Different World Reincarnation as a Sage ~With my Gaming Knowledge, I’ll become the World’s Strongest~
Episode 39: It was like a dangerous zone that required notification
Around noon the next day.
We finished our not-so-long journey and arrived at the nearby town of Death Forest, Tezzia.
Traveling to Milia was very easy.
Milia doesn't talk about fighting skills, but Melia's experience as an adventurer seems to be higher.
"First I'll send the guild a report to the forest of death."
"Do you need notification?"
"There is no penalty without notification, but it is normal to report when you go to the forest of death. Without it, you will not be able to buy materials brought from the forest of death ... the death rate is too much It's too expensive, so if you don't do that, you'll be missing if you die, and your post-mortem processing won't progress. ''
So that's it.
Is the system created for those who have gone to die?
"I'm still sick, but I've often been going to the forest of death."
"When I saw the fight against Raging Ape, I knew I could fight Eld, otherwise I would never go."
"... Is it the first person I meet?"
"Be aware of the risks. Don't worry if you die. Don't worry. I have a reason to want the strength and achievements at risk. If you can bring the material back with you ... it will be the same level of achievement as you have been fulfilling the guild's request from all over the years. "
So that's it.
Is this a gamble for Mirria?
"Why do you want achievements so far?"
"... Adventure medal system"
"Adventurer medal system?"
This is the first listening system.
"Achievement as an A-rank adventurer will give you an aristocracy. The only way for women to gain a new aristocracy."
"In other words, does Milia want to be noble?"
"Yeah, I lost my aristocracy, my home name."
So that's it.
Do you want to be an A-rank adventurer to rebuild your home?
That's why I was going around the guilds and fulfilling requests without undertakings.
In fact, the reputation seems good.
"Isn't an adventurer who is said to be the strongest in the world, can it be ranked A if you take the time?"
"It's sweet .... I've had a track record of being in A ranks long after a regular job. But if you're a junior job, your rank won't go up."
"... Isn't it that Novice can't get up from the F rank?"
"Similar. Well, the lower rank is much better than the treatment for Novice ..... I am also a solo adventurer, but when I set up a party, I got a regular job at the party with the same credit It's not that normal jobs are bad, but if normal jobs and lower jobs are partying together, lower jobs tend to be treated like bonuses. "
So a solo adventurer ...
I don't really want that extra credit, but it seems better to avoid having a regular party.
We went into the guild thinking about that.
"Eh ..."
As Milia enters the guild, the receptionist at the counter jumps up.
The attention of the guild is focused on Milia.
"Real ...?"
"But 'Flame Spear' only comes to towns that have a lot of requests, isn't that many requests here?"
"Isn't it wrong?"
Just entering the guild is a subject of gossip.
Is this the name of "Fire Spear"?
By the way, I am treated as an extra, and it seems that everyone is not in my eyes.
It is peaceful and good.
"Yeah ... but I didn't come to the request."
"Isn't it a request?"
"I'm going to 'Death Forest' with Eldo and the two there. Will you accept my offer?"
Milia gave the receptionist a piece of paper stating "Notice for the Forest of Death."
Looking at the application, the receptionist looks surprised.
"No way, Melia, just two people go to the forest of death?"
"that's right"
"It's too reckless .... I can't help killing Milia of" Fire Spear "in such a place."
The receptionist tries to look back at the notification form.
I guess the forest of death is such a dangerous place.
But Milia did not retreat.
"You don't need a guild's permission to go to the forest of death. If you don't receive a notification, just go to the forest of death .... but I'll definitely go alive."
"... Sure, there's no veto ..."
"Because I'm going to live and go home, don't worry"
Milia then places the notification on the guild counter and goes to the guild exit.
"The notification is over. Let's go."
"Are there any requests related to the Forest of Death?"
"Because you can't hunt for monsters in the forest of death, all of the subjugation rewards are included in the purchase reward .... I heard that there were so many adventurers trying to achieve it and dying, so the request was gone. ''
So that's it…….
The more you hear it, the more it is recognized as a dangerous place ...