Tiannani Avenue 48.

Alone, Chen Liang stood in front of the closed iron door and wrapped his trench coat.

He didn't come and go like that night, he took two steps forward and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, the tall iron door was pulled open, and a woman who looked like a maid peeked out from the gap.

"Sir, may I ask who you are looking for?"

"I have an appointment with Miss Melissa."

Chen Liang smiled, gentlemanly and polite.

"Please wait a moment."

The maid quickly turned around and must have gone to report.

Although the iron door opened a gap at this time, but Chen Liang did not take advantage of the situation to enter, honestly standing in place, quietly waiting.

You know, in the West, without permission to break into someone's house, the owner of the house can simply choose to kill.

A few minutes later, the maid from earlier reappeared, pulled the door open and respectfully said, "Sir, please follow me."

Chen Liang nodded and smiled, following the maid into the manor.

The neatly manicured lawn was almost half the size of a soccer field, and the Victorian Gothic-style manor was grand and spectacular, just like a castle.

It was hard to imagine that it would actually be a private residence.

"It's not polite to visit someone at mealtime."

In the dining room, Melissa was eating, alone, and the meal was simple.

Westerners are not too particular about food, and even richer people don't engage in the full banquet set, and of course, the bottle of caviar on the table is not cheap.

Even when she found Chen Liang coming in, Melissa still took her knife and fork and concentrated on the food, without turning her head.

"Sorry, it's just that we generally eat earlier at noon in the East. Miss Melissa, you continue to eat, I can wait."

Chen Liang said thoughtfully.

Melissa really left him hanging like this, and didn't ask the servants to prepare a chair for Chen Liang to sit.

Chen Liang also did not mind, look like Melissa such a superb beauty dining, it is also a blessing that people can not ask for.

As long as you know how to change your mindset, people will become much happier.

More than ten minutes later, Melissa put down her knife and fork, picked up a napkin, and elegantly wiped her mouth.

"How do you know I live here? You investigated me?"

Although Chen Liang did investigate, the information he investigated did not include this aspect.

The reason why he knew Melissa was here was entirely deduced by guessing from his previous sign-in.

He had signed in here and obtained the assets of the Ward family, so it must be logical that there was a connection between this place and the Ward family.

Of course, the reason for this, he naturally can't say to Melissa explicitly.

"Miss Melissa, although this manor belongs to the Ward family you have not made a sound, but it is not completely confidential, talk about the investigation, inquire and you will know."


The corner of Melissa's mouth rose slightly, finally turning her head.

"It seems that you have more than just enemies in New York, you still have some contacts."

Chen Liang made a modest face.

"Miss Melissa overpraised me."

"I wonder what you came to see me today for?"

Melissa asked coldly.

Chen Liang didn't say anything, reached into his pocket and pulled out a bank card from his trench coat pocket, then took a few steps forward and placed it on the dining table.

"What do you mean?"

Staring at the bank card, Melissa narrowed her eyes.

"There's a million dollars on this card, which is considered my friend's medical expenses."

Melissa smiled, seemingly positive and negative.

"Chen, you are really generous."

Chen Liang did not change his face, shamelessly, "Of course, the most precious thing is that through this calamity, I have established a deep friendship with Miss Melissa."

Melissa gazed at him and did not speak again, as if she did not anticipate that a person's cheek could be so thick.

"Chen, if you really think I'm a friend, you should hand back what belongs to me, not impose."

"Miss Melissa, I can't agree with you on that. I didn't take anything from you, everything I got, I deserved it. Moreover, Miss Melissa, you should also be clear that my willingness to negotiate with you is already a manifestation of friendship, and I have been optimistic about the prospects of the Ward family from the beginning to the end."

Although the words were said svelte and beautiful, but Chen Liang's meaning was also revealed very clearly.

The subtext is undoubtedly to say: I am willing to talk, is already to give you face, these assets remain in the hands, the future custody will also increase in value. I am willing to sell, already really do a loss-making business.

Melissa annoyed, but also can not argue.

She is not clear, the other side of the so-called deserved in the end what is the meaning, blame can only blame her father, nothing to explain clearly left a ridiculous will after the hasty death.

"But the price you offer, I simply can not accept."

Melissa clenched her hand unconsciously, feeling suffocated for the first time.

Chen Liang, who had not even been treated to a chair to sit in by now, smiled.

"Miss Melissa, you are also a businessman, you should be clear that it is not the seller's fault but the buyer's fault to feel that an item is sold at an expensive price."

This was a bit of a heartbreaking statement.

Mocking the Ward family princess for being poor to her face?

The first time to suffer this kind of treatment Melissa a little dazed, a little confused, that dull look, really have a few cute.

The princess is a beautiful woman, but ......

Chen Liang secretly shook his head and sighed.

"Miss Melissa, then I'll leave first."

After speaking, without waiting for Melissa's reaction, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Shortly after Chen Liang left, an old man with white hair and a tuxedo but meticulously organized walked into the restaurant.

"Miss, is he the Oriental?"

Melissa nodded, for the first time being mocked, and being mocked poor, she was surprisingly not angry, on the contrary, she actually felt funny.

"He came to see Miss is ......"

Melissa's eyes moved down and landed on the bank card lying on the dining table.

"Came to pay me."

Came all the way here to find himself, feeling that he had received a bill and had broken his face, so he had deliberately come to get it back?

"What an interesting person."

Melissa laughed.

"Why would father make a will like that, do you really not know anything about it?"

The old butler who had served George Ward for most of his life shook his head.

"Miss, His Lordship really never told me."

"What about that Oriental man just now? You've never seen that either?"

The old butler shook his head again.

"All right."

Melissa looked up and looked at the direction Chen Liang left.

"My dear father has really left me with a big problem."

"Perhaps this is a test set by the lord for the young lady, too."

"Let's hope so."

Melissa sighed softly, and suddenly, she didn't know what came to her mind and her face changed.

"Miss, what's wrong?"

The old butler looked suspicious.


Melissa, who was known for her elegance and nobility, burst out a rare foul mouth and gritted her teeth.

"This guy didn't give me the password to my bank card!"