- Dilberg, a fortified city.

It is a city protected by a robust fortress and a formidable knight. It is a city with an atmosphere so neat that all who inhabit it are not exaggerated as knights or their associates.

But on the other hand, because of its formatting style, visitors feel cramped, and it is also a city with a hardness that is not much liked from other than knights.

Dilberg, the kind of city that existed for such a knight, was rarely overflowing with people.

Dilberg is a city not originally suitable for sightseeing or relaxing trips. Beyond the city's tolerances, there was a shortage of ingredients before the crowds, and they buried themselves in the old days of sleeping beds and so forth, and those who received their mornings on the road continued to follow. Even under such circumstances, there were a few rare cases where the number of people would increase, while there would be no decrease.

He caused such a rare incident, their purpose is the inauguration ceremony of the knight that will take place today. More importantly, the purpose is for one new and knightly boy to attend the inauguration ceremony.

The boy's name is Dickold Belstead.

There will no longer be anyone on this continent who does not know its name. Though we lost this year's martial arts tournament at all costs, the story is famous for collapsing the arena in the aftermath of the game and also damaging the city that became the venue.

Of course, there were some critical voices about overdoing it. But that was a handful, and as a result, more fanatical fans.

Because in this world, where threats lurk close by, his presence could have been the hope of people, men and women alike. It is the manifestation of that expectation that makes this crowd.

The trust and anticipation not to be gained in the victorious Ray rested with him to become a knight.

The Knights of the Kingdom, the supreme power of this country, almost in the heart of a city that shows such a bustle. And their eggs were gathered together. It is a ceremony that is not supposed to be done by the audience, but not only this year, but it is full of people who have come to see the ceremony around it.

Standing in front of that grand stage is the leader of the Knights of the Kingdom. What's more, there was a style behind him where knights couldn't hide their forged flesh, even from the top of his armor, and made them think that if these dozen people alone had dealt with many dragons, they wouldn't have lost.

Before them like that, the boys and girls who will be knights will line up with the Zlari starting this year. To them like that, the Knights Commander gives them words of celebration.

"A new knight is born here today. Brave gentlemen trying to take the path of a new knight. There's only one thing I can tell you. Don't forget the pride of the knight. Put your hands on your chest once now and remember your pride. Whenever it is, it will help you to face the difficulties."

The boys and girls turn their respectful eyes to the Knights. Some of them had the gaze of a dreamer when he stood there one day.

Such a common thought for them is a strong readiness to fight to protect this country. Without that, no one stands here. In the last six months, those who do not deserve a knight who does not hold it were shaken down.

At the time of enrollment, there were now 200 boy knights who were over a thousand. There are no weak among those present here. Everyone stood on the spot as one knight.

"Be the knight you are proud of. That's all from me."

Thousands of different prides in their hearts. They become knights. With the words of the Knights Commander in his chest, he puts forth his pride in trying to be a shameless knight to it.

"We're shields! It is a shield that keeps people at peace!

The figure of a knight who dedicates everything to the peace of the people.

"We are swords! It is a sword that destroys external enemies!

The strong and honorable will was also conveyed to the audience who were there.

"Our pride is strong and noble and will never break."

Their pride is never broken when they lift it high in an undisturbed motion. There must be no breaking. What the hell did the figure of a knight, who swears to his heart that he would sacrifice himself at any time, sound to the hearts of the audience who had just come to watch one boy?

That is unknown to them.

- On this day, the most powerful knight of all time was born.

Numerous history books speak.

He was an indisputable genius. Everyone speaks that there was no one more talented than him, even if he stringed past records.

The name of the most powerful knight in its history is Dikuld Berstead.

But he doesn't know yet. Your true power.

That some might destroy the world and fall asleep in you.

That power awakens is still a story ahead of us.

Let's not talk about growing up as his knight before that...... but about the mayhem caused by another strange talent.

The New American Knight uniformly starts with a Grade 3 Knight. That, peculiar he is no exception. But it's more down there as an actual treatment. It was the knight's lesson that began with chores.

New American knights are each used to be good for their knights' predecessors. It is done on the premise of experiencing the sequence of knights and teaching them to follow the instructions above without question, but if you say so, it is a user-friendly parsley. New American knights are taught not to disobey senior orders in that way.

But the ordering side is also a habit that has been experienced, and does not speak impotently. It's not junior snoring or anything. It's just a habit. Cleaning and shopping are given jobs that are not particularly bitter, and I look at senior jobs beside them and learn my own knight's work. It's such a custom.

It also sometimes leads to stiffening the knights' ties, so to speak, by getting them to put on an archery or enjoy a meal.

Thus, each of the new American knights carried out his parsley under an assigned senior knight.

Some of them are typically bad parsley.

"Dikuld, what are you bringing! Even after we're done here, we still have the next!

"Yes! Master!

The reply is fine. But anyway, he wasn't very good at details.

It was under Carambell that he was assigned. The pattern between the teacher and the disciple is a famous story among the fans, rather than among the knights, and perhaps so when it comes to natural measures.

That's what he told me to clean the room. It's a cleaning of the esteemed master's room. Dikuld worked hard. Super hard work. Too hard, enough for the floor in the room to fall out.

"This idiot apprentice..."

And even today, and he cries out in sadness. He was secretly giggling when he could do whatever he wanted to his disciples who were always left struggling, and he was still struggling today.

"Shh, excuse me, master!

"... that's enough... you go shopping too"

"Yes, master!

The next job that Carambel told Dickird, who was being chased for post-processing, was to use it. I bought him all the wood and stuff he needed to fix, and I kicked him out before he could do anything more.

After expelling Dikuld, Carambel looked at the broken furniture visible under the collapsed floor, sighed deeply and began to carry out the debris. He continued working on the tunnel, borrowing the hands of Alice, who came to hear the noise and help, and a large number of other acquaintances, and by night he had finished removing all the debris.

But his stupid apprentice never comes back.

"No way, lost again?

The guardian muttered quietly. The only thing that made me happy with that whine was Carambelle. When he left the city alone with that genius sense of direction, he began his great search at the Knight's Exodus, where he was on the spot.

It took an entire day to remove debris, and at night a search for strays. The work of a knight is also difficult.

Knights running through the city at night. With an astonishing gaze and a sympathetic gaze again, they were desperately searching for a stray, but no one could find a stray anywhere.

If you noticed, the night opened, and even as the sun began to rise, Dikuld did not appear anywhere in the city.

"Where did that fucking apprentice disappear..."

Carambel had no longer reached the threshold of giving up. When I was beginning to think that sooner or later, reports of hyocholy strays would come up, etc.

"Mr. Carambel! Knight chief, not you, Dikuld, they went to buy wood to the next town!

Carambel heard the report and held his head down. A deep sigh speaks eloquently of his mood.

"... let the new American knights go looking for all sides now. Let them use the horses. Find everything they can get around in a day."

"Yes! Um, can I go look for him, too?

"I'm out, too. Alice, follow me. But that idiot apprentice probably shows up with troubles. Let's get some sleep before we leave."

That's how the Dikuld search journey began with Hyun. No one at this time thought it would be a journey that would take more than a year.

The two of them took their strays back to the city of Dilberg, then two and six months later.

Meanwhile, Dikuld was just on his way to a destination, not knowing that his master and former vice-knight girl had begun such a lost search.

His destination is the city he taught at the Dilberg store. He stopped by the store for wood, but was lucky enough to get information that he was just out of stock and picking it up from the next town.

Dikuld thought.

You must be pissed off by your master if you keep going home. I need to go buy it to the next town.

Thus, Dikuld flew out of the city in a hurry, but his desperate direction-on-on-chi was alive and straightforward in a direction that was already vastly out of the city.

Specifically, I was aiming for a city to the west, but around the time I lost sight of Dilberg, his west turned to the north, to the east, and then to the south, to the east.

I mean, he was moving in the exact opposite direction. Even worse, he always does his best, for better or worse. It was exploiting its high physical abilities and exploding.

Currently, he was lost. To the east.

Meanwhile, the two search squads who know so much about his directional tone deafness are not even willing to look west because of haha. Rather, it was up to me to decide it wasn't the west. He can't possibly reach his destination alone, so be sure.

"The reports of the knights who searched the area revealed nothing about your whereabouts, Dikuld."

"Does he feel bad if he doesn't cause trouble..."

"Don't wake me if I don't wake you up, I'm scared the other way around..."

We both sigh. And Carambel talks about his policy of getting back on his mind and how to search.

"The Knights Commander was given permission to go on a search, but when it comes to looking all over the country, it's troublesome. Listen up in a nearby city and find your idiot apprentice."


There seemed to be no particular disagreement with Alice, and the two immediately traveled outside the city. To reduce the time and effort spent searching, travel uses horses. One rides at a time, and runs through the meadows that extend around Dilberg.

With such a solid azimuthal magnet, they aim north. The reason is simply because there is a city. To the east, by the way, there is an outward untouched land known as Unexploited Land.

Only by then will there be small villages where farming flourishes. The traffickers will ship the crops picked there to the city. As a result, people come and go somewhat more often. That means Dikuld's sightings might come into the city.

There are three big cities around here. Dilberg and its city to the north and west. There will be no King's Capital just far south. There is absolutely no west. With the Knights permanently stationed as far as Dilberg is concerned, it is not necessary to have them both. The idea of the North to stay was on Carambel's head.

Approximately a couple of days to the north city. The horse they use is a trained special horse, but it takes some time to get around. In the meantime, the stray is a straight line to the east.

That's how the distance between the two of them and Dilberg went a long way.

- Day 4 after Dickird got lost.

At last he noticed.


Yes, that I'm lost.

I can tread to a city two days away, and I can't see the shadows of the city even though I've been running for four days. That's when I realized I was getting lost.

But there the hand of salvation was reached out to him.

"Ah, people!

His whereabouts included the appearance of a single carriage. There is only one person in that carriage. He's riding a pedestal and manipulating a horse. There was a carrier with a load behind it, which looked like a pedestrian at first glance.

Aware that he was already lost, Dikuld approached him in an attempt to ask him the way just because he had been helped.


"Oh, hello. From what I've seen, you look like a knight, but what's going on here?

"I'm ashamed, I'm lost. Could you tell me which direction Dilberg is in?

Dikuld greeted the pedestrians in a polite tone and asked them the way. To him like that. The merchant looks like a good person and calls out to him to go with him.

"I work around the villages to deliver crops to Dilberg. We're just stopping by the village one more time, and then we're going back to Dilberg. If I had a knight, albeit a child, I'd be comfortable too. You want to come with me?

"What? Because you don't mind?

"Oh. There are many demons around here on the border. We can fight a little too, but the strong demon has no hands or feet. I'm glad you're here."

Dikuld decided to be sweet with the words of the pedestrian. Even if I go home alone like this, I'm lost. He just gets lost easily and turns his head on such things. Yes, the sense of direction is just desperate.

Being rocked by a carriage, for hours.

The village became visible in the distance. A small village. Far smaller than the village of Sierra.

He remembered fu as he watched what was going on in such a village with the power of his forged skills.

'Okay, chief knight. If you go to another town, you always wear a helmet, don't you? Every time I go to another town, my fans push me over, and this one's in trouble.'

Yeah, a long time ago, I was cautioned by my own deputy for mixing stupidity.

"What's wrong with you?

"Ah, no."

Bo and Dikuld, who remembered back in the day, ha-ha, when he returns to reality, takes his helmet out of his luggage.

"Is it also a decision that a knight must wear a helmet when entering a city or village?

"It's not... is it a matter of feelings"

That's what clouded the word, and Dikuld misled.

"Ha ha, a fine knight"

It's as if I made a fool of myself from what I hear, but the face of the pedestrian man was sunny and did not include that.

I laughed at the future when I felt that the little knight still had a firm intention.

Dikuld, who is relative, covered his face perfectly with a helmet, even though he seemed to smell a little like such a pedestrian.

The carriage approached the entrance to the village, and the pedestrian greeted lightly the gatekeeper, who was familiar with him, and tried to pass him face to face as usual, either because of the appearance of Dikuld on the side today, or because the gatekeeper broke into the path.

But that's not suspicious.

"Dear Knight, I've been waiting for you!

Rather, it was a welcome thing. Just saying I've been waiting, a gatekeeper who welcomes Dikuld. Not only that, but even the villagers who were nearby began to honor and welcome Dick as a knight, a knight.

Dikuld was a little uncomfortable with it, but the villagers didn't tell him why, they just welcomed him. I was curious, but he had rarely visited the surrounding village, and he convinced himself that he might be welcomed by the rarity.

and one old man walked slowly there to support the wand.

"I've been waiting for you, knight. Come on, come here."

"Ah, yes."

Basically flushable, he was invited to the old man's house in the back of the village, guided but still by the old man. Because I responded to the invitation, it took the form of a breakup once with the previous pedestrians, but as long as I was in the village, it wouldn't be difficult to rendezvous.

He includes a sip of the tea served, as it is flushed.

"What do you say?

"It's delicious. Less bitter, easier for me to drink even when my tongue is a child"

"Ho ho ho, you seem to like it. Above all. The tea is made from tea leaves found in this village. Bring it if you like."

"Are you sure?

When Dikuld receives a bunch of handed tea leaves, he asks, looking at the old man's face.

"Yes, I will not go beyond this in return for a little help from the knight."

"Help...? Is there a problem in this village?

"Well, didn't you come to this village after a rescue request?

"Yes, I am not in such a position"

It would have been nice if he had come to this village in the great name of a request for rescue, etc., but it is hard to say that he is merely lost. Dikuld changes his mind that if there is a problem without touching it, he must deal with it as a knight.

"No, did you? I thought it was strange, too. Excuse me, but didn't you just become a knight? Besides, I never thought I'd be sent alone. I see. I see. That means we're both mistaken."

"Yes, unfortunately. If a rescue request has been made, I don't know if there will be a knight in a few days... is it a matter of urgency?

"... if you don't hide it. Right. There's already been damage to the people in the village..."

The old man lays down his eyes and mouths to repent.

"It was a few days ago. Several demons attacked this village. We fought together, but with no hands, no legs, a brave young man took the demon and left the village to gain nothing. But the young man hasn't come back yet."


Demons you won't be dealing with in a line of people...... probably above A level. Besides, the fact that the demons in that class form a herd and come down to people...

"Do you know where that demon came from?

"There is an undeveloped land near here where people don't step in. Because of its untouched nature, it is a very dangerous place where there are numerous demons and many powerful individuals are said to be. I thought it probably flowed from there."

undeveloped land spoken by the old man. It was a place that deserved to be called the secret frontier. But it is different from the seven great secrets that Ray has as his goal to dominate: the seven great secrets are well known instead of secrets, and many want to try again.

There is something there that drives people, because God or the existence of precious items has been confirmed or is utterly unknown.

But what I'm referring to now is a place where people don't step in because it's dangerous. The danger in this case is not a natural factor, such as a volcano, but a purely demonic threat death.

By the Knights several times a year, the demons of the area are hunted, holding back progressions like those at Cliff Mountain, but due to the large number and vastness of the numbers, the presence of demons was often confirmed in nearby villages.

But, then, there's no way we're not taking action.

The Knights should have had a platoon of knights stationed in the villages around here so that they could deal with it immediately. What are those people doing?

Dikuld, who was learning about knight work at school, gets there and asks the old man.

"Don't you have a resident knight?

"... shelter the villagers from the demons ahead... you are dead"

Dikuld was somewhat surprised by the old man's remarks.

A platoon of knights lost. That fact was telling the story of the power of that herd of demons.

"Why, are they all?

"No, just the two of you are still alive, but with terrible injuries... this is the place, so the treatment is unavoidable..."

The approximate matter could be swallowed.

At present, there are no knights to protect this village, and powerful individuals are present around it. There is also one young man who is attracting the individual, whose life and death are unknown.

Dikuld, listening, closed his eyes and thought.

A bunch of demons defeating a platoon of knights. Given the power of the villagers, the herd is led by S-class individuals. That, too, is likely to be quite powerful. Even SS grades can be.

Do you think you can beat those opponents now?

He remembers the words he heard a few days ago when he was touring such thoughts.

"Whether you are a knight ashamed of your pride"

The word lightens his head and weighs his chest.

"... ok. Not much, but can I ask you to treat the knights with this potion?

"Oh, thank you! Those knights are already part of this village. I didn't feel like it. Thank you... Thank you, Knight."

Dikuld decided to be ready for the old man to thank him as if he were going to cry down.

Whether he was a knight ashamed of his pride, he solidified his determination to challenge a herd of demons by himself because of the unknown villagers of life and death.

"Which way did the young man flee?

"It's east...... can't you be alone?


Dikuld stands up bravely, but on the spot. But that body is small enough for the year and not if asked if it is worthwhile to rely on.

The old man thought of the young man in the village for a moment, but still hesitated to go here alone with the young man, Dikuld.

"But the opponent is like defeating a platoon of knights. With all due respect, you're still young. If you can't..."

Naturally, the old man tries to stop him.

"Even if I can't, even if I know I'm going to die, if someone is asking for help at this time right now, I'm going. That's my pride as a knight."

His pride in learning from his mentor did not make him stop walking.

"You're small, but you can show it to me with a fine knight.... good luck."
