During the three days - two and a half correctly - he made a sword and a knife, and Karen took a look at it and repeated that he would put it into practice at the end of the day.

According to Riquet, "it is improving slightly".The same thing happened to me.It was too early to judge.

The day before the delivery, there was no confirmation, but I made the dinner a little more luxurious as a farewell party.Though they may return to the north, they also have a northern flavor, so they are sautéed in wine and brandy sauces with their favorite venison and boar meat.

Salads...... are impossible, so vegetables and herbs that were in the hot water, fruits, etc. are lined up on the table.

"The place is the place, so this is the best I can do."

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's

Karen waved her hands in front of her face.After a toast, Samir and Helen are chewing meat and Riquet is sipping alcohol.Diana and Liddy eat relatively moderately, but the wine is a little faster than usual.

Along the way, everyone was asking Karen what to do in the north at a time like this.Karen replied, wagging her tail slowly.

"That's right, what you do doesn't change that much."There's a feast, there's a drink. "

Northern liquor?

Riket heard and Karen nodded.Karen explains that there are some sake distillers that distill alcohol from sake, such as sake and sake in the previous world.

When it comes to shochu, Riquet's eyes shine with love.If you can still get something from the north in the future, I'll ask Camilo for help.

In terms of feast, unheated fish meat may be eaten as it is, like sashimi, but basically, it is like vinegar.After that, it seems that the main thing is boiled and grilled a little mountain meat.

In other words, it takes time and effort, and items that are highly obtained from the ingredients themselves are lined up as delicacies.This place is no different from the world before it.

Some of them are like kabobs, and Karen likes them.I didn't even know if she was a lizardman, or if she was a personal one.

I'd like to try it if it lasts, but I guess it's impossible. Let's make it this way.

The modest but busy farewell party lasted a little longer than usual, and we had a delivery day.

After completing my morning routine, I pulled out the truck and loaded it with goods to be delivered.

A sword that was wrapped and wound, and a knife that fits in Akashinobu.This is our "flagship product".I didn't make the daily necessities because I couldn't sell them in Free City.Aside from the mainstay, I supplied spears from time to time.

According to what Camilo told me, "It sells pretty well."Camilo's acquaintance's merchant also seems to be buying "for his own escort", so sales may grow in the future.

The three daughters are happy to know that it has been a long time since they went out to the city.Hayate, who was a little more mature when she first came, also showed a little emotion at this point.

Krull and Lucy, running around like they are today, are flying with a small chirp.Well, maybe you're ashamed as your sister.

That's how we connected the Krull and the wagon, and when everyone got in, we left.Lucy also got tired of jumping on the wagon.I think my physical fitness has increased somewhat.

Even so, I still think it's a cute little girl, but I think it might be a good time to take "child" from "wolf"...

No, a cat should still be able to be called a last-minute kitten at about the age of one.In other words, if the wolf thinks the same way, you can call it "the wolf" for another half a year or so.

I don't know if you know what's inside me. I gently stroke the head of my child who rubbed my head against my foot. With a Kururu and the voice of Hayate stopping in her head, the wagon headed all the way to the city.