as much as I felt nauseous when I realized everything.

"What are you gonna do with your wife and kids? You know what? No, you know that. That they've been coming to see you all along while you're here. And yet, even once you showed your face or even once you talked!


Luxeria turned away and closed her mouth. Her eyes shake thinly and let her shade.

I let go of my hand when I saw that look on Luxeria's face.

"I'll tell you, you just want to run. I'm just trying to get away from what I'm carrying. Take a good look. Is it true that the only thing you have to bear is sin? No, you shoulder more of what you want to carry yourself. Isn't that the way we can take responsibility for what we're still alive?

I don't know what kind of sin Luxeria has been guilty of. But sin shouldn't be the only thing that's been overlapping.

In the pain of scratching my feet, I'm sure I have what I got. And what we got ahead of us.

If you're going to throw it all away and just carry the sin, it's just a selfish self-escape.

There's a guy who owes Luxeria a favor. There are those who keep their trust and try to be with them. There are those who try to walk away together to live.

I will not forgive you for trying to cut off all that thought.

"I'm not telling you to live by force. But if you have any remainder of your heart, live and scratch it. If someone wants you to live, don't give up your life easily. Death is not the only way to take responsibility."


Luxeria says nothing. Just beneath that face I leaned over, I knew it was grinding.

... but this isn't my job any more.

I opened the door to the room and gave it to the woman who looked worried and waited.

"Go for it. You're the only one who can pull that fool back."


Carrot smiled gorgeously somewhere. I watched her run over to Luxeria, then slowly followed the scene.

Let's say the intruder disappears.

Today, and for the last time this year.

This has been a hectic year. I fought Dick, went to the World Tree, and now I'm looking up at the night sky alone in a far away land.

"Demon King..."

I was stuck thinking, looking up at the moon. The contents of the thought are about the Demon King, as you whine.

If you believe that guy's words, there are five of us left in that class. I'd feel a little easier if that was 6 Heavenly Kings... probably from the way he said it, there are 5 other people called Demon Kings...

"I don't know what's going on... I wonder if someone could summon a brave man to stop me..."

I took the situation seriously enough to escape such reality.

The demon king was defeated by his father when he fought before. And he was alive. Probably the power of some skill, but still alive.

Then the question arises as to why you didn't come to erase me and my father.

I guess I'll just have to ask the real answer directly, but I'm thinking I couldn't get my hands on it.

The Demon King lost to his father. Probably to a father you're not serious about.

The Demon King doesn't know me. Even though I usually lived in the Wang capital away from my parents' house.

Then can you say that I was protected by my father?

Even if I'm in danger, if the wall called Father was holding back the demon hand of the Demon King, my situation is in a very dangerous state right now.

But with the sacrifice, but why didn't you come to kill me?

If I were the Demon King, I'd think about it at some cost. Because that's how he appreciated me.

Danger and.

But... something is still missing. Remains uncomfortable.

And I already have the answer to that discomfort. In this hand.


I turn a perky, brand new piece of paper and drop my eyes on a copy of the diary I found in the ruins.

And look at what happens after the evil god that is in it is debated.

There it was said that the demons had been weakened because the evil gods had died. I mean, isn't that good to say that the protection of the evil gods has weakened?

Evil deification previously done by the Demon King. That was obviously taking in demonic protection. In other words, the demon also says that strength changes depending on the amount of protection.

The Demon King is now weakened. Perhaps when there was an evil god, he was several times stronger than he is now.

If so, it is no surprise that we gave priority to regaining our own power before sacrificing and throwing ourselves into uncertain elements.

But I don't have my father's protection right now. If I were the Demon King, I wouldn't miss this opportunity.

More importantly, this could have increased the risk to me. Because you've defeated the Demon King by turning.

"Too dark ahead..."

Honestly, it's a miracle we won this time. I should be somewhat stronger than last time, but the Demon King was stronger.

The only reason I could win was because the Demon King was playing out of hand and not being evil.

What do you call this, not a miracle?

But yeah, well, miracles shouldn't happen again and again.

Is there any way to escape the Demon King?

I asked the moon, and I was exploring this idea.

Brave man... I wonder if you could summon me... for a fraction of the time.