The next day I was called to the royal palace. Ko and I visited the Royal Institute of Magic. To poison the containers we keep.

Take the stairs and go to the room where Jean is.

I know it doesn't make sense to kill this guy as much as it does. But I also know that there are not so many things in the world that can be described as absolute.

"Painless ecstasy"

Does this still work? I had to groan, but I guess I can't communicate my will.

"Snowstorming Ice Storm"

It's not magic to use in such a Chamber, though. It freezes all over the room. Poison, Jean.

"Ice Bullet"

Jean collapses to pieces after only a slight shot. Extremely cold room, cut out frozen poison and put in container. If it's frozen so far, it seems okay to keep it in the magic library... but let's not. It's impossible to solve it in my magic library, but I can't imagine what would happen in case it did. We still have to move on with safety first.

I tried to wait for a while as it was, but it didn't come back to life while the poison pond was frozen. Now you've discovered this. The poison was also found to have a lower melting point than water.

In theory, toxic gases should be less likely to occur if oxygen levels are reduced and burned at ultra-high temperatures. If I purify the gases produced in the process of burning them on top of that, would I not be able to handle the poison clean? This was already suggested at yesterday's meeting. I skipped oxygen and toxic gas. I plan to experiment with this as well when I get to the Herdeza Desert.

Okay, let's get out of here, Coe. I wasted my magic on it. There's no point in freezing it...

The containers kept are about one litre at a time. There are three of them. I don't know how many people I could kill if I had a litre of this poison. That's scary.

When I get back to the Zematis, I won't do anything anymore. Shall I keep you company until your magic is fully restored? No, I remember an errand. Let's go deliver a letter to you, Steed. Serge, you and Sandra must be here. With Alec. Ko-chan, you're going to Kamui, right?



We should all be on spring break now. And I also ask about the general location of the house. I think I'm alone...

Rocked by a Zematis family carriage to the northeast area within the Second Wall. That's a little far from each school. But surprisingly, that's a lot of new houses. Reconstruction is going perfectly.

It gets narrow from here, and let's get off the carriage and walk. And I'm leaving the carriage now. Good luck.

"Maybe that house?

"Sounds like it. That matches the look I was hearing about.

You also have a bell magic prop on your doorstep. I'll hit you in a row.

About two minutes later, Serge was the one who came out with the sleigh of. Huh, you gained a little weight again?

"Mr. Curse! Alex! Wow, you've come a long way! Come in, come in!

"You look good. Everybody here?"

"Long time no see. Nice tummy.



"Both Sandra and Steed are in school. Sandra studied in the library, and Steed said you were going to do some archery with your classmates.

"You're all working hard even though it's spring break. Serge, what were you doing?

"I was just studying normally. From noon on, I guess about as much as I promise to play with my friends.

"That's nice. After all, the student's share is a play! Then can I have this for you, Steed? And Serge, if you want to write a letter too, I'll deliver it to Kutanutsu.

"It's always bad. This is Sybil's year of graduation, so you've been wondering a lot.

"Sounds like Sybil usually goes to junior high school in Kuttanut. Chiara's a magic school in King's Capital. Ha..."

"Wow, that's Chiara. I was also surprised by the engagement of Lord Soldane and His Royal Highness Prince Wang, but Chiara and Prince Franzwood are also happy together at the College of Aristocrats.

"Ha... he said it was triggered by the death of the former king, but when he talked to Chiara, he really liked it. That bastard......"

"That's Mr. Curse. You and Prince Franzwood are friends, aren't you? Let me tell you something more about the past year, okay?

"There was a lot going on. First..."

From then on, it was a chat between the three of us. Ko and Kamui joined us from time to time when we talked about Igdrasil. It's fun.

"That's right... Mr. Curse, you're in trouble. The elves, the dark elves, and the ban... I can't imagine..."

"When you see your grandmother in so much pain. I can't leave you alone..."

"And mount eater... demons are too scary..."

"Right. I guess there's still such a lousy demon out there. I'm scared.

"Alex is amazing, too. Always with you, Curse.

"It's no big deal. Thanks to Curse for everything. I can't wait to be too happy.

Heh heh. I'm glad they say that.

Ah, fun. Still good conversation with friends. It hasn't been a year in me, Serge, but no, the world has definitely been a year. Is this some kind of Taro Urashima, too?

Well, Steed, if you and Sandra are fine, that's fine. It's about staying in King's Capital for a few more days, and I'll probably see you soon. Looking forward to it.