Dimensional World Fusion Catalog

Dimensional World Fusion Catalog Chapter 378

Qi Liuhai took a step forward to catch the comb. The comb was as red as blood, but there was no bloody smell. On the contrary, it had a strong aroma of wine.

"Wow, it seems not bad, put it away and put it away."

Qi Liuhai began to pack the cockscomb python and wrapped a large bag of snake meat with its snake skin.

"After all, it is a beginner who needs to learn how to deal with cattle. The proficiency needs to be improved. The size of the snake meat is cut. This is an unqualified Gongbao chicken."

For the first time, the cut meat was irregular in size and size. This was an unqualified performance, and Qi Liuhai was somewhat dissatisfied.

But after all, it was the first time to use it, and the target was still a living thing, and besides, it was still such a big body.

Coupled with the thick python skin of the cockscomb python, it would be impossible for Qi Liuhai to solve the cockscomb python with a single blow if it were not for the demon eyes of the ingredients to see the lines.

Of course, the blow mentioned here only refers to a blow without other forces.

Chapter 302

Two months passed quickly, and during these two months, the creatures in this ecosystem were suffering.

Although Qi Liuhai knew that everything would stay a thread and would not drive these precious creatures to extinction, after two months, Qi Liuhai still hunted a lot of food materials, making the creatures who had been carefree and living have nightmares every night, for fear of being caught the next day. Grab it and eat it.

Grandma Changpu also discovered this problem. In other words, she is also the manager of this ecological area. It is not good for Qi Liuhai to hunt like this. So, half a month ago, Grandma Changpu started to let Qi Liuhai go hunting.

You know, this ecological zone is on an island with a huge area, and the area of ​​light may be larger than some small countries.

The outside of it is protected by a shell made of a shellfish. It is said that the hardness of this shell exceeds that of diamonds, and the thickness is still dozens of meters.

Outside the ecological zone is the sea, the vast sea.

The world, the captive of gourmet food, although the plot also takes place on a planet called the earth, this planet is much larger than the present planet, and the ocean is even wider. Countless lives are bred in this ocean, the source of gourmet cells. It also comes from the ocean.

Speaking of gourmet cells, in the end, Qi Liuhai swallowed that gourmet cell and raised his cell's life level.

After possessing gourmet cells, the whole body is craving for food, which is also the main reason why Qi Liuhai over-hunts in the ecosystem.

Qi Liuhai swallowed the food cells a month ago. As soon as the white meat entered his stomach, it turned into a golden light and flowed through Qi Liuhai's body. Then, Qi Liuhai's originally angular body instantly became muscle bulge!

One piece of meat changes into 8 pieces of abdominal muscle in seconds. It is estimated that many people want to taste the taste of this gourmet cell.

However, as the old saying goes, food cells are threatening things. Although Qi Liuhai's cells are strengthened, if there is not enough energy supplement, then it will start to swallow Qi Liuhai's body!

Qi Liuhai only maintained a strong muscular body for a few minutes, and then a strong sense of hunger spread, and his sturdy body began to return to its normal state, but the muscle shape was still there.


Qi Liuhai picked up the food that had been prepared a long time ago and began to eat special food, which are all relatively advanced ingredients. A few bites filled the initial desire of the gourmet cell, and then the gourmet cell began to evolve!

Eating high-class delicacies, or eating delicacies that match the attributes of your own cells, will evolve gourmet cells. It is easy to satisfy evolution in the early stage, but the difficulty is in the later stage.

Overnight, Qi Liuhai's food cells were purified 6 times. The food had been eaten, and some of the food originally stored in the system space had also been eaten.

Qi Liuhai feels full of energy at this moment!There is huge power in every gesture, and I found an open place to try it out. A huge boulder more than ten meters high was smashed by Qi Liuhai with a single punch. The power of the food cell is really strong.

After that, in order to satisfy the appetite of the food cell, Qi Liuhai hunted more diligently. Except for learning to cook with the calamus, she basically hunted at other times. Finally, the calamus couldn’t stand it, she drove Qiliuhai out of the ecological zone and let Qiliuhai go to the sea. The creature is gone.


So in this way, in a month of going out hunting, Qi Liuhai's food cells have evolved again five times, and the difficulty has become increasingly difficult. The last two of these evolved after Qi Liuhai used Dipodan!

Qi Liuhai didn't expect that a pill the size of a soybean would have more energy than a mass of food, and it would directly support the food cells!It has evolved twice in a row.

Now, Qi Liuhai's physical strength has reached a terrifying level.




Above the vast sea!A shocking jet of water spouted from the sea!I saw a huge electric eel flying out of the sea, and then!

"Fish-flavored pork shreds!"


A blade of light flashed under the sea!The huge electric shock eel over a hundred meters long was cut into countless filaments in an instant!


Qi Liuhai rushed out of the water, his body was also surging with electricity, he waved his hand to catch all the shredded meat, and let the huge fish bones and internal organs of the electric shock eel fall into the sea, and then...

"Cooking and cooking! Must break 75 points today!"

Qi Liuhai brought a large number of eel shreds to a small island. There was a dome house on this small island, which was a capsule room.

Now Qi Liuhai is hunting outside in the morning and cooking by himself. After preparing it, he will take it back to Grandma Changpu at noon, knowing the shortcomings and improving it.

It's hard to imagine that a person who didn't know how to cook, after two months of special training, actually made a good dish!

Sure enough, people are forced out, and people are forced to do everything except...chemistry problems!

Walking into the kitchen, Qi Liuhai skillfully prepared the ingredients, and then started to burn the oil!

Oil is a kind of oil from coconuts. The clear and translucent oil that comes out when you open the coconut shell. Qi Liuhai has planted several of them, so I don’t have to worry about eating oil in the future.

The main ingredients are stir-fried, colored, seasoned and out of the pan in one go.

It took less than a few minutes to complete a dish of shredded eel with yuxiang.

Qi Liuhai took a bite!Mouth filled instantly!The meat of the electric eel still carries a weak current!The stimulation in the mouth is just right!It stimulates the taste buds and improves the taste.

"Hmm! Delicious! Test the system."

"Test, test is over, 78 points!"

"Um! 78 points!"

Qi Liuhai froze for a while, 78 points, already very close to the target score.

Qi Liuhai also cooked a lot of dishes before, but the highest score was only 72 points. Unexpectedly, a plate of fish-flavored eel shreds reached 78 points.

A score of 78 actually indicates that if Qi Liuhai can improve his cooking skills, get the details in place, and then slightly improve, this dish can reach the level of 80 points.

With hope, Qi Liuhai was very happy. He ate the dishes on the plate in one bite. After tasting them carefully, he continued to prepare the ingredients and cook the dishes.

There is still a lot of eel meat, and the ingredients are also very abundant. Qi Liuhai feels that today I can sprint the fish-flavored eel shreds for 80 minutes.

finally!The effort paid off. After dozens of "failures", I poured a circle of fish-flavored eel with pear juice!The final score reached 82 points!