The next day, I manage to get my pentagon ready. Since the process itself remains the same today, Liquet and the others are asked to do their usual work.

This process of making fire is completed as a body (after this, it is necessary to make a "Tsuba", a pattern "Tsuba", or a "Sheath"), so even if some of the subsequent processes are omitted, it becomes a task that cannot be distracted more than this.

First I made a cut tip. If you cut the tip diagonally to the side of the blade, tap it there to make it round and pointed.

The tip of the cut this time is Dafeng (Kisaki). I got lost with the tip of the pork neck, but I tried to do this because I thought the same thing didn't have any art.

Plenty of morning time was spent making cut-toed shapes. It feels quite hazy.

I have no hesitation in letting weapons out into the world, and I know for myself that this is primarily for personal protection.

However, if it is, it is still false to say that it has never been used before.

It's doubtful how many beasts and people freak out about the Great Feng, but if the person you poke at will walk away with a little loss of will, that's enough.

I finished to a good point, so I left a bunch of women (somewhat sadly, I mean everyone but me...) still working a little more and went back to the house to get ready for lunch.

"Hmm, I knew it'd be cool coming back this way"

Simply referred to as the temperature difference between a blacksmith and a house, the other side is always using fire for cancer.

It's also at temperatures where iron can be processed. So the room temperature in the blacksmith is not about the sauna. There is a difference in temperature to the extent that just one door apart seems cool.

Helen doesn't seem completely used to it because she hasn't been around for a while, but everyone else is totally used to it.

Just saying you're used to it doesn't mean you don't sweat. Everyone sweats more than that.

So I keep a water bottle at the blacksmith so that I can always rehydrate, and there are each cup by my side (wooden and carved out my name), and everyone is hydrated as appropriate.

I just drank that moisture, and I sweat. So after work, me and everyone are wet and wiping with squeezed cloth.

Some are charcoal and dirty in the first place, but the cloth after wiping is quite dirty. This means that there is only so much body dirt.

Even the hygiene concept at this point in this world is standard around here, so I'm up to it, and I'm not particularly dissatisfied with it from everyone.

Seeing that even Deanna, who was a noble lady, doesn't leak any particular dissatisfaction, I guess it's something similar at the noble level. With that said, even Count Amur's house was basically enough to wipe his body with water.

But as a (former) Japanese who loves to bathe both in the Roman Empire and not dissatisfied, it's a different story that I have a desire to bathe and refresh myself when I say this.

I don't even want ”cold beer in a kink” but at least I want to soak it in warm water.

The problem with the bath is the amount of water and fuel. Use both abundantly. When you come up with a strategy that can solve both of these, tell everyone about building Yukan Yukan...

After I gently wiped my body, I thought about my future plans as I prepared my lunch.

By the time lunch is complete, everyone will be back at home. As Deanna opened the door to the house, lightly defiled her body, Lucy jumped in without letting her hair in.

Looking out the door that Deanna opened, a little further away, Krull eats the grass.

She eats anything, but sees that plants seem to prefer and sometimes oh rather than meat. I can't get into the house with boulders, but I think I might be able to increase my chances of eating outside during this time.

After lunch, go back to work. From here on out, the task will be to create the opposite, but here was one flash of "Hilarious".

When Apoitacara exercises her magic, the color there changes slightly. This is like because the way that that part glows changes, but this time you can use it to put in a blade print? That's what I mean.

I was prepared to become a bladeless knife because I would not burn it in, but if this went well, I might be able to do it the way I thought it would.

I was so excited inside that I put a hammer in my shapely body.