Divine Throne of Primordial Blood

Chapter 554 Soul Soldier

At night, the convoy stopped in the wild as usual.

In the stone house, Su Shen has started his own experiment, Nightmare wants to continue sleeping, but Su Shen kicked him out. He has important work to do today, and he cannot tolerate the harassment of Nightmare.

Today's experiment is different, and Su Shen took out the tablet.

Patrick's face was a little nervous: "Are you sure you can do this? ”

“I suppose so.” Su Shen replied: “It's not an experiment, it's just a small improvement. ”

“But this little improvement is about my life, and if you fail, I'm screwed!” Pat Rock is excited.

Su Shen shrugged: “To be honest, this is not an unacceptable loss. ”

Pat Locke sat down with his face: "Come on, I've been with you for years, I haven't pitted you, I haven't had any credit, I've had a hard time. ”

“Am I hurting you now?” Su Shen asked back: "If you don't like it, don't do it. ”

“... you know I didn't mean that, I just wanted a safer assurance.” Patrick talked, "Let's start with an experiment with another soul. ”

“It's impossible.” Su Shenhuang: “I will not kill for you, and this kind of experiment requires the active cooperation of the other party, I cannot find a grievance spirit to experiment with. Of course, if you are willing to wait a while...”

“Forget it.” Pat Locke shook his head: “I've had enough of staying on this tablet and not going anywhere. I yearn for freedom, and I am willing to take some risks for it. I don't want to wait any longer. ”

When he heard that, Su Shen chuckled: "Don't worry, you'll be fine. ”

He started making drugs.

One system is more than a dozen bottles.

After preparing the medicine, Su Shen carefully removed the beheading knife.

He sprayed the medicine evenly on the knife body, one layer after another.

With each layer applied, Su Shen engraved the knife with a forbidden source, just as he had originally manufactured the source power conductor.

It was a fairly slow and lengthy process until after five layers of continuous application, four layers of forbidden source were engraved to complete the process.

If you look at it at this time, you will find that the decapitation knife begins to flash a leisurely blue light, with a different light, which is somewhat similar to that slab.

Next, Su Shen picked up a bottle of dark black medicine and poured it onto the psychic tablet.

The medicine gradually spread all over the tablet along the source line on the tablet, accompanied by Patrick's nervous cry: "It hurts, it hurts, it hasn't felt painful for a long time. No mistake, this is a real soul coagulant, you are absolutely right! ”

“It was Kabious's idea, I just realized what he couldn't do... he wasn't good at pharmacology.” Su Shen replied softly.

Patroloc's otherwise smoky body is solidifying, becoming more and more like a real person, but much smaller in shape.

When the last bit of medicine fell on the slab, a white smoke burst out.

Pat Locke reached out and pressed on Susin's hand.

“I touched it! I can touch things!” He was excited.

“Congratulations, but this is just the beginning. Now I'm gonna move you off the tablet.” Su Shen said, raising his hand slowly. Pat Locke stood in Su Shen's hand and left the psychic tablet like this.

Once the soul has materialized, Pat Rock no longer needs a psychic tablet.

In a way, he's a spiritual now.

This is the greatest invention of the spiritual race, and Kabios has always sought to transform others into spiritual communities.

But he didn't make it.

In the cache of Château Silena, Cabios leaves his initial vision of the radiation program, but needs to be based on a rich pharmacological background. Kabios' pharmacology was average, so he didn't finish the plan, but when his research fell into Su's eyes, he found himself only a sheet of paper away from Kabios' plan.

He easily pierced the window paper and fulfilled Kabios' dream.

Of course, this does not mean that he has fulfilled the great idea of transforming the spiritual family, the real agent of soul condensation can only allow the soul to condense for a while, and after time it will still dissipate.

But enough is enough for Su Shen.

Next, Su Shen brings Pat Locke's physical soul to the knife: "Now this is your new home. ”

Pat Locke flied down to the Knife, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Then Su Shen saw the beheading knife handle produce a pair of eyes suddenly, blink at him, and then create a pair of transparent wings out of the sky.

So the knife flew up automatically.

There was a mouth under the eye of the knife handle, and Patrick's voice came out: "You did it, I have a body. Haha, a knife as my body, that's a really interesting idea, an interesting idea. ”

“Inspired by the spirits of the dead. ”

Soul solidification is merely a means of transferring Pat Rock's soul, and the real purpose is to transfer Pat Rock to the Knife.

Knives have been engraved with a lot of source bans, combined with drugs, creating an environment like a psychic tablet, no, even better. Patroloc can better fit into the Knife and master it. From now on, he's the knife, the knife is him.

Su Shen said: "Now try the actual battle. ”

He said that a punch had been fired at the machete, and the claws of the blaze had been blown out, gathering the forces of terror to destroy everything.

The knife was no longer manipulated to fly off on its own. Su Shen's fist was actually cut in half. The knife brushed off and pointed straight at Su Shen's neck.

Su Shen bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, hit the knife on the body, beat it hard open, the knife circled in the air, had flown back since, but it didn't care, a pair of transparent wings looked rather weird, so it hovered in the air.

“Is it stronger and more resilient than it was? No, the most important thing is to have the wisdom to know how to avoid it... well, it seems to work.” Su Shen chuckled.

“It's a great invention!” Pat Rock growls: “You did it. You gave the Dead Spirit! It frees the soul from the limits of the Psychic Stone Board, makes everything bearable and gives the weapon the ability to attack itself. If this gets out, it's gonna blow up! ”

Speaking of which, Pat Locke suddenly lagged behind: "I thought you weren't going to sell this, too? ”

Su Shenzhen replied: “My billions have not yet been spent. I am not worried about the money for now. ”

Patrick, that's a relief: “I told you, people should think more of themselves, don't sell anything. ”

“But it will always sell in the future, and one day it will become a common tool for all to learn. ”

“... I knew this would happen.” Pat Rock mumbles. Thinking about it, he asked, "What kind of name are you going to name this? I said, from now on, this knife is no longer a regular source, and it should have a better and more dramatic name. ”

Su Shen lowered his head and thought, "Now that the weapon has a soul, call it the Soul Soldier. ”

“Good! From today onwards, the first spiritual soldier from the wilderness is born. From now on, I will be the master of the spiritual soldiers!” Pat Locke exclaimed excitedly.