The first time I met a girl named Samizina was when I took her hostage and lured Jack out.

At that time I was dressed as a man to hide my identity and to infiltrate the female forbidden Dimkuld - but I thought intuitively, during a little talk with her.

This child resembles me.

Next circumference across the time leap.

When I fought her in the woods at night, she made me feel like I was looking in the mirror.

I have lived empty-handed.

Samizina, too, has lived empty.

If there's one thing that's different between me and her...

I grew up empty.

Samizina meant she found something to bury herself at a young age.

'There's no point in anything like right or wrong!!

Her sad cry resonated loudly with Kuwa-kun in the cavity in me.

'That must be "XX"......!! I couldn't tell you, but I know!!

Yes, she knows.

Just one point. Because of the difference, she found out.

... how did I answer then?

How did I answer that which should not be worthy of answering?

Yes, I'm sure...

- 'Cause it's easiest to think so, isn't it?

Oh, my God.

Unusual, the answer.

Why, did you answer that way?

How did such an answer come up?

I didn't know.

I didn't know then.