Disciple of Immortal

Lesson 60: The Lord of the Connection

The activator of the junction, I'll slap him.

But what was worrying was the effect of the junction on the city until then.

"... Mr. Pomera, is there any place where people are likely to get together when these anomalies happen?

I ask Pomera.

"Huh? Hih, is there going to be a crowd? Uh..."

"Whatever. It's a disaster or something, and when demons push in, people are about to go first."

"If so, is it a church......?

I take the map out of the magic bag and spread it out.

The church was located near the centre of the city of Arloburg.

It seems often chosen as a place of refuge.

I took another magic bag out of the bag.

Because the magic bag does not have that much capacity, we organize it like this.

I handed the magic bag to Pomera.

Inside this magic bag is packed primarily with psychic medicines that restore strength and magic.

"Ka, Kanata......?

"Mr. Pomera, I have a favor to ask you. Unbind around the church and ask for the treatment of the critically ill as we move around it"

Pomera was originally a white wizard.

It was there that I stretched the most focus during my training.

If you look only at the white magic hierarchy you can handle, it's much higher than mine.

The longer it takes, the more it can activate the eleventh level white magic, the Tears of the Archangel (Raphaertheer), which can completely heal almost all the pathologies depending on the magic.

With Pomera, the Healing Rain (Area Heel) in the seventh floor can be used to heal those weakened by this junction.

There is a level 200, so running around and using Healing Rain (Area Heels) should give you a lot of coverage.

You won't have enough magic, but I'll have you doped and compensated with psychic medication.

"Pomera...? Pomera or something, can you...?

Pomera speaks anxiously.

It should be possible as a level, but she is not confident in herself and her personality is not better able to come out too strong.

In order to get people to help and move efficiently, Pomera needs to shout out to herself to direct the people around her, make her own decisions and get her to move ad hoc.

At first glance, it doesn't seem to fit Pomera's personality.

But... Pomera is a man who, for the sake of men, can step forward with courage.

That's what happened when you helped me.

He called a guard without regard for the danger of his being able to put his eyes on him in order to evacuate the tyrannical and violent Octavio, and he helped me get lost by delaying the promises I usually make to Roy, whom I'm talking about.

She's a really strong person.

"Mr. Pomera can do it. That's what I believe."

Pomera, who was almost there, breathed as she heard my words and prepared herself.

"Wow, I get it...... Pomera, I'll do it! I'll try!

Pomera squeezes the scepter hard.

"I... will search for and slap the initiators of the Order"

That said, I still have no idea where the activists of the junction are lurking.

I might be able to squeeze it as long as I know the purpose at least......

"Oh, you know, Kanata...... so, but what can I do to un-part the junction......? Pomera, its, the magic of the junction is utter..."

"Perhaps there should be an item somewhere to aid in activation of the junction. There should be quite a few in the city, at regular intervals, so if you take the time, it's not hard to find...... If we can't find it, we'll just have to somehow get people to work hard within the conjuncture..."

"Oh, is it that full? How the hell would someone who used junction magic prepare for such a thing... even though there are guards..."

That's what makes me nervous, too.

If I had moved around this city and prepared myself for that, it would have been rumoured how I'd scratched my feet.

Bury it on the ground, there's no way it hasn't been a scene before.


There he is.

On walls and floors in the city, black robes who had carved magic ceremonies or embedded something like stone.

I thought it was part of the strengthening of the junction to keep demons away, imposed on the city, but it can't be anything other than an array.

"The black robe magicians here recently should have been working on floors and walls recently! Knock that thing off one end! Tell that to others, too!

"Ah, those magicians are the ones serving Lord Garland! If you do that, you'll be tied up, Mr. Canata! Besides, I'm sure no one will listen to Pomera say that!

Pomera hesitates.

But that's all I can think about.

There will also be fatalities if judgment is delayed.

Usually everyone may not listen to Pomera, but if it's after she's treated, she should listen.

"Sorry, I'm going now! I have an idea where the activator is lurking!

I'll expand the map again.

A lord, a Garland magician, was preparing for the kingdom.

The guards, too, clearly ignored it.

That being the case, it is clear that Garland is involved in this case.

If so, it's likely hidden in his hall.

Now that I think about it, I was probably collecting red arrangements for "The Human Demon Dragon" because I had an order from Garland.

It's all connected.

I ran to the Garland Hall.

Jump over the fence surrounding the mansion, kick through the door and push inside.

I would have thought it would suck if I had taken this off, but apparently my predictions had been met.

From the underground, I feel a bad sign.

Besides, the effect of the junction was strong enough for me to feel it on my skin.

It was not augmented with an auxiliary procedure, but is probably within the original scope of effect.

But something unexpected happened.

I thought the building was equipped with some kind of trick to interfere with the bonds.

Inside the room were several dried and blackened guards rolling.

Already, I've been sucked out of my life force to death.

There were also the remains of the black robes, the magicians of the lord.

"What's going on... These people are working with the initiators of the Order..."

As I searched around the mansion, I saw a hidden door that seemed to have been disguised as a wall, left half open.

Between them, the body of the guard is pinched.

In the back there was a staircase leading to the basement.

Perhaps… there must be an activator of the junction ahead.

I put my hands together on the body and then gently pulled his body away from the door and down the stairs to the basement.