Miss Gu seemed to be working hard for her own happiness, and Young Master Luan Fengluan was not idle.

Yesterday, he was disturbed by someone's voice at Weiming Lake. Later, after thinking about it, he also doubted whether that person was Chen Liang.

Not only is the sound similar, the key is that not many people know that he bought the two colored diamonds, and Chen Liang happens to be one of them.

Is it really lingering?

The more he thought about it, the more Luan Feng felt that Chen Liang's suspicion was the most. After all, that tone was the most suitable for Chen Liang.

He didn't know what Chen Liang was doing in Kyoto, and he didn't want to investigate. After all, his purpose of going north this time was pure, just for Gu Yanzhi.

However, King He Xiang has a dream goddess and is unintentional. Gu Yanzhi's attitude towards him is really too cold, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as bad.

He knew very well that if there was no sudden voice yesterday, Gu Yanzhi would basically not be able to agree to him.

of course.

Luan Feng was not discouraged about this, and even prepared.

Since the moment he chose to pursue Gu Yanzhi, he has already done a good job of psychological construction for a protracted battle.

As the saying goes, a good girl is afraid of her husband, not to mention he has strong support.

Chang'an Avenue.

The famous Kyoto club.

Luan Feng is having dinner with a man.

The other party should be a little older than him. He wears an extraordinary high-end casual wear that does not see the brand but is known from the texture. He looks handsome, reveals a wealth of luxury, and gives people a three-point lazy and cynical .

People who often hang around in Kyoto know that people like this are generally the dandy who grew up under the roots of the imperial city.

Long Guo has a saying.

Don't say that you have a lot of money in the East China Sea, don't say that you are an official in Kyoto.

Even if Luan Fenggui is the "Emperor of Shanghai," he didn't dare to be arrogant when he came to Kyoto. Even now, when sitting opposite the young man, he seemed a little restrained.

"Brother Le, why do you hate me so much? What should I do now?"

The young man's name was Nie Le, a famous big palace in Kyoto.

At the same time, he is also Gu Yanzhi's brother.

That's right.

My brother.

The reason why it is not a surname is just because one follows the father's surname and the other follows the mother's surname.

Anyway, the Han surname is just a cover-up, it doesn’t matter if it needs form.

"Look at what you said, your boy is handsome, a little worse than me, how could she hate you?"

Worthy of being brothers and sisters, Nie Le and his sister Gu Yanzhi have similar personalities six to seven points, at least the tone of these words is similar.

"She just hates the restraint of being arranged."

While talking, there happened to be a sister passing by.

The girl who can enter the Chang'an Club can imagine how high the quality is, the figure is long and the legs are long, and the model level is properly carried out, and the sound of high heels hits the ground as if stepping on people's hearts.

Nie Le's gaze immediately shifted away, but it was not trivial, just as if he was appreciating a beautiful thing.

Luan Feng smiled bitterly, seemingly accustomed to this.

"Brother Le, she hates this sense of restraint, doesn't she just hate me? I ran to Peking University yesterday to confess to her in public, but she refused without hesitation. In front of so many people, she didn't have any face. Leave it to me, Brother Le, don't you know how embarrassed I was then."

That beauty has already gone far. Nie Le retracted his gaze with unsatisfactory talent, glanced at the frustrated Luan Feng, and smiled: "What kind of personality is she, don't you know? She is most disgusted with other people's tricks. You plan to use the masses. The strength forced her to compromise. If she would agree to you, it would not be my sister."

"You kid, you're still younger."

"Brother Le, can you give me a weapon?"

Luan Feng immediately assumed a humble attitude to ask for advice.

How to ask someone else’s brother for help how to get someone’s sister? I am afraid that most people really can’t do this, because it might provoke other people’s brothers to fist, but Nie Le showed no signs of anger, staring at the “many of wealth”. Luan Feng's eyes flickered.

"I heard that the blue diamond you took out yesterday is worth several hundred million?"

Luan Feng nodded, his brows twitched subconsciously.

Thinking of this, he felt pain and anger, but in front of Nie Le, he did not show it.

"Two billion, what's wrong, Brother Le?"

Hearing the numbers, Nie Le couldn't help cursing in secret.

What a wicked capitalist!

Although he broke the bull, he really couldn't do it for two hundred million to buy a broken stone.

Seeing that Nie Le asked and stopped talking, Luan Feng pondered for a while, and quickly reacted, and said wittily, "Brother Le, I also bought a pink diamond at the auction, which is also very beautiful. I don’t have a place to send it either, or just give it to Brother Le."

Really ruinable.

Nie Le smiled, "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, it's a waste to stay with me anyway."

After Luan Feng's many persuasion, Nie Le accepted the other party's kindness'reluctantly'.

"Xiaofeng, don't worry, there is me for you to talk about it. I have more experience with women than you."

As the master of Kyoto, he would naturally not be ashamed of taking things for nothing. Nie Le immediately expressed his position, which undoubtedly gave Luan Feng a reassurance.

"Then thank you Brother Le."

As he said, Luan Feng frowned again.

"Brother Le, one more thing."

"what's up?"

"Brother Le, do you remember that guy named Chen Liang?"

Nie Le thought for a while, and then said: "Is that the guy who posted on the Moments last time, the chairman of DG Entertainment?"

Luan Feng nodded.

"Yes, it's him!"

"Brother Le, he seems to have come to Kyoto too."

Nie Le was a little surprised, and then smiled: "Look at what you look like now, can you be a little confident? Isn't you just a rival? What's afraid of? My sister's least favorite is a cowardly man, showing a bit of a manly spirit. Come."

Luan Feng smiled bitterly.

"Brother Le, I am not afraid of him. The point is that he seems to have a good impression of him. This is what I am worried about."

After a pause, he said something meaningful.

"In terms of personality, everything can be done. If she does something irrational in order to force me to give up, then..."

Nie Le understood what he meant, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes, and the cynicism disappeared suddenly, replaced by a daunting prestige.

"It's true that sometimes you do things without considering the consequences, but it doesn't mean that others will be like her."

He said slowly: "That Chen Liang was so young that he fought off Duan's family and Zhu Guorui, indicating that he is a smart man. I believe he will not mess around."

Luan Feng nodded.

"But I really should have a good talk with that girl."