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Chapter 447 - Turning the Tables Against the Wind

Valentino Headquarters.

Gowan rushed in.

Hans Delbrueck was waiting for her specifically.

"Mr. Hans, what's going on?"

She hadn't forgotten, but Chen Ying had already sent out a microblog to make it known to the world, and if she ended up being replaced, it would be humiliating.

"Last night, the company held an impromptu meeting, the topic of discussion was to enter the Dragon Market, the choice of spokesperson was also among the topics, and although Chen Ying has the support of VP Robert, there were many who expressed their opposition."

After hearing that, Gao Wen felt even more confused.

"If there were objections, why didn't you bring it up before?"

This was actually something that Hans Delbrueck also found strange.

The Dragon Kingdom's image spokesperson seemed like a big deal to the outside world, but to Valentino's inner circle, it was actually insignificant.

As long as the person chosen was famous, not too tainted, and met these criteria, it didn't really make much difference who exactly it was.

As a group vice president, the others would not ruin their relationship with Robert Lindstedt over this small matter.

The company's main business is the development of its own business, and the company's business has been in the process of developing its own business.

It's a bit weird indeed.

"People's thoughts are always unpredictable, but anyway, Chen Ying's endorsement is a bit up in the air this time, Wen, come with me."

Hans Delbrueck brought Gao Wen to a conference room.

There were quite a few people sitting inside.

Robert Lindstedt, who was last seen, was there.

And judging by the seats, he was not the highest ranking person here.

But that was normal.

Usually in a company the size of Valentino, there could be as many as a dozen vice presidents.

As the established spokesperson, Chen Ying naturally sat here as well.

But at this time, she was not as high and mighty as before, and her appearance was ugly, one could even say somewhat gloomy.

Especially after seeing Gao Wen follow Hans Delbruck into the room, her face was even colder by three points.

"This is Miss Gowen."

Hans Delbruck briefly introduced.

As one of the alternative lists, these big shots had definitely seen Gao Wen's profile, so there was no need for too much nonsense.

Gao Wen nodded and smiled at everyone in a reserved and polite manner, ignoring Chen Ying's sharp eyes, and sat down on the empty seat with Hans Delbrueck.

"And now Miss Gowan has arrived. Based on your discussions, Miss Gao Wen and Miss Chen Ying are our only two best candidates, Hans, you are the head of Asia, who do you think Miss Gao Wen and Miss Chen Ying are more compatible with our Valentino's temperament?"

One man opened his mouth.

The temperament was no less than that of Robert Lindstedt.

The meaning of the moment, it seemed that Chen Ying, who was originally a nine out of ten, and Gao Wen had come to the same starting line.

Chen Ying's eyes trembled more than a little, staring at Gao Wen dead on.

But Gao Wen wasn't even looking at her.

"I think that Miss Gao Wen's image and temperament is more in line with our Valentino's requirements, and if we can work with Miss Gao Wen, I believe we can turn around the brand's public perception in the Dragon Kingdom and break the inherent prejudice against our group in the Dragon Kingdom proper."

Hans Delbrueck opened his mouth in a serious manner, his position very clear.

Chen Ying's face was tense, and the hands under the table couldn't help but squeeze tightly, veins bulging on the backs of her hands.

"I think that in terms of popularity, Miss Chen Ying is still slightly ahead of Miss Gowen, according to the analysis and conclusion of the Dragon Country's professional data company, Miss Chen Ying is still ahead of Miss Gowen in terms of the popularity index."

Robert Lindstedt unsurprisingly took Chen Ying's side, even though he had shown a certain degree of interest in Gao Wen when we met, as an upper class person, he couldn't do something disgraceful like loving cleanliness and disowning her.

"Pop index?"

"This stuff is the most unreliable, the data can be fudged and if I didn't like you and cursed at you on the internet, it could be counted in the so-called popularity index and be a piece of wood underneath your raging fire."

One man spread his hands, "But does that make you popular? It only means that you are hated."

Robert Lindstedt frowned slightly and did not speak again.

Even though she heard the insinuation, but Chen Ying dared not speak out.

She was a big star and a big star in China, but here, she was nothing.

"Then how about this, let Miss Gao Wen and Miss Chen Ying each expound on their thoughts."

One person interjected, easing the atmosphere a bit.

Although she was in an agitated mood, Chen Ying was still able to prioritize, and very domineeringly preempted her to speak, eloquently expounding on her strengths.

She spoke for five or six minutes by herself.

Her skills in impromptu speech were really admirable.

In comparison, Gao Wen's self-nomination was much more down-to-earth, and if she were to compare her eloquence, she would definitely lose.

"What do you all think?"

The crowd began to intermingle and whisper.


The door to the conference room was pushed open.

An unexpected person walked in.

Valentino Galavati.

The founder of this fashion empire.

Even though he had retired, everyone still stood up in unison.

Including Chen Ying and Gao Wen.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard that you were discussing your entry into the Dragon Market, so I came to take a look."

Declining the offer to sit at the upper table, Valentino Galavati looked around the circle and his eyes finally fell on Gowen.

"You are Miss Gowan, aren't you?"

Gowan was stunned and quite flattered.

"Hello, Mr. Valentino."

"I've met many oriental women, but you are one of the most outstanding of them, Miss Gowan, you are simply the Venus of the East."

It was no longer a compliment, but a grand compliment.

And you have to know from whose mouth this came.

The big names in the fashion industry present looked at each other, all looking odd.

Hans Delbrück, however, was delighted.

With the old man's words, I'm afraid this spokesperson's position would be none other than Gao Wen.

Within the group, who dared to question the old master's vision?

"A long time ago, I went to the East, and the beauty there brought me great inspiration, and this time, I hope you can help us and pass on the beauty of Valentino."

Valentino Galavati's subsequent words were even more direct, almost already seeing Gao Wen as a spokesperson.

Compared to the startled Gowan, Chen Ying instantly looked ashen and unusually confused.

She knew very well that within Valentino, no one dared to go against the old master's decision, including Robert Lindstedt who she had struggled to hook up with at great cost.

She just didn't understand.

Why did this last revered king of the fashion industry appreciate Gowan so much?

This Gao.

What virtue is that?