With Lucy's help (spiritual help is "Kokahabatsuku”), the laying of the pavement was completed by evening.You can say that the roof is almost finished.

It is likely to be over by lunch tomorrow.Looking at it, I told Deanna.

"Tomorrow we'll be done as soon as we can help."

"Well, I'm getting used to it, too, and as soon as it gets faster."


Looks like Lucy's gonna help me out again tomorrow.I don't know how many times it's gonna be. I finished this day's work with Lucy.

The next day, before noon, all the roofs will be completed.The calm BGM is about to hear a narration saying, "What do you mean?"I wonder if that TV show still works in the old world.

Anne hit the last nail and clapped in the woods.The person said, "Is it okay for me?" But the whole family said, "This is experience."

Thus the blacksmith in the forest, his warehouse, and his cabin were connected.Once the hallway is complete, there will be another ceremony.

Well, if you'll excuse me.

That's why I walk down the hallway from the front of the warehouse to the main house.You thought it would be fun, Krul and Lucy walked after me.Should I say "at the beginning”? Anyway, that's how it feels.

I also tried to say, "I don't care who used it first," but "I don't feel comfortable here if my parents used it first," and I decided to do this with the opinion of the whole family, just like when Anne used it.

It's just walking down the hallway, but somehow it feels tough.I wonder if I should get the clothes I need from the north in time...

As I walked down the hallway to my mother's house, my family clapped again.Kurl and Lucy were glad they didn't understand each other and were running around the garden.

"Hey, don't let it shine, like this."

"That's right! I was just like that!"

"Now I know how you feel."

That's what I said to Anne, who had a rough nose.

It is embarrassing to do something every time this is done, but it is important in the sense of separation.It is also a milestone in the connection between family and family, and even if you celebrate flashly, you will not be punished.

That's why I went luxurious from noon today.They bake plenty of meat, mobilize all the seasonings in the house to serve a variety of flavors, and both wine and sake are banned.

Like heard about it and quickly brought it from a barrel warehouse to the terrace via the crossing corridor.The work of handling fire with liquor in the boulder is dangerous, so even if I have time in the afternoon, I can't allow it there, but it seems that everyone was going to rest slowly for today, so there is no problem.

"Here's to completing your new building and connecting your family!"


In this way, in the “black forest” during the afternoon, a small banquet began, which would look quite out of place if a stranger saw it.