Different World Reincarnation as a Sage ~With my Gaming Knowledge, I’ll become the World’s Strongest~
Episode 27: The Sages seemed to be unknown occupations
"I have something to ask about the request."
"Yes, what is it?"
"Are there any other requests for demon suppression?"
"In the royal city, there are few requests for defeat. The kingdom's army also defeats monsters while also training, so there are few demons themselves."
Indeed, are there few demons due to the military?
… Then it seems better to move your base as an adventurer elsewhere.
"Thank you for telling me. Then let's give up on the request ... can I change my profession here?"
"You changed jobs from Novice. Congratulations! You can change it here! Of course, what kind of job did you choose?"
"Kenja ... is that a swordsman?"
Apparently, the profession of sage seems to be minor.
Well, there is no wise man born in Adult Ritual, so it is natural.
…… Just say it, and if it does n’t work, should I decide to use a magician?
There are some magics that can be used by wizards but not by the sages, but if you can use the magic of wizards, it seems to be a mess.
"No, it's a wizard sage."
"... I don't really understand, but isn't that just a magician?"
"Oh, just a wizard."
"Okay! I'll check it for now."
The receptionist said-he took out a small stone, called the "Jewel of the Occupation."
This is for wizards, so it's Wonder of the Wizard.
...... This is bad.
The BBO also had a "Jewel of the Occupation", but it only glows when touched by the target occupation.
"... I can use magic, but is this useless?"
That's why I use the magic of Torch Light.
An elementary magic that only illuminates the surroundings.
Other than the sage, the only profession that can use this magic is the wizard.
As long as the wise man is not known, I wondered if he could be recognized as a wizard in Torchlight ...
"Because of the rules, profession cannot be certified except for occupation stones."
Is it impossible?
I can't pretend to be a wizard.
While thinking so, I touch "Jewel of the Witch".
Jewelry does not shine.
"It's weird ... I can't imagine the magical jewelry doesn't glow, even though magic can be used ..."
"Are there no other occupations?"
"The only profession where magic can be used is the magician. But, even though magic can be used, there is no reason to be Novice ... I will bring all the jewels!"
The receptionist then brought the jewel.
However, there is no wise man's jewel or hero's jewel.
The sage is a profession that is never born in the "Adult Ritual".
Heroes are born in the "Adult Ritual," but they are born with a very low probability.
Apparently, the occupation available in the Royal Grand Church is not taken into account because the basics of this world are changing jobs at the "Adult Ritual".
"Is this all?"
"It's all! You can find the hero's jewel if you go to the church, but it's not a hero that can use magic, right?"
I asked, but it was no good.
The church is not the ruins that I used to change jobs, but the one that is being used now, but in any case, there is no way without the jewel of the sage.
"Okay, I'll give up my job change."
With that said, I stowed the guild card without touching the jewel.
It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with going to Novis.
"Um, there are a lot of things I don't know yet about subordinate jobs, so maybe a subordinate job could shine?"
"Lower job?"
The BBO had two basic and senior positions.
The basic positions are wizards, swordsmen, bowers, healers, etc. The higher positions include sages, heroes, saints, and warriors.
Higher ranks have a wider range of skills than basic ranks, but have more experience required to raise their level, and are more difficult to obtain equipment.
Also, since higher rank jobs are less likely to appear in "Adult Ritual", you have to change jobs in the royal capital if you want to aim for it.
Certainly, in the case of "Adult Ritual", the appearance rate of "Berserker", which has the highest appearance rate in higher ranks, should have been about 0.7%.
But ... there was no subordinate job at BBO.
Even in basic jobs, there were strong occupations depending on how they were used.
The receptionist answered me, thinking about that.
"Lower ranks are Berserkers and saints .... Lower ranks are often found at low rank parties, but they can't keep up on the way and they're leaving the party. That's right ... "
……So that's it.
Certainly, if the same party has a basic job and a senior job, and if you defeat the same number of demons, the level up is faster in the basic job.
At BBO, the level of experience gained was not so high, so the difference in the required experience was not that much of a problem, but if you always act at the same party, you can leave it behind.
However, the skills of senior positions are excellent.
With a slight level difference, I don't think it will make a difference to kick the party out.
In particular, the saint's healing skills such as Divine Heal and Holy Barrier have overwhelming performance despite being acquired at a low level, so even if there is a difference in experience value, I think that it can be managed.
"Is a saint useless?"
"I don't know how much healing heals, so I'm losing to a normal healer ..."
"What happened to Divine Heal?"
"What is 'divine heel'?"