"So, which is Deanna going to do?


Deanna said with a Kyotong look on her face. I snort.

"Well, I guess so. I think we're all looking forward to it."

Everyone but Deanna nodded ununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununun

"We don't have the taste to choose like Deanna. I'm sorry, but you have to choose for yourself."

"Yeah, well, hang out with Eizo."


It was Deanna's turn to snort next.

"It's boring to pick it out for yourself and just show it"

"That's what you're gonna say."

That's what I'm saying.

Deanna giggles with a beautiful face. I scratched my head and approached the ornaments lined up.

Uhm, I know it's beautiful and some good or bad design, but I don't even know which one is best for Deanna.

All you need to know is how much you can do as a craft - that is, how much you can do when you try as a blacksmith.

But this doesn't make much sense from what I've found out. Even if it were an ornament that would be the hand of an artisan said to be the hand of God, it wouldn't be worth a penny if it didn't suit Deanna.

"How about this, then?

Deanna put a simple design necklace on her chest for her hand. The clothes I wear now are more flashy than I usually wear, but I don't feel like a "noble lady”.

It matches the clothes and Deanna's hair and looks good.

"That's okay."

On the other hand, I totally throw up comments like "Dad dating shopping”.

"Are you seeing this right?

"Of course. I said it because I thought it looked good from what I saw"

When Deanna swelled her cheeks just a little and I explained in a little panic inside, her swollen cheeks went back to normal.



"You look like a complete couple."


I hear Thermia and Lique talking in a whisper, but ignore it. Ignore it.

"So which one do you think Eizo should be?

"Another unscrupulous thing..."

I put my hand on my chin and think. I think a simple necklace like the one Deanna just took in her hand would be nice, but I also feel this slightly larger blue gemstone fitted design pendant would look great.

"How about this?

"Oh, good."

Deanna puts the pendant I showed on her hand, on her chest.

"Yeah, I think you look great"

"Well, put it on."


Deanna turned around and turned around. It's not like a hikiwa or a crab, it's a way to hook up a hook.

I approach softly and do my hand around Deanna's noose. It's at least resistance not to say "excuse me".

For a moment Deanna was picky, but I was able to hook her up without going crazy at hand.

"What do you say?"

"Ooh, nice!

"It's good to know that my parents chose it."


"I'm a little jealous..."

Deanna shows everyone but me. For now, it seemed good to like Deanna and everyone else. Now if they say, "No taste whatsoever," I can't get back on my feet for the other three days.

"All right, shall we buy it then? Excuse me, all of this."

"" "" "What!?

Everyone speaks surprisingly of my words. The store people look surprised, too, but I guess they didn't expect to buy it. It doesn't look like I have the money while I...

"No, it's rude to leave without buying like this. Maybe I should just buy one for someone. If you're curious, you can think of it as a reward that usually helps me with my work."

I make something common apart from this, but that's it, this is this.

"With that said, please. How much?"

I just started accounting with my face when I told the store people to buy it while I couldn't rub it any more.

It's the price there, but there's no such thing as considering what you've earned so far. There shouldn't be. I still had quite a few left when I brought them.

"Thank you!

The people at the store keep their heads down. I am a little dizzy, but I feel slightly uncomfortable because it is only a normal outfit.

But, well, it's not a bad idea to accept someone else's appreciation in this way.

Thus, we left behind the jewelry store.