Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 561.

"Can't we just have one? You have so many wives anyway."

"The author doesn't allow it, if he did, I would have had them long ago." Ling Yu said with no good grace.

"Ah this."


Finally, when it was almost dawn, Ling Yu stood up.

"Well, it's getting late, I'm leaving."

"Already at this hour?" Fox Gotham spoke with a slight flicker, and couldn't help but smile at the sun gradually rising outside.

"Are you coming back?"

"Let's see what happens."

"Not considering inviting me into your Goldfinger?" Fox Gotham suddenly said.

Ling Yu's figure was also astonished.

Eyes like a hawk, he looked at Fox Gotham Words and indifferently opened: "When did you discover this?"

It's weird to feel good when one's biggest secret is discovered.

"After coming to this world and being exposed to basic novels about crossing over, I guess. After all, being able to connect so many different worlds, your golden fingers should be wide open, right?" Fox Gotham Words explained.

"Sorry, forgive me for refusing." Ling Yu directly declined.

After hearing that, Fox Gotham Words spread out his hands, "I knew it."

"Then- goodbye, friend."

Ling Yu's figure shook his hand and stepped into the imaginary number space.

After bringing it to the living room with only Fox Gotham Words remaining, he slowly walked towards the balcony, his pupils imprinted with the rising sun.


Crushing with one hand.

Fox Gotham's gaze was cold as he looked at the spatial rift he had crushed and muttered to himself.

"Or was it discovered?!"

"Really, I'd like to watch Yukihime grow up saying that."

"In that case, then - let's go see it first."

"Be careful on the way." A gentle voice sounded behind Fox Gotham's words.

Fox Gotham Words was slightly stunned.

Turning his head, he looked at Murong Xi, "You didn't sleep."

Murong Xi gave him a blank look: "I'm a High Priest of the Hallowed Human Race, okay? I won't be able to sense a problem in space?"

Murong Xi walked up to Fox Gotham's face and helped him tidy up his collar.

"You can go if you want. We can hide for a while, not a lifetime, and we have to solve the problem once and for all."

"Then you and Snowham-"

"Don't worry, I've found a parallel world, it'll be fine."


red country

Ling Yu family

The imaginary number space opened.

The moment Ling Yu walked out of it, he was stunned.

All the group members were at his home.

It was as if they were having some kind of celebration party.

"You guys- why are you all here?" Ling Yu was surprised and asked.

"Huh? Amelia, you're here too."

Ling Yu was stunned again when he found Amelia.

"O Group Master, don't think you're the only one who went to save the world, we went there too."

Suzaku Goh said instantly.

"What world did you guys go to save?" Ling Yu was completely confused.

"Lord Amelia's world was invaded by the Jealous Witch, fortunately Lord Voban and the others arrived in time, or else the consequences would have been disastrous." At that moment, Ram came over and said.

"Oh, wait, no, I didn't agree to that, how did they get in?" Ling Yu was a little confused.

"Hehe." Reim laughed instantly.

Chapter 56 - On the gap in popularity

"Yo, little brother, Amelia and I are here as promised."

A grey kitten floated in from the distance and landed on Emilia's shoulder.

"Eww" Hearing the sound, Ling Yu turned his head and his mouth twitched.

There was just something about its appearance that was not flattering.

A doughnut was placed around its neck.

The left and right handed one was holding a cookie that had been bitten off in a big bite, and all the hairs at its mouth were cookie scraps.

"Gee, I can't help it, I guess I haven't seen me in ages, Ram's a bit enthusiastic."

Seeing Ling Yu's look, Parker quickly bit off the cookie in his right hand and touched his head somewhat apologetically.

"It's fine, but from what Suzaku Goh said, the Jealous Witch attacked you?"

"Well, for some reason, the Jealous Witch suddenly appears and destroys the world when she does."