Different World Reincarnation as a Sage ~With my Gaming Knowledge, I’ll become the World’s Strongest~
Episode 76: Defeated Small Fish Together
"Frame circle!"
At the same time as the magic is activated, a large amount of oil on the ground ignites.
The flame spread in sight, covering the area where the Emperor Ogres were.
"" "Goaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" "
Hungry augers wrapped in flames exclaim.
A tremendous amount of oil had ignited. Its firepower is incomparable to the fire that killed the Hungry Ogre before.
"Sticky Bomb! Sticky Bomb!"
I scatter sticky bombs under the feet of the burning Hungry Ogres to prevent them from escaping.
The reason I didn't sow it before was that if Emperor Ogre was your opponent, you might notice Stickybomb and get around.
Then, when the Hungry Ogre was destroyed-I felt danger and flew to the side.
A moment later, a rock, as large as my head, passed by me at a tremendous speed.
If I had stayed there, by now I would have been minced by rocks.
It's a lot of guts to prioritize attacking me before escaping.
"... Isn't it easy?"
Looking at the place where the rock flew, the Emperor Ogre was angry in the burning flame.
It seems that the damage from the fire is going through properly.
In the first place, only the legs are burnt.
Emperor augers are too large to be destroyed by fire on the ground.
Hungry augers still burn their whole body.
"Gigoaaaaaaaaaaaa! Goaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
An angry roar roared in the forest.
Apparently Emperor Ogre is angry, with his friends being killed.
In his eyes, there is no such thing as carelessness.
There is only pure murder to me.
"Nice, come here! I hope I can!"
The Emperor Ogre is also tied to the ground by Sticky Bomb.
And now, a lot of oil is still burning.
Unlike the small fish hungry auger, it does not fall down just by itself, but it certainly does damage.
The red-burnt, partially carbonized legs speak for themselves.
"Gi ... Guaaaaaaaaaa!"
As I was watching, the Emperor Ogre pulled out the leg with the ground.
Before Sticky Bomb's loss of adhesion, the ground seemed to have had no endurance.
I intended to pick a place where the ground was solid, but ... did the oil reduce the adhesion?
Well, it has been assumed so far.
I was busy killing small fish and few sticky bombs were used to bind the Emperor Ogre.
The Emperor Ogre runs madly here.
But the direction of movement was slightly off the shortest route.
Apparently, the shortest route was learned to be dangerous.
Still ... If you come to me, there is a way to guide.
With that in mind, I ran – on the way I fired Windward and jumped back.
The emperor auger had thrown a rock, pretending to swing his arm to run.
Although it appears to be a weak stone, it is a massive block of rock weighing tens of tons, with a bullet velocity of several hundred kilometers per hour.
Failure to dodge will result in immediate death.
It is not possible to be careless even by mere movement guidance.
In such a bargain-I will gradually guide you to the position of the next trap.
There are two traps left, so you can step on one of them.
So I-faced the Emperor Ogre just halfway between the two traps.
If the Emperor Ogre takes the shortest route, no trap will be taken.
But if you've learned that the shortest route is dangerous, you can trap.
And the emperor auger is-.
He left the shortest route a little before the trap and thrust himself into the trap.
That's exactly what I aimed for.
"Windwalk-Flame Circle!"
I run under the Emperor Ogre and ignite with magic.
The surroundings burned up, and once again the Emperor Ogre was engulfed in flames.
If I leave this as it is, I'll burn and die ...
I applied fire magic to myself to prevent the effects of the flame.
This magic is good not only for the flame itself, but also for the effects of simultaneous smoke and the like.
In BBO, it's a magic that was often taken care of at the volcano stage.
Even just using this magic might be worth putting a sage into the party.