Different World Reincarnation as a Sage ~With my Gaming Knowledge, I’ll become the World’s Strongest~
Episode 43: Earn Experience
"What are the conditions for an S-rank adventurer?"
"The rank given to the adventurer who showed a remarkable activity in the defeat of the S rank monsters ... It is supposed to be, but there is no one because the defeat of the S rank monster has never been achieved I thought that fighting the S rank and fighting back in hundreds of people, and no one could do any outstanding activity in that ...
Milia in the Flame Spear saw her spear.
With the current combo, you may have felt that it can also be used for S rank demons.
... I don't know what kind of opponent is the S rank monster, but there are a lot of magic of defense down system,
"In this case, rank A is right before my eyes."
"... how can you defeat the monsters in a pile and earn a feat at once?"
Thanks to the defeat of the current Blood Tiger, I have gone up a level.
With the current feeling, Miria will be able to cope with more enemies.
"Do you remember multiple combos?"
"I remember. Combo attack, Combo attack-"
Milia then repeats the combo I taught earlier.
Yeah, I do remember that.
Melia seems to have a good memory ability to remember once she teaches.
"Then we'll catch three at once."
"Telling a monster using provocation magic or something like that is called" fishing .... Especially when there are many enemies, catch as many as you can defeat. "
"... Are you trying to divide a group of demons with provocation skills?"
"Ah, that's right ..... the average group in the forest now feels like 6 animals ... it's like killing half at a time."
As I said earlier, I think it's pretty much like six enemies-but if you have so many monsters at once, it's hard to fail.
For now, if Melia fails the combo, I'll keep it around 3 so I can easily manage it.
"Divide the flock ... Eld, you can do that ..."
"... Isn't it easy to use a shield as much as dividing a group of demons?"
"Someone can do it, but it's a super high technology. Two very good shields are used, and one provokes only half of the demon, and the other provokes the remaining demon. I have to run away until one of the fights is over .... She can be successful alone, but the odds are half and half.
How inefficient ...
If you understand the movement of monsters and use your long-range provocation skills, you can easily divide the flock.
Eventually, I might give out a skill textbook for adventurers.
Well, it's only in Oita that the social system is likely to collapse if you do it in the current world, so you can teach a lot of skill acquisition systems.
While thinking about that, I saw a group of six Blood Tigers in the right place.
Do you want to try it out?
"Okay, there's Blood Tiger, so I'll catch three of them."
"I understand!"
"Oh ... Magic Taunt"
I used the provocation magic to provoke three Blood Tigers together.
There are two tips when fishing only part of a school.
One is to keep a moderate distance.
If it is too far away, the provocation magic will not reach, and if it is too close, the monster will find it after the battle has begun.
Another is catching other than the flock leader.
If you catch a flock of leaders, it will be worth noting to catch only a part of the flock because it will follow the rest of the demons.
The reason the world's shield messengers are paired with each other is probably because they don't know the leader.
…… The leader ’s monster does n’t look different either, so it ’s hard to know who is the leader of the flock without watching the movements.
"Really three!"
"Oh! ... then defeat the demon in the manner I just mentioned! ... Magic guard!"
The sage skill is basically not designed to act as a shield.
Therefore, a little ingenuity is necessary for three opponents.
Brad Tiger tries to swing her nails down at me.
I swung the wand full at the claws.
"Ah !?"
Brad Tiger's claw and my wand slammed into each other--as if they flew away.
This is not just the effect of Magic Guard.
He added a critical counter to Magic Guard to increase his power as a counter.
"Sticky Bomb!"
At the same time, I shot Sticky Bomb under the enemy's feet, making it hard to move.
The sage's wand doesn't give much power when fully swung, but the advantage is that you can use magic at the same time.
It's easy to think that you don't need the skills to make a magic spell critical, but imitating this will expand your tactics.
This is an essential technique, especially when using a sage as a shield.
"Blowed off the Blood Tiger !?"
Milia rushes behind Brad Tiger with a surprise voice.
And Milia starts building a skill combo.