Disciple of Immortal

Episode 45: Half Elves and Crossworldly Metastases (side: Pomera)

"Co, Lord Cotone, you're here!

Seeing Cotone come in through the door, Gannett ran to greet her first.

Cotone looks at the conference room and then returns his gaze to Gannett.

"It hasn't started yet."

"I was wondering if Lord Cotone would be here any minute, and you've been waiting for me for a while. Was there anything I could do for you?

"No, I just slept a little. Sorry I'm late."

"Was that so? Because I took time in a meeting late yesterday and called in early in the morning. I'm sorry about this one. Thank you for helping us make this mass move."

Gannett was smiling at Cotone without even showing the dust he was in a hurry earlier.

"... that guy, you're switching fast"

Pomera couldn't help but admire me.

Rosmond looked at Gannett and muttered, "You raccoon."

Cotone stopped on his way to his empty seat and turned his gaze toward Pomera.

Pomera looked at each other and let her jump her shoulder in horror.

As it is, Cotone changes his orbit and approaches Pomera.

"Duh, thank you... Um, Mr. Cotone. Uh, what can I do for you, Pomera?

"What about the man who was lying down yesterday?

Cotone was short and asked Pomera so.

"Hey, today, I have an errand to attend to... the..."

"... yes. Where did he come from?

"Yes, no, Pomera and Kanata had never talked much about that... er... Kanata didn't seem to want to talk much either..."

"Do you know the family name?

"Or is it something you can mouth on your own..."

Pomera said, Cotone's brow moved a little.

Cotone had a unique sense of intimidation.

"You won't mind that much. Something dark behind you?

"Well, Kanata said, Kambala... uh, what's wrong with that?

Cotone shook his head small.

Nothing. Nothing.

Without thanking him, Cotone moves on to his vacant seat.

"... Kanata Kambala, Kambala Kanata. After all, it doesn't look like the Yamato kingdom is out of Nihon."

Cotone shrugged so, distorting his mouth and laughing slightly.

But soon he returned to his original faceless expression.

Pomera had been frozen since Cotone called her, and she was finally able to lower her stiff shoulder after seeing her get to her seat.

"Hey, what was that..."

"Hum, I don't have the balls for a S-class adventurer to sleep with. What are you up to?"

Rosmond squeaks like throwing up.

"... are you a dangerous person?

"I've never heard of standing up and making any case. On the contrary, if any monster is lightly tailored, he is regarded as a hero in this city. I just don't know what you're thinking, he's a creep. I'm not just a woman who speaks to people with interest and greetings. It could be a pain in the ass."

Pomera looked softly at Cotone, but as she and I were about to meet each other, she looked softly behind her and deluded her gaze.

Gannett was starting to move from the door side of the conference room to the back.

Where Cotone came from, I guess it's time to start talking about what's going on today.

"Pomera! Philia, I'm going to try so hard!

Phyllia, sitting on Pomera's lap, sounded prestigious.

"Phi, Phyllia, please feel restrained..."

Pomera said, remembering furiously what Kanata was saying before she broke up.

This time we were talking about Kanata being responsible for deluding me when Phyllia revealed something.

"... that? But after all, since Kanata isn't here this time, Pomera has no choice but to mislead..."

He was speaking and felt his own blood draw away.

Last time, it was decided to summon the ancestral dragon on its own.

This time it's not something I've figured out what they're going to carry.

"This is probably everybody. Let me now give you an explanation of the information we have obtained during the night from Non and what is happening today."

Gannett, standing in the back of the conference room, declared so.

Pomera heard it and had a strange feeling.

"Oh, that...? Weird......?

Pomera looks around the meeting room in a hurry.

So I finally realized that no one was supposed to be here.

It is Alfred, a blonde A-level adventurer.

He was drunk by the air and nervous, completely out of his mind.

As for Alfred, Kanata also told me to be careful.

Alfred is obsessive and despicable.

I understood that very well in the duel.

So much so that he has deliberately made threats before the Adventurers' Conference.

If Alfred did, Pomera was convinced that he would poke a gap in mass mobility and always set something up.

I was rather anxious not to be here.

Now I can't read Alfred's behavior at all.

"What's the matter, half-elf little girl? Are you worried?

"Oh, you know, I don't see Alfred... I was at the Adventurers' Conference yesterday."

Rosmond heard Pomera's words and laughed with her nose.

"If you're that idiot, it'll be after you've escaped."


Pomera turned her eyes round.

"Yes, no, but the... maybe you say it doesn't..."

"After the Adventurers' Conference, he turned his face bright blue, grabbed his buddy's woman's arm, and rushed off. First of all, there is a mistake. I screamed," I'm not a good person to die in here. "He's got a lot of pride, that's not an act. He heard of the demon king, and feared not."


"He was like a self-evident man walking in clothes. It would be like that. I don't know about strength, but in that personality, I can only get in the way. I left and I was clean."

"... well, did... Thanks for letting me know."

Pomera returned it that way, feeling something uninterrupted.