Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 214.

"I'll know when I go, and I'm sure you won't be disappointed." Ling Yu laughed to.

"Okay, enough talking, let's all eat." That's when Reimu greeted.

But the Valkyrie's group was incredibly silent.

Even Kiana forgot to ask the reason why Celine looked exactly like her.

Why Yaezakura was at Chihaya Gakuen.

Why Delisa is Otto's granddaughter.

Ryuu: Yay! That's my plan, get lost in a daze and can't get out of it! Think about it, you can't even think of a drop.

Chapter 158 Celine: If You Want to Leave, Liberate Your True Power

"Ruler of the Air, I want to go back." After a period of silence, the Infinite Tachiko spoke up.

She was now worried about Delisa's comfort.

If it was as Ling Yu said, their Bishop would never be a good person.

"It's completely unnecessary if you're worried about Delissa, Otto is very spoiled as a granddaughter and probably doesn't even want to beat her." Ling Yu said flatly.

And as far as Otto was concerned, none of this was just part of his plan, would a chess enforcer be willing to do anything for the sake of the pieces in his hand?

Can't see people Otto's reaction to Delissa has always been to stop playing, the game should be over, well, stop doing what no-will rebellion, no-will rebellion; every single sentence both in tone and words is like coaxing a child. (Well, 47's child.)

But Ling Yu's face was flat, but his heart was a batch of excitement.

It's here, it's finally here, how long have I been waiting.

Budgie Raid, Board Duck Rationalization, One Ponytail Delissa, and uh, as for a certain hayseed? Forget it, pretend she doesn't exist.

Group chat.

Lynx: "@Queen Crash, Celine, out, out."

Queen of Crash: "What for?"

The Greatest Chief: "Are we about to witness a legendary py deal?"

Ling Yu: "@Sided Pass, I'm authorizing you, don't come out of the fantasy battlefield without beating Tony until he can't take care of himself."

One Side Pass: "Group Master, I realize you've never been so handsome!"

Ling Yu: "------"

What do you mean? Wasn't I handsome before?

The Greatest Chief: "Woohoo! Group Master I was wrong."

A superhero in the hall was crying like a child at the moment.

Ryuu: "Sorry, no rebuttals accepted."

Suzaku Goku: "Hahahaha, trash Tony, made you laugh at me before."

The Greatest Chief: "Oh, I can't slutty you if I can't slutty the Group Master? How does it feel to be square?"

Suzuki Goh: "------"

Suzuki Goh: "Suzuki Goh's smile gradually disappeared, and now his heart said, "Tony you're dead."

This matter of being sealed into a cube by the Earth Exploding Heavenly Star and being hardened out of it was the biggest stain in Suzuki Goh's life! Jitsuki Goh's still unhealed scars were slashed once again by the events that happened a few hours ago.

The Great Shoujo: "Sorry, I'm glad I couldn't hit it."

Zing! One-Way issued a challenge to Tony's application!

Ding! The group leader, Ling Yu, has agreed.

Ling Yu: "Get the hell out of here."

Greatest Chieftain: "Woo-hoo! Group owners don't want it!"

One Way Pass: "Come on, little ol' boy, hurt each other! Aren't you a real drag? Hit me with your fist? Muscle Slugger."

Ryuu: "Celine, help me create a Conquest Gem."

Suzaku Goh: "Haha, retribution, right? Let me laugh for a moment, hahahahaha."

Ouyang Xiao Feng: "Trash Tony, let you bully me!"

Queen Avalanche: "What do you need gems for? To that group of Valkyries?"

Oldest Demon King: "This is the first time I've ever believed that evil comes with evil consequences."

Southern Bird: "Shame on Mr. Tony for making the old man of Godslayer say that!"

Mr. Void: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, slut doesn't pay, wait, you guys don't scatter flowers can't you hear me? Cough cough cough I said don't spill the flowers! Cough cough~"

DING, Lord of the Air's avatar went dark.

Lord of the Empty: "------ It's over, another death."

"Of course, let me find some pictures to look at."

Ling Yu replied to the Queen of Crash's statement.

Mother Love Saves the World: "Watch me filth reincarnate!"

Black Tiger: "Xiu'er please go away."

Zing! Lynx uploaded the picture.

Meiko Honma: "Huh? Groupie brother sending pictures, some cute girl again?"

Ling Yu: "Cough cough."

Eroica: "Good, so handsome!"

Eroica gazed in wonder at the thunderous woman on the page, stomping the Walter replica under her feet with a look of dominance.

Well, naked feet.

Most Ancient Murakami: "Yo, that's not bad looking compared to the stinking gods in the sky."

Nishimiya Whistle: "That one, I like the third one better."