Divine Brilliance

Chapter 1238 Order Rune

On the same stage, under the huge blood blade.Shaye also looked calm and calm, looking in the direction where the mad spirit exploded.

"The old man should be Longying, and he has started to fight. The nine kinds of true dragon swords are united in one's sense, which is really extraordinary! It is worthy of the reputation of the sword sage, the world of Weiling. Once you enter the border, you are born. Just a sword, it has destroyed a small thousand world! "

"This person is an old thief who accumulated years ago. My people don't know how many heroes died under this sword ten thousand years ago."

Yeran Wang Ranlong sneered. He didn't care much about the situation there.On the big side, although the five great lords joined forces, most of them achieved longevity soon.

The Dark World Magic Party, although only two emperors, has accumulated for thousands of years.Even if only one "Evening Night" sacred Lord can come to sit on the scene, it is enough to contain it.

Wei Xu wants to preside over the Cangsheng Sword Array, suppress the forbidden law of the Clashing World Platform, and the many Sacred Order strongmen who preside over the magic circle of the Night Demon Clan.In addition to Longying, at least two people need to join forces to compete with Emperor Kong Ye.Dagan can enter the realm of cutting the realm, at most only one and a half!

Therefore, the key to today's war is still in this beveling platform.

"I didn't expect that this emperor was close! As the head of a country, he went to the dangerous place in person. Should I say that he is brave or stupid?"

But I saw thousands of sword lights in the distance and suddenly, from the distant rushing to the sky, surrounded by blood mist.

A few soft whispers also suddenly sounded through the void.

"The heavens and the earth are extinct, all the methods are below!"

"Flinging sword array, chaos is on!"

At that night, Wang Ranlong's face suddenly turned green, and he was suppressed by chaos and determination, and his strength was firmly suppressed from the Holy Order.

At this time, the power of the sword array in the distance raised the rank of disorderly and decisive determination infinitely, and slammed it on many root avenues.

So that his cultivation fell again, he could no longer control the power of heaven and earth as he pleased.Even the inner world cannot be maintained.

"The Heavenly Jedi destroys the floating spirit sword array, is the Sword Sect of the Cloud Realm! When my dark world conquered the Cloud Realm 17,000 years ago, the Cloud Realm was nothing more than a Daomen, only a demon."

Although the dragon's expression was depressed, it was somewhat disdainful: "If it were not the despicable Shura tribe, today none of these clowns would jump out of here.

The words said so, but at this time the whole beveling platform was crumbling.The prohibition laws around them are all changed in disorder due to the strength of the copper men of the twelve towns.

Sitting in the dozen or so holy orders near this cutting boundary.Xiu Wei was also forced to the next level and became even worse.

However, the dragon's heart stood still and did not feel panic.Chaye smiled with a chuckle: "The Shura Night Demon has been entangled with grievances for hundreds of thousands of years. Isn't the Shura tribe intervening to establish a covenant with the cloud realm? Isn't it a matter of expectation? The swordsman has more than an owl emperor. Since his birth, he has been invincible, and he is more confident in himself. In this battle, it is natural to be unwilling. But would n’t it be better? Solve this here today, my night demon All obstacles that come back to the cloud world can be eliminated. Otherwise, there will still be a lot of troubles in the future. "

"But it is said that this is the son of the Holy Emperor who is now burning, the only pure blood under the Lu family to the realm, now the prince?"

"So what? If you can't get that open treasure, why should you be afraid of the Lu family? If you can't get it, your dark world will temporarily shrink your patience and endure. The Lu family can't help it anymore. , How much spare power is there to seek revenge from my family? "

Between the two speaking, Zong Shou, not far away, already took advantage of this opportunity to easily set foot on the cutting platform.A faint look came and stared at him.

A moment later, there was a smile that night, and first nodded a salute: "The second prince of the magic world of the dark world, has seen the emperor Daqian, and burned the air to save the king! This beheading scaffold is ready for the king, I wonder if it can begin?

At the moment of speaking, a purple-golden fu suddenly rose into the sky.Thousands of brilliance exploded, shining everywhere.

It is also a dazzling golden light, which corresponds to the golden brilliance of the bronze men of the twelve towns, and the two cancel each other out.

Zong Shou also felt this void in the first place, and many of the forces of the law that were influenced by the twelve bronze nations had returned to normal.

In front of them, the two men's auras also changed rapidly.Only because of the perimeter, the blessing of the floating spirit sword array, was still suppressed by half a rank.

"A law of order?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, whispering in his mouth.

On that night, there was a very comfortable smile: "It is a rune of order! The emperor of the Qin Dynasty ten thousand years ago unified the cloud world and chased aliens. After that, our people were looking for strategies to restrain the bronze people in these twelve towns. . Thousands of years later, there was little gain. From the hands of a hidden saint, three runes of order were obtained. Although it cannot be completely resolved, it is no longer capable of returning. "

Another said: "Your Majesty has the hands of these twelve bronze men, and fighting with people is almost unfavorable. But for us, it is a bit unfair. Only in this way can a truly fair fight!"

Zong Shou only narrowed his eyes, no half-colored.What kind of means the Night Demon Clan can have, he has also detected almost the same in these tens of days. Even if Lu Wubing cannot do it alone, the Asura Clan will remind him.

How could these three runes of order not know?

However, the bronze men of the twelve towns are not only a confusion, but also equal to the twelve strongmen of the holy order!

Half a year ago, he first took charge of the bronze man in the town and could not manipulate it freely, so he was clumsy and could only suppress it with chaos and determination, and used it as a formation.However, the current situation is completely different from when Yin Yu was killed.

In half a year, with the book of Zhou accelerated for almost six years, even if most of his energy was spent on the Six Gods Royal Sword Decision, it would be enough to make him aware of every inch of the bronze man in the town.

With a thought, the twelve bronze men punched at the same time.Almost exactly the same, booming in the position of his conscious guidance.

However, under the pressure of the inside and outside, the ban on the periphery of the Beheading Platform finally collapsed!

Cang Jianjian, guided by the refining sword, suddenly became unobstructed and instantly turned into a rainbow.Wrapped around the screaming heaven and earth will continue to cut towards that huge blood blade.

The Clashing Platform is a thing that Heavenly Path cannot tolerate. It is made up of thousands of people and is incomparable.

At this time, the prestige of the earth and the earth came from the Cangsheng sword formation.However, when approaching, the power of Dao has been out of the control of the sword array.

Convergence of electricity and light, invisible lines went into a thunder dragon like a catastrophe, and rushed towards the huge blood blade.

At this time, it was Ran Long, who was also flustered, and then relaxed his breath: "Thanks to my brother, there is foresight. I have never expected this beveling platform to be truly completed."